I have purposefully stayed off our message so I do not have any knee-jerk and only emotional reactions to any posts from my fellow knowledgeable posters. However, I sincerely want to thank all who extended their well-wishes to this "sick old man" as I was referred to by "one young clueless poster" (You did not think that I was going to let that stupid comment go without a response, did you?) LOL?!?
Now, my thoughts and quick, honest comments, just for discussion purposes. For obvious reasons, e.g. the way this season turned out, etc. I would think some posters have a real problem, and are torn between two thoughts, do they root for our team to do well next year, the year after, etc. , and do I dare to say it, make the NCAA's or, do they hope our team does not do well (hard to do for any Pirate fan to admit). I will simply leave all with the following; either scenario does not guarantee anything.
Now, my thoughts and quick, honest comments, just for discussion purposes. For obvious reasons, e.g. the way this season turned out, etc. I would think some posters have a real problem, and are torn between two thoughts, do they root for our team to do well next year, the year after, etc. , and do I dare to say it, make the NCAA's or, do they hope our team does not do well (hard to do for any Pirate fan to admit). I will simply leave all with the following; either scenario does not guarantee anything.