Big Study

They will need it with the inflation clueless Joe has brought on LOL.
Please, there is plenty of blame to be thrown at both administrations and the Federal Reserve for this mess we're in. Trump had to have the biggest, the best stimulus packages to be loved and reelected. Then Joe, ever the democrat, said hold my beer.

We went through a global pandemic with unprecedented shutdowns. Do you know what the S&P 500 returned over 2020 and 2021, across 2 administrations?


Let that sink in. That's Trump, that's Biden, that's this ridiculous desire to limit our recession at the end of a 13 year bull market to a 2-month period. 2 month recession, really?

S&P 500 grew 95% through end of 2021 off the March 2020 low.

Joe is not blameless, but the damage was done in 2020 between lockdowns and overstepping to support the economy that just overheated it to a point of nuclear meltdown. Inflation was inevitable due to the action of the Trump administration and Fed and then the inaction of Biden and the Fed to unwind it faster. You can thank all involved, they all suck.

But who's complaining? Certainly not those in the market.
So wth your great economic perspective do you think another 5 trillion in BBB will cure inflation as clueless Joe has stated.
By the way have you checked the market in the last week not looking so great.
No, I don’t think a blanket spending bill with no thought of funding it is a good idea. Yes, I’m aware of the recent markets.

Listen, I respect your service but you don’t have to be a dick. Just because I’m not a Trump fanboy doesn’t mean I like Biden.

But if you’re such a great economist, why not dispute what I said rather than insulting my “great economic perspective”. You’ve brought nothing to rebut my thoughts and feel like you nailed it. Don’t go to a gunfight with just your nuts in your hand.
Please, there is plenty of blame to be thrown at both administrations and the Federal Reserve for this mess we're in. Trump had to have the biggest, the best stimulus packages to be loved and reelected. Then Joe, ever the democrat, said hold my beer.
It goes back way further than that to Obama’s and Bush’s prolific deficit spending as well.

But nobody cares when it’s their guys doing it.
It goes back way further than that to Obama’s and Bush’s prolific deficit spending as well.

But nobody cares when it’s their guys doing it.
Exactly. Hence, they all suck!

Gone are the days of any fiscal responsibility. When’s the last time we were balanced much less running at a surplus?

It’s spend spend spend to get votes, don’t think about impact.

Push back full retirement age, but don’t do anything to fix the egregious buildup of the number of politicians on lifetime pensions (not our biggest issue but it irks me). But by all means, let the private sector fund their retirements through defined contribution plans while public keeps building defined benefit.

Politicians are slow to act on everything. Public sectors should follow private and make employees contribute to their retirement, not collect pensions after one term. Medicare age should be pushed back to 67 to match full retirement. People are living longer, need to work longer, need to make changes or there will be nothing there for future generations.

Interest rates need to rise, economy should be cooled, other asset buying programs need to be unwound.

O Dowd references markets the last week (uh, very astute (sarcasm alert) but a bit myopic). Don’t look at last week, look at last decade+. Pullback is warranted. Maybe not the lows of March 2020 but didn’t need to see a 20%+ return in 2020 either.

And yes, I know that’s a little misleading as the S&P is skewed to mega tech, but the unnecessarily extended bull run hit small cap as well, showing growth across lesser publicized indexes.
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My point was sure others are to blame also but Joe is really trying to up the money supply geometrically and that will lead to bad times.Incidentally I did vote for Trump ,but don’t want him to run again so I don’t consider myself one of his fan Boys.A guy like Christie or DeSantis would be a much better nominee .I also think DEMS should find someway not to have Biden as nominee in 2024.Markets benefited from cheap money and since Fed is late to recognize this a soft landing will be difficult.I will take back the economic perspective comment that was uncalled for.I have no financial concerns and for that I am thankful.Unfortunately a lot of retirees will be hurt by another 7% inflation year in 2022 which is a real possibility.
Exactly. Hence, they all suck!

Gone are the days of any fiscal responsibility. When’s the last time we were balanced much less running at a surplus?

20%+ return in 2020 either.

And yes, I know that’s a little misleading as the S&P is skewed to mega tech, but the unnecessarily extended bull run hit small cap as well, showing growth across lesser publicized indexes.
1998-2001 Bill Clinton ran surplus budgets.
My point was sure others are to blame also but Joe is really trying to up the money supply geometrically and that will lead to bad times.Incidentally I did vote for Trump ,but don’t want him to run again so I don’t consider myself one of his fan Boys.A guy like Christie or DeSantis would be a much better nominee .I also think DEMS should find someway not to have Biden as nominee in 2024.Markets benefited from cheap money and since Fed is late to recognize this a soft landing will be difficult.I will take back the economic perspective comment that was uncalled for.I have no financial concerns and for that I am thankful.Unfortunately a lot of retirees will be hurt by another 7% inflation year in 2022 which is a real possibility.

