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For all the praise we’ve been giving Willard recently, this screwup is on him…

To blame Willard is ridiculous. The team did an amazing job with COVID last year. It is very hard to expect everyone to apply last years protocols (which are not required) when you are playing in an Arena with 10,000+ screaming fans, and everyone is less cautious. Most coaches and teams are not wearing masks on sidelines like they did last year. These are kids trying to live their life. And one thing about Willard is he always has the kids best interests in mind.

I mean if you watch the games in the fall for football, Texas A&M had 105,000 people on the field after they beat Alabama as did Michigan when they beat Ohio St. So should we blame Fisher and Harbaugh for this?
To blame Willard is ridiculous. The team did an amazing job with COVID last year. It is very hard to expect everyone to apply last years protocols (which are not required) when you are playing in an Arena with 10,000+ screaming fans, and everyone is less cautious. Most coaches and teams are not wearing masks on sidelines like they did last year. These are kids trying to live their life.

I mean if you watch the games in the fall for football, Texas A&M had 105,000 people on the field after they beat Alabama as did Michigan when they beat Ohio St. So should we blame Fisher and Harbaugh for this?
Unfair to give him all the blame, I agree, but IF this is due to unvaxxed players (as Zach B’s tweet seemed to imply), or even if there are greater restrictions because players are unvaxxed, then I do not think it is unfair to attribute some blame to him for not setting better tone at the top.
Of course I agree there- I'm not anti vaccine. Again, how can you blame the players when thousands of vaccinated patients are acquiring Covid in NYC? Many vaccinated pro athletes are in Covid protocols yet again...Look at all the breakthrough cases...

Much of the northern tier of the country is experiencing vaccine failure at an increasing rate as you combine leaky vaccines with the seasonality of the virus. Looks like SH just got caught up in it.

Many of the responses from some of our "fans" on this thread and their insinuations regarding the players and coaches are shameful. Getting sick is part of life. My problem is with the ridiculous rules for testing and all this. A guy who has the flu is allowed to play, but a guy who has this virus can't. Hypocrisy at its finest.
This is so dumb. Literally nothing makes ANY difference regarding the spread of this virus. Not masaks, not social distancing, not quarantining, not vaccines, nothing. Why are we still cancelling games and events? The only thing that seems to make any difference is the vaccine helps protect from serious illness.

Cancelling games and sitting across the room for a week or two will only delay the inevitable of positive cases later on when they all get back together. So DUMB.
Imagine citing a blog that some random person writes from his mom's basement as your source then blaming "Google suppresses it" as the reason nobody reads it rather than the simple "it's a random blog with no SEO (or credibility)."
Does who wrote it change the fact that all those athletes were effected by the vax?
Doesn’t matter if you get the jab or not, you can still get and transmit Covid. I don’t blame guys for not getting it especially with the risk of myocarditis. No need to risk heart issues over what amounts to a cold.
That is not true. The risk of myocarditis is higher if you contract COVID then from getting the vaccine. Ask Caleb Daniels from Nova about it?
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Does who wrote it change the fact that all those athletes were effected by the vax?
Would you like to compare it's size to those of the lists of athletes who were A: affected by covid (not the vax) and B: unaffected by the vax?
For all the praise we’ve been giving Willard recently, this screwup is on him…
This is no ones fault, not Coach Willard’s and not the players. No one should be forced to inject anything into their body that they do not want! No one knows the long term affects of these experimental vaccines. Why should anyone be forced to jeopardize their long term health? Who is responsible if you suffer from any side effects? Government and drug companies were all given a free pass!
This is so dumb. Literally nothing makes ANY difference regarding the spread of this virus. Not masaks, not social distancing, not quarantining, not vaccines, nothing. Why are we still cancelling games and events? The only thing that seems to make any difference is the vaccine helps protect from serious illness.

Cancelling games and sitting across the room for a week or two will only delay the inevitable of positive cases later on when they all get back together. So DUMB.

