Bruce Pearl


All World
Mar 25, 2005
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Excellent piece and I admire Pearl for taking a stand. When you devalue the importance of understanding the lessons history teaches, this is the result. The divergence of opinion by generation on this topic magnifies the problem.
Excellent piece and I admire Pearl for taking a stand. When you devalue the importance of understanding the lessons history teaches, this is the result. The divergence of opinion by generation on this topic magnifies the problem.
Not for nothing but Pearl is Jewish . So admiring him for taking a stand for Israel should not really be admired but expected . A lot of what he says is true but not the whole story . His history lesson is a bit one sided . Really do not want to get into a debate on this but back to BB he is a cheat .
What is happening in America in general is very disturbing.
Spot on Burnsly,, sad thing many aren't seeing it. Were just worried about Sha dropping the F bomb or shoving Cope's arm away.
Not for nothing but Pearl is Jewish . So admiring him for taking a stand for Israel should not really be admired but expected . A lot of what he says is true but not the whole story . His history lesson is a bit one sided . Really do not want to get into a debate on this but back to BB he is a cheat .
Disagree. Speaking up takes courage. And plenty of American Jews are not pro israel. I know one and argue with her about it all the time
Not for nothing but Pearl is Jewish . So admiring him for taking a stand for Israel should not really be admired but expected . A lot of what he says is true but not the whole story . His history lesson is a bit one sided . Really do not want to get into a debate on this but back to BB he is a cheat .
Curious as to what the whole story is?
Good for Pearl standing up and speaking the truth. Terrific article by Zags. People don't seem to understand that Iran, Lebanon and others want Israel blown off the map completely. That is what they face daily.

No doubt.

And anyone here in the USA that says they are protesting against the Israeli Govt really just hates Jews. They use the govt excuse as a reason to unleash their vile hate.

It’s sickening what’s going on in high majority Democrat run cities such as a new York and also on many college campuses

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