Carino: Five things Seton Hall hoops must address for next year

We are in year 5 and this is what our program is about. It is just really really bad he is coming back.

As a side note the odds on #s 1,3,5 happening dont seem great with #'s 3 & 5 basically being impossible for this coach and this program at this stage in the game
Originally posted by Halldan1:
If any college basketball team in America could use an eight-month break from games, it's the Seton Hall men............
This is where the AD has to step in and in his year-end review of the program and sit down with Willard ( I'm led to believe that Pat does this ) all of these steps have to be mandated for Willard to embrace and to come up with an action plan on how he's going to do it and to make sure he does it. Willard is in such a position of weakness, has one foot out the door and he should recognize that what Carino is suggesting makes sense and it can not only help the program but help him and there should be no reluctance on his part to do so.

Of course all of this could become moot if ( and I'm being sarcastic here ) if there is a provision in the contract that prohibits the AD from interfering with the running of the BB program.
My five things Seton Hall needs to do to improve in 2016:

1. Hire a new head coach.

2. Hire a new head coach.

3. Hire a new head coach.

4. Hire a new head coach.

5. Hire a new head coach.

Thank You
Is #5 referring to hiring an assistant or some sort of consultant? Obviously hiring an assistant means letting someone go (Hill?). I don't think it's a bad idea to get someone in there who can help him with Xs and Os and someone who will be more authoritative from a locker room managment standpoint.
The troubling part about this is these were the same questions we asked in the preseason. Remember the threads about team harmony, if Willard learned anything from last year, who would get the ball in the backcourt, front court depth, etc.

There's only one key for me. That's our current freshmen. They are the program. They need to be led, disciplined, "all-in" and learn the value of being good teammates.
First we needed a recruiter and Fred Hill was jammed down Willard's throat. Now he needs a coach with some backbone to keep the players in line......ok, got it.
We basically need an assistant who can recruit, demands respect from players and can also coach. In other words, we need a new head coach.
Originally posted by phi_pirates:
Is #5 referring to hiring an assistant or some sort of consultant? Obviously hiring an assistant means letting someone go (Hill?). I don't think it's a bad idea to get someone in there who can help him with Xs and Os and someone who will be more authoritative from a locker room managment standpoint.
Could be an assistant position but Carino is also referring to a Gene Keady type - he is Lavin's consultant or special advisor - some crap like that. He does not technically occupy an assistant's position.
Willard always needed a Keady - but Keady is directly fueled by Vitamin Water - we have Eau de Hackensack to offer, not Vitamin Water.
Agree with previous post that #5 is another way of saying we need a new coach, but since that's not happening I don't think a Keady type is a bad idea. Willard seems to have the stubborn personality that would either take offense to a move like this or not embrace it, or both.
I mentioned in Willards year 2 or 3 that it might not be a bad idea to have his father take a role similar to Gene Keady. I'm not so sure that would help now.
I don't know about Carrino. I know he went to SHU but why cant he state the obvious. Willard needs to go. People cant certainly have their own opinions and that's great. I just feel if you love the program and want to see it succeed someone would have to be absolutely blind to the fact that the answer if the right one is made is a new coach. Man all these little ways to make the program better maybe a consultant an aging coach to sit next to Willard to help him new assistants are all window dressing. Carrino and others have to know better. Maybe its because Willard may give him access to the program more than some others? Who knows. I saw on this board that Willard is in the top ten percentile of the most highly paid coaches. How in the world does the school do business. Willard has a lot of money from SHU made him a multimillionaire. We get not all that much and if they keep him will continue this loss in a lot more ways than money. What a joke this whole situation is. At least to this point never seen a school and some writers literally find any little thing that Willard has done positively and run with it. Amazing.
I like Carino. I think he does a good job. I understand no one from SHU is going to make a statement on their own and that whatever statement that's made will not be too our liking, but what has been frustrating to me is that no reporter, Carino or otherwise, has forced to school to at least make a "no comment." How are none of these reporters reaching out to the athletic department for a comment on the status of the program? They just accept the party line and write their articles.