This. You'd think we'd have moved on by this point. This is not 2020. Those who want to be protected can take a vaccine. Those who don't assume the risk. Absolutely no reason for mass testing and canceling events.
Much of the northern tier of the country is experiencing vaccine failure at an increasing rate as you combine leaky vaccines with the seasonality of the virus. Looks like SH just got caught up in it.

Many of the responses from some of our "fans" on this thread and their insinuations regarding the players and coaches are shameful. Getting sick is part of life. My problem is with the ridiculous rules for testing and all this. A guy who has the flu is allowed to play, but a guy who has this virus can't. Hypocrisy at its finest.
See this is the confusion right here. You are attributing breakthrough cases as vaccine failure. The vaccines are not an all or nothing tool. Just because someone who is vaccinated and tests positive doesn’t mean it failed. The purpose was to prevent severe covid and death as to not kill more people or overwhelm the healthcare system. In that regard the vaccines are doing their job. It is a bonus if they prevent an infection in the first place, but if it doesn’t at least the majority of vaccinated individuals are not having poor outcomes.
See this is the confusion right here. You are attributing breakthrough cases as vaccine failure. The vaccines are not an all or nothing tool. Just because someone who is vaccinated and tests positive doesn’t mean it failed. The purpose was to prevent severe covid and death as to not kill more people or overwhelm the healthcare system. In that regard the vaccines are doing their job. It is a bonus if they prevent an infection in the first place, but if it doesn’t at least the majority of vaccinated individuals are not having poor outcomes.

Then don't call them vaccines if the only purpose was to prevent severe illness. Real vaccines actually prevent infection. There is a huge difference.

And if they do provide protection against severe illness (studies show they do!), then why are we still panicking and canceling events when people get what will amount to a cold as if it is 2020?
900+ positives at Cornell right now and a good majority per reports are vaccinated. It doesn’t matter what your thoughts are with regards to young men and asymptomatic, etc. Until the rules change around positive results/cases, not much can be done. If NCAA or Big East rules change around positive cases without symptoms then we can have a discussion.

Hopefully it’s not bad and they can get back on the court ASAP.
900+ positives at Cornell right now and a good majority per reports are vaccinated. It doesn’t matter what your thoughts are with regards to young men and asymptomatic, etc. Until the rules change around positive results/cases, not much can be done. If NCAA or Big East rules change around positive cases without symptoms then we can have a discussion.

Hopefully it’s not bad and they can get back on the court ASAP.

Exactly. The rules are the rules.
This is a shame for SHU, but I think it is time for all indoor sports to pause and restart in January. They need to isolate/test to prevent more outbreaks and revamp their polices. The more you keep playing the more it is going to spread leading to cancellations. Specifically for SHU the whole team needs to be vaccinated period including boosters. They need to also go back to some of the polices like last year. Keep wearing masks indoors, limit time around other students. They don’t need to be eating in the cafeteria and they shouldn’t be jumping into the student section during games or signing autographs. SHU should strictly enforce mask wearing for the crowd during games. It really is not a big deal. If I can wear an n95 for 8 hrs straight while also doing procedures and chest compressions you can wear a surgical mask for 2 hrs. There interaction with the media should also be limited. Go back to virtual for the time being. I know it sucks for them to feel isolated again but it is necessary to get through this wave.
This is a shame for SHU, but I think it is time for all indoor sports to pause and restart in January. They need to isolate/test to prevent more outbreaks and revamp their polices. The more you keep playing the more it is going to spread leading to cancellations. Specifically for SHU the whole team needs to be vaccinated period including boosters. They need to also go back to some of the polices like last year. Keep wearing masks indoors, limit time around other students. They don’t need to be eating in the cafeteria and they shouldn’t be jumping into the student section during games or signing autographs. SHU should strictly enforce mask wearing for the crowd during games. It really is not a big deal. If I can wear an n95 for 8 hrs straight while also doing procedures and chest compressions you can wear a surgical mask for 2 hrs. There interaction with the media should also be limited. Go back to virtual for the time being. I know it sucks for them to feel isolated again but it is necessary to get through this wave.