And I don’t want to hear the names Biden or Trump in 2 years. I work with a 79-year-old gentleman every day. He’s sharp as they come, but by no means would he be fit to work the 24/7/365 job that is the POTUS.

We have to do better. From an elected official standpoint. From a fiscal policy standpoint. From monetary policy standpoint. It’s scary how bad things have become.

And I don’t want to hear the names Biden or Trump in 2 years. I work with a 79-year-old gentleman every day. He’s sharp as they come, but by no means would he be fit to work the 24/7/365 job that is the POTUS.

We have to do better. From an elected official standpoint. From a fiscal policy standpoint. From monetary policy standpoint. It’s scary how bad things have become.
Well get ready to be disappointed. Trump will be the Republican nominee and no one will stop him. As far as Biden goes, if the Dems have a good alternative, Biden is not going to run. If there is no other alternative, look to Biden to run with a new VP.

Who from the Dems? Manchin, Mayor Pete, Klobuchar?
Well get ready to be disappointed. Trump will be the Republican nominee and no one will stop him. As far as Biden goes, if the Dems have a good alternative, Biden is not going to run. If there is no other alternative, look to Biden to run with a new VP.

Who from the Dems? Manchin, Mayor Pete, Klobuchar?
Manchin is the only qualified adult in that group and you're dealing with the age issue again. Pretty thin bench.
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Despite what he says publicly, I'd be surprised if Biden runs again.
Despite what he says publicly, I'd be surprised if Biden runs again.
There is no way he's going to run again. Just look at him after one year. Does anyone think his faculties are going to get better in the next three years, or even stay the same?
Manchin is the only qualified adult in that group and you're dealing with the age issue again. Pretty thin bench.
The Dems are in a bad spot. I agree a very thin bench. A Manchin/Pete ticket would be something that would be palatable to moderates and independents and some republicans. You have the elder statesman with the younger up and comer. But can that ticket move the black vote? I doubt it.

The Dems are sabotaging themselves. The Dems are horrible at messaging. Instead of flaunting the success of a bi-partisan infrastructure plan, they ignore that and harp about BBB and voting rights failures. The R's like to talk about how high the Dow Jones is. Well, you don't hear the Dems even talk about how great the market has been in the past year.
Manchin is the only qualified adult in that group and you're dealing with the age issue again. Pretty thin bench.
The Dems are in a bad spot. I agree a very thin bench. A Manchin/Pete ticket would be something that would be palatable to moderates and independents and some republicans. You have the elder statesman with the younger up and comer. But can that ticket move the black vote? I doubt it.

The Dems are sabotaging themselves. The Dems are horrible at messaging. Instead of flaunting the success of a bi-partisan infrastructure plan, they ignore that and harp about BBB and voting rights failures. The R's like to talk about how high the Dow Jones is. Well, you don't hear the Dems even talk about how great the market has been in the past year. All you hear is gas prices and inflation. They cede messaging to the R's by the constant public in fighting.
The Dems are in a bad spot. I agree a very thin bench. A Manchin/Pete ticket would be something that would be palatable to moderates and independents and some republicans. You have the elder statesman with the younger up and comer. But can that ticket move the black vote? I doubt it.

The Dems are sabotaging themselves. The Dems are horrible at messaging. Instead of flaunting the success of a bi-partisan infrastructure plan, they ignore that and harp about BBB and voting rights failures. The R's like to talk about how high the Dow Jones is. Well, you don't hear the Dems even talk about how great the market has been in the past year. All you hear is gas prices and inflation. They cede messaging to the R's by the constant public in fighting.
I don’t think I would hire either party to be my marketing firm…lol.

I could see what Biden is trying to do, but attempting to ram home so many different things (and failing at most of it), is a bad strategy especially when he’s also done a poor job of managing the pandemic. The BBB has just gotten lost in the salad.

Far be it from me to give advice, but as a one term President he had a great opportunity to get infrastructure done and act as a uniter. Screw the extreme progressives; really reach across the aisle; celebrate a leader like Manchin instead of demonizing him. He hasn’t improved on any divide and the country is doing a collective SMH every time that he talks. See approval numbers. Having Kamala has been like dragging an anchor around as well.
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Need a president with leadership experience, senators don't usually have that.

Look to governors. Who do the Dems have that was/has been a good governor?

On the repub side, Haley and DeSantis come to mind.
Need a president with leadership experience, senators don't usually have that.

Look to governors. Who do the Dems have that was/has been a good governor?

On the repub side, Haley and DeSantis come to mind.
I'm a big Haley fan (despite the Clemson background:)!
Need a president with leadership experience, senators don't usually have that.

