Clarence Thomas

I am in favor of lifetime appointments. However, the Court does need to police itself by establishing ethical rules. Chief Justice Roberts needs to establish ethical rules and conduct. It is pretty simple. This link below cites a list of recent ethical lapses from all Justices I think many of them are minor and inconsequential However, due to Justice Thomas's wife, there does appear to be more serious conflicts with him. It also calls out the need to have a code of conduct for SCOTUS.

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This is getting more disturbing. Crow purchased Thomas's house and 2 other properties where his mother still lives there.

silence from ths usual suspects. hall85 examining our bingo cards
lol…maybe because I’m in Ireland and there’s a 5 hour time difference? You are an angry elf tonight.

Same two things apply:
- Was he required to disclose by law?
- Was there any conflict with any rulings that Crow could have benefited?

If “Yes” to either, it’s a problem. If “No” to both, it’s not.
- Was he required to disclose by law?

Appears that he was, yes.

- Was there any conflict with any rulings that Crow could have benefited?

Crow being a board member of American Enterprise Institute, who had filed cases at the court which Thomas had opined on, it does appear that there may have been a conflict. Maybe explains all of the non disclosure by Thomas?

Heads would be exploding right now if this were Sotomayor and Soros.
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Appears that he was, yes.
Not confirmed yet. If true, a problem.
Crow being a board member of American Enterprise Institute, who had filed cases at the court which Thomas had opined on, it does appear that there may have been a conflict. Maybe explains all of the non disclosure by Thomas?
If it’s deemed that it was a conflict, then it’s a problem.
Heads would be exploding right now if this were Sotomayor and Soros.
lol…now you’ve reverted to usual silliness.
Not confirmed yet. If true, a problem.

Weak. He didn't follow the requirement of the law.

(5)Transactions.—Except as provided in this paragraph, a brief description, the date, and category of value of any purchase, sale or exchange during the preceding calendar year which exceeds $1,000—
in real property, other than property used solely as a personal residence of the reporting individual or the individual’s spouse; or

If it’s deemed that it was a conflict, then it’s a problem.

"If deemed" Again, weak... You can't have your own opinion?

lol…now you’ve reverted to usual silliness.

Call it whatever you like. You know it's true.
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Weak. He didn't follow the requirement of the law.
Well if it’s not legal, he’ll be accountable. Just because Yahoo says it….

(5)Transactions.—Except as provided in this paragraph, a brief description, the date, and category of value of any purchase, sale or exchange during the preceding calendar year which exceeds $1,000—
in real property, other than property used solely as a personal residence of the reporting individual or the individual’s spouse; or

"If deemed" Again, weak... You can't have your own opinion?
I’m required to provide an opinion without all the facts?
Call it whatever you like. You know it's true.
Says Mr. Conspiracy…
Well if it’s not legal, he’ll be accountable. Just because Yahoo says it….

lol.... It's everywhere.

Here is his 2009 disclosure showing his interest in the properties.

Here is his 2014 disclosure in which he would be required under the law to disclosure the sale of the property which he did not.

I’m required to provide an opinion without all the facts?

You're actually not "required" to talk about the topic at all... but since you are talking about it, why not? Kind of telling that you have no problem offering opinions on things until it doesn't line up with your political view though.

Says Mr. Conspiracy…

You've called two people in this thread "Mr. Conspiracy"
Need to work on the originality a bit.
lol.... It's everywhere.

Here is his 2009 disclosure showing his interest in the properties.

Here is his 2014 disclosure in which he would be required under the law to disclosure the sale of the property which he did not.

You're actually not "required" to talk about the topic at all... but since you are talking about it, why not? Kind of telling that you have no problem offering opinions on things until it doesn't line up with your political view though.
So if he violated a law he should be accountable…I’ve said that from the start. And I’ve also said I’d like to see more facts before giving an opinion on this. You have a problem with that for some odd reason.
You've called two people in this thread "Mr. Conspiracy"
Need to work on the originality a bit.
There’s only one real Mr. Conspiracy….lol
lol.... It's everywhere.

Here is his 2009 disclosure showing his interest in the properties.

Here is his 2014 disclosure in which he would be required under the law to disclosure the sale of the property which he did not.

You're actually not "required" to talk about the topic at all... but since you are talking about it, why not? Kind of telling that you have no problem offering opinions on things until it doesn't line up with your political view though.