Nominee for worst post of the year right here. Yeah, let's make a four year college experience miserable for them YET AGAIN because of a virus that is effectively a cold for vaccinated folks.
This is a shame for SHU, but I think it is time for all indoor sports to pause and restart in January. They need to isolate/test to prevent more outbreaks and revamp their polices. The more you keep playing the more it is going to spread leading to cancellations. Specifically for SHU the whole team needs to be vaccinated period including boosters. They need to also go back to some of the polices like last year. Keep wearing masks indoors, limit time around other students. They don’t need to be eating in the cafeteria and they shouldn’t be jumping into the student section during games or signing autographs. SHU should strictly enforce mask wearing for the crowd during games. It really is not a big deal. If I can wear an n95 for 8 hrs straight while also doing procedures and chest compressions you can wear a surgical mask for 2 hrs. There interaction with the media should also be limited. Go back to virtual for the time being. I know it sucks for them to feel isolated again but it is necessary to get through this wave.

Imagine being this brainwashed and soft. Go hide in your basement. And when u come out this virus will still be here
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Doesn’t matter if you get the jab or not, you can still get and transmit Covid. I don’t blame guys for not getting it especially with the risk of myocarditis. No need to risk heart issues over what amounts to a cold.
Sad JP agrees with your take.

True you can get covid with jab or not but you are probably less likely to get it with jab right?

Eitherway even if you don’t believe the above statement, the competitive disadvantage is there depending on school/league/ncaa rules.

Also Incorrect on myocardis. While risk of myocarditis is higher with young men than other groups, I still don’t think myocardis is higher with vaccine than getting covid (multipletimes). Also overall incidence low and typically resolves.

please take your ill informed comments to LOTS.
Then don't call them vaccines if the only purpose was to prevent severe illness. Real vaccines actually prevent infection. There is a huge difference.

And if they do provide protection against severe illness (studies show they do!), then why are we still panicking and canceling events when people get what will amount to a cold as if it is 2020?
I’m not sure what you mean by “real vaccines” No vaccine is 100%. You can get the flu after taking a flu vaccine. Immunity can decrease over time with a variety of vaccines which is why you may need a booster. The hope with all vaccines is to prevent infection but it’s not usually going to be for life. The hope is that at a minimum it will prevent you from getting extremely sick which so far it is doing.
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We’re cursed. Every time we have a legit chance at a national championship we get slapped in the face.
Cursed because of a game against a MAAC team? Season is not cancelled, technically no BE game has been cancelled either. Regardless, my hope is the team and peoples health and I am sure you feel the same.
Sad JP agrees with your take.

True you can get covid with jab or not but you are probably less likely to get it with jab right?

Eitherway even if you don’t believe the above statement, the competitive disadvantage is there depending on school/league/ncaa rules.

Also Incorrect on myocardis. While risk of myocarditis is higher with young men than other groups, I still don’t think myocardis is higher with vaccine than getting covid (multipletimes). Also overall incidence low and typically resolves.

please take your ill informed comments to LOTS.
Please take your holier than thou attitude elsewhere!
I’m not sure what you mean by “real vaccines” No vaccine is 100%. You can get the flu after taking a flu vaccine. Immunity can decrease over time with a variety of vaccines which is why you may need a booster. The hope with all vaccines is to prevent infection but it’s not usually going to be for life. The hope is that at a minimum it will prevent you from getting extremely sick which so far it is doing.

We are drifting off topic but, for example, I received the measles vaccine when I was a child. The measles vaccine is 97% effective against INFECTIONF FOR LIFE. These coronavirus "vaccines" are proving to be like a new car - they lose value immediately after you drive it off the lot. Only a few months out from administration and most people have severely waning immunity.
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Without digging into the data, it would seem the new variant certainly has more success infecting the vaccinated than did previous ones.

However, as with all covid, the unvaxxed patients are the ones over, over, overwhelmingly hooked up to ventilators.

Please get vaxxed.
Without digging into the data, it would seem the new variant certainly has more success infecting the vaccinated than did previous ones.

However, as with all covid, the unvaxxed patients are the ones over, over, overwhelmingly hooked up to ventilators.