This post was edited on 3/13 3:15 PM by hbkmyr
Would be nice to see it be Ralph Willard.

Shouldn't daddy throw a lifeline? There could be worse ideas.
JFK during Cuban Missile Crisis or Nixon during Watergate?? Too bad those Nixon Aides took him down. Just Saying???
None of us know how to fix things, notrwhat the problems really are at the core. All we know is that our team is rarely good anymore, and when it is thru January, it isn't in February.
When Lavin accepted Keady as a consigliore, Lavin had been out of coaching all together for, what, 10-15 years??

I had an old mentor who used to say if it walks like a duck, flies like a duck and quacks like a duck, then one had better have a VERY good reason not to believe it is a duck.

So let's see, all KW needs is someone to help him:
1. identify talent like a head coach
2. attract recruits like a head coach
3. close recruits like a head coach
4. motivate his star players like a head coach
5. motivate his bench players like a head coach
6. motivate his TEAM like a head coach
7. control the locker-room like a head coach
8. teach fundamentals like a head coach (like inbounding, getting back on defense, guarding the baseline, not picking up the dribble before one has an option, boxing out on rebounds, etc.)
9. develop individual skills like a head coach
10. develop team-play during a season like a head coach

Only ten things? Sounds do-able to me.

Oh, I forgot to add one:
cost less than the $1.4 Million paid to our "head coach".
Well said old alum.

I still fail to understand what exactly Willard brought to the table other than uncle rick.

People say he's string on X's and o. I don't know an x from an o. But I've never seen a Willard seton hall team look like a structured basketball team on either end if the floor the way a Creighton or butler do.
I have a very good friend who is a PC alum so we were talking after the game tonight and he said man you guys had a bad ending the other night. "So who do you think your next coach will be?". He is a pretty close BE bball follower. I explained the situation and he absolutely could not believe that it was even possible we keep Willard and said there is no way he doesn't get fired.

I am just pointing this out as perception that Willard is a 100% obvious coaching change guy this year. And yet we are told he is untouchable.
Hire Willard's father, another failure as a Big East head coach, to join the other two failures as Big East head coaches on the bench?

Does anybody really care about Seton Hall??
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We should hire Pitino as a consultant for in game. Then we can get him Self as a recruiting consultant. Throw in Boehiem as a zone defense consultant. That should help him. Then we can give him a 10 year contact extension and we can all live happily ever after
SPK we haven't ever had a direct message board exchange. I haven't always agreed with everything you've said. But you obviously know much much more than me. Do you think its still possible this all just got too bad and too messy for him to survive? if you dont want to give your opinion on this i understand
Originally posted by SPK145:
Don't forget Roy Williams as academic coordinator.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by HALL85:
And Mike Rice as ball boy...
That actually made laugh out loud.

What at a dream team you guys are assembling.

How ow about Bobby Gonzalez to carry the bags and drive the team?
Originally posted by SHUMA04:
Originally posted by HALL85:
And Mike Rice as ball boy...
That actually made laugh out loud.

What at a dream team you guys are assembling.

How ow about Bobby Gonzalez to carry the bags and drive the team?
Well then that is depressing.

If that is the case then we should be told what impact 2015 recruits he has coming in and what stud 2016s are ready to commit this summer. Because this roster needs much more talent to compete next year (this is not exclusive to SPK).

Because what will now probably happen is we will be as bad next year..then he'll have to go. Any talent from this team will either try the NBA or leave we will have had zero impact 2015s on board probably nobody useful committed for 2016 and have to go hire a new coach who will be starting with absolutely nothing in the pipeline and a program that has been at the bottom of the BE for 4 straight years.
Originally posted by SPK145:
Probably not. He's got a friend in Lyons and several Board members who did Seton Hall wrong.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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