You've called two people in this thread "Mr. Conspiracy"
Need to work on the originality a bit.
bingo card for mr conspiracy!!

can he actually name a "conspiracy" you stand for? its just made up. spot on about offering opinions until it doesnt line up with political view. if this were soros and sotomeyer hed be flipping (and most the board would). but since theyre on the other side of the aisle he tries to (pathetically) snake out of it. per usual. the bingo cars is filling up.

hes posting a lot considering hes on his irish vacation. i guess tee time with [insert ceo here] hasnt started yet
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bingo card for mr conspiracy!!

can he actually name a "conspiracy" you stand for? its just made up. spot on about offering opinions until it doesnt line up with political view. if this were soros and sotomeyer hed be flipping (and most the board would). but since theyre on the other side of the aisle he tries to (pathetically) snake out of it. per usual. the bingo cars is filling up.

hes posting a lot considering hes on his irish vacation. i guess tee time with [insert ceo here] hasnt started yet
I see you’ve sobered up…:).

Ireland is lovely; no golf on this trip.
Is Clarence Thomas not allowed to sell his house? Is that what people are suggesting here?
Is Clarence Thomas not allowed to sell his house? Is that what people are suggesting here?

No. He is required to disclose sales of properties other than his personal residence on his financial disclosure form.

He had previously disclosed this property as an investment property. He did not disclose the sale which was required by law.
Appears that he was, yes.

Crow being a board member of American Enterprise Institute, who had filed cases at the court which Thomas had opined on, it does appear that there may have been a conflict. Maybe explains all of the non disclosure by Thomas?

Heads would be exploding right now if this were Sotomayor and Soros.
If it was Sotomayer and Soros you can also guarantee that The NY Times and Wash Post would not cover the story.
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looking like thomas was claiming income for 20 years from a company his wife owned thats been defunct since 2006.
Soros son visited WH 18 times since Biden elected ,any dems have a problem with that ? Who is the guy Biden vacations with at guy’s house in Massachusetts couldn’t be a major dem donor could he ? Hypocrisy on both sides ,yes if you have an IQ of room temperature or higher , no if you don’t or are so partisan you will refuse to see it.
Soros son visited WH 18 times since Biden elected ,any dems have a problem with that ? Who is the guy Biden vacations with at guy’s house in Massachusetts couldn’t be a major dem donor could he ? Hypocrisy on both sides ,yes if you have an IQ of room temperature or higher , no if you don’t or are so partisan you will refuse to see it.
An absolutely stupid comparison. Come on!
Soros son visited WH 18 times since Biden elected ,any dems have a problem with that ? Who is the guy Biden vacations with at guy’s house in Massachusetts couldn’t be a major dem donor could he ? Hypocrisy on both sides ,yes if you have an IQ of room temperature or higher , no if you don’t or are so partisan you will refuse to see it.
The problem is the whole system is corrupt because we don’t draw a consistent line to not cross. Where’s the line? Taking vacations? Having an influential person treat you to a $10,000 dinner/gala type event?

I’m sure other Supreme Court Justices know influential peoplam I too believe a favor has never been done for a Supreme Court Justice before? Question is does their friendships, get in the way of them doing their job. If yes they need to be removed. If not then who cares.
Your political affiliation wouldn’t have anything to do with that view, would it?
No it doesn't. You don't see any issues with this? This would be unethical if he was a judge at any other level.
No it doesn't. You don't see any issues with this? This would be unethical if he was a judge at any other level.
Sure, there appears to be issues, but I am not naïve to think that one party will try to pounce on this to scream for him to step down and get someone from "their team" on SCOTUS.

You seem to already made your mind up, no?
Sure, there appears to be issues, but I am not naïve to think that one party will try to pounce on this to scream for him to step down and get someone from "their team" on SCOTUS.

Justices makes decent money. If you want to nitpick about the luxury trips... fine, but why the hell is Crow buying Thomas's Mother's house and letting her live there rent free and sending his grandnephew to private school? All without disclosing any of it?

Err on the side of caution and disclose all of it. The fact that he didn’t makes it appear that he was hiding something.
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Justices makes decent money. If you want to nitpick about the luxury trips... fine, but why the hell is Crow buying Thomas's Mother's house and letting her live there rent free and sending his grandnephew to private school? All without disclosing any of it?

Err on the side of caution and disclose all of it. The fact that he didn’t makes it appear that he was hiding something.
I would have disclosed it and agree that it’s not a good look, but to make the statement “he is a bought justice” is really silly.

Serious ethical lapses all over but don’t call for one’s head without calling another/all of them.

Serious ethical lapses all over but don’t call for one’s head without calling another/all of them.
The whole system is a joke and these things happen in the judicial branch, legislative branch, and executive branch on both sides.
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