Please get vaxxed.
There is nothing conclusive yet indicating that these breakthrough cases are with the Delta or Omi Cron variant. That’s just throwing a dart against the wall.

And your second statement is becoming less true by the day. You don’t see that 99.9% of hospitalizations being unvaccinated anymore. Because it’s more like 30 to 50%. The most important thing you can do whether you are vaccinated or not is to Illuminate any or all comorbidities if you can, and if you do test positive call your doctor immediately and get treatment. What we are finding is that the vast majority of hospitalizations are because people waited too long and are not healthy.
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Without digging into the data, it would seem the new variant certainly has more success infecting the vaccinated than did previous ones.

However, as with all covid, the unvaxxed patients are the ones over, over, overwhelmingly hooked up to ventilators.
1) the new scariant hasn't taken hold yet. 2) unvaccinated people made their own bed, although most still survive with little to no issues as it's not a particularly deadly virus given how many people it has infected. If some do end up hooked to a ventilator, why do you worry? It doesn't affect you if you're vaccinated.
This is the best possible outcome, and we should hope and/or pray for it. But its likelihood would certainly be enhanced among the vaccinated players, as you know.

Absolutely. For what it's worth, the school I work with requires not only 10 days of quarantine, but then a return-to-play protocol. So 2 weeks minimum lost with a single positive test. I have been preaching "bunker mentality" to the winter sports athletes for months. The Big 10 takes it one step further: Their athletes have to have an echo and a cardiac MRI.
And your second statement is becoming less true by the day. You don’t see that 99.9% of hospitalizations being unvaccinated anymore. Because it’s more like 30 to 50%.

It's not less true. It's that most people are vaccinated now.

The far majority of people in the age groups that would be hospitalized are vaccinated.
If your population is 1 million adults over 65 and 90% are vaccinated, If your Covid census in that age group is 50% vaccinated and 50% unvaccinated - That represents a 900% increase in your risk of being hospitalized if you are unvaccinated.

Lots of other personal factors here as well, but it is not becoming less true that the vaccine provides significant protection against sever disease and death.

That said, people have made their choice now. These rules are over the top.
Cursed because of a game against a MAAC team? Season is not cancelled, technically no BE game has been cancelled either. Regardless, my hope is the team and peoples health and I am sure you feel the same.
No but the insinuation is that we will be forfeiting the first 2 games against teams that will likely end up at the bottom of the league. I don't really care much about the Iona game. It was non win. If we won we were supposed to and if we lost it would hurt..a lot. I have no doubt everyone on the team will be fine. There isn't much risk for their age bracket from the virus.
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It's not less true. It's that most people are vaccinated now.

The far majority of people in the age groups that would be hospitalized are vaccinated.
If your population is 1 million adults over 65 and 90% are vaccinated, If your Covid census in that age group is 50% vaccinated and 50% unvaccinated - That represents a 900% increase in your risk of being hospitalized if you are unvaccinated.

Lots of other personal factors here as well, but it is not becoming less true that the vaccine provides significant protection against sever disease and death.

That said, people have made their choice now. These rules are over the top.

Statistics should really be part of the required curriculum at all schools…
The million dollar question no one wants to seemingly answer is if the school has a vaccination requirement, and players were unvaccinated why were they still allowed to participate? Maybe the had an exemption? I would guess the coach is responsible only if they did not have an exemption and he knew them to be unvaccinated.
Much of the northern tier of the country is experiencing vaccine failure at an increasing rate as you combine leaky vaccines with the seasonality of the virus. Looks like SH just got caught up in it.

Many of the responses from some of our "fans" on this thread and their insinuations regarding the players and coaches are shameful. Getting sick is part of life. My problem is with the ridiculous rules for testing and all this. A guy who has the flu is allowed to play, but a guy who has this virus can't. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Amen. I flagged this early in the year and people got annoyed at me. It is basketball-related because it impacts our team, and when there were reports or stuff posted here on unvaccinated players, it concerned me from a hoops-standpoint on what impact that might have on the season. Putting aside the hypocrisy of it all.
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