Look to governors. Who do the Dems have that was/has been a good governor?

On the repub side, Haley and DeSantis come to mind.
While executive experience is preferred, it doesn't get you the White House. You need some charisma. I don't get the Haley love at all. She has little charisma. Not sure what she has ever done. DeSantis does have it but the question is will he be willing to cross swords with Trump? I doubt it.

On the Dem side? Well, almost no governor has an ounce of charisma. i.e. Roy Cooper NC, Steve Bullock Montana, Jay Inslee Wa. There is only one Democratic governor with any charisma and that is Gavin Newsome. But the French Laundry incident and the crime going on in Cali will hurt him too much to run. Governors have a hard time getting national exposure, unlike US Senators. Successful candidates that were governors all had a lot of charisma, Reagan, Clinton, GWB. I don't see any this time around.

I would like to see Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio get into it but he lacks charisma as well. Would John Kasich run as a Democrat?
While executive experience is preferred, it doesn't get you the White House. You need some charisma. I don't get the Haley love at all. She has little charisma. Not sure what she has ever done. DeSantis does have it but the question is will he be willing to cross swords with Trump? I doubt it.

On the Dem side? Well, almost no governor has an ounce of charisma. i.e. Roy Cooper NC, Steve Bullock Montana, Jay Inslee Wa. There is only one Democratic governor with any charisma and that is Gavin Newsome. But the French Laundry incident and the crime going on in Cali will hurt him too much to run. Governors have a hard time getting national exposure, unlike US Senators. Successful candidates that were governors all had a lot of charisma, Reagan, Clinton, GWB. I don't see any this time around.

I would like to see Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio get into it but he lacks charisma as well. Would John Kasich run as a Democrat?
I'm not sure I would use the word charisma. Give me someone who can articulate a compelling vision and is relatable. The problem now is with all of the divisiveness, most politicians come across as petty and mean obsessed with social media rather than connecting with people. Look how angry Biden comes across now...he was never like that. Newsome is a good communicator, but California is a train wreck, so at some point your record does matter.

Haley is very articulate, bright and willing to take on the a side in an unpopular cause. (taking the Confederate flag off the SC Capital for instance). She is pretty much everything you want in a President along with the executive experience. You would think the press would be all in on support for a woman, immigrant, self-made, etc. Name one woman you would put before her that would make a better President. Perfect choice to break that glass ceiling.
I'm not sure I would use the word charisma. Give me someone who can articulate a compelling vision and is relatable. The problem now is with all of the divisiveness, most politicians come across as petty and mean obsessed with social media rather than connecting with people. Look how angry Biden comes across now...he was never like that. Newsome is a good communicator, but California is a train wreck, so at some point your record does matter.

Haley is very articulate, bright and willing to take on the a side in an unpopular cause. (taking the Confederate flag off the SC Capital for instance). She is pretty much everything you want in a President along with the executive experience. You would think the press would be all in on support for a woman, immigrant, self-made, etc. Name one woman you would put before her that would make a better President. Perfect choice to break that glass ceiling.

The press only supports women if they are liberals. Remember, diversity and inclusion (only if you agree)!
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lol...I was just comparing to charisma...still trying to push the mayor who managed Mayberry RFD? The no experience; no track record guy???

You mean, Mr. Secretary of transportation who saved Christmas? Lol.
A little yeah, more than any current Dem governors for sure and a lot more than both Al Gore and John Kerry at the time as well.
Happy Birthday.
Add Mitt Romney and Mike Pence to that list.

And thanks!!
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I'm not sure I would use the word charisma. Give me someone who can articulate a compelling vision and is relatable. The problem now is with all of the divisiveness, most politicians come across as petty and mean obsessed with social media rather than connecting with people. Look how angry Biden comes across now...he was never like that. Newsome is a good communicator, but California is a train wreck, so at some point your record does matter.

Haley is very articulate, bright and willing to take on the a side in an unpopular cause. (taking the Confederate flag off the SC Capital for instance). She is pretty much everything you want in a President along with the executive experience. You would think the press would be all in on support for a woman, immigrant, self-made, etc. Name one woman you would put before her that would make a better President. Perfect choice to break that glass ceiling.
GWB was articulate??
1998-2001 Bill Clinton ran surplus budgets.
I think about this all the time, now we find ourselves in a hopeless situation. We dug a debt so big it’s criminal. Our political elite literally robbed us blind. I laugh at the 1.2 trillion infrastructure bill when our president gave a speech emphasizing 63 billion that’s billion with a B folks is being spent on roads and bridges. 98% of Americans maybe more do not realize there are 1000 Billions in one trillion. Where are all the other billions going? 63 billion is less than 5% of the 1.2 trillion bill. The good ole boys club are lining their pockets everywhere and most are to stupid to realize.
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