Crooked Ben Sasse

This is great reporting. Wow, another "conservative" who turns out to be anything but. I'm shocked.

Another feather in the cap of Florida governor Ron DeSantis for offering the job to Sasse after a job search that he personally ensured would have little to no transparency. Sounds like the defiling of the state institution went precisely to the plan.

This is great reporting. Wow, another "conservative" who turns out to be anything but. I'm shocked.

Another feather in the cap of Florida governor Ron DeSantis for offering the job to Sasse after a job search that he personally ensured would have little to no transparency. Sounds like the defiling of the state institution went precisely to the plan.

But, hey, it's not "Red Team" versus "Blue Team." Right?
But, hey, it's not "Red Team" versus "Blue Team." Right?

If this had occurred with Democratic politicians, I'd hope that that hypothetical episode would be treated as it should be - a scandal and a classic case of cronyism and corruption.

Imagine a popular Democratic governor in a major state, like JB Pritzker in Illinois - giving a job to Kirsten Gillibrand upon her leaving the Senate to run the University of Illinois system. After a short, unremarkable tenure, she departs and all that the state of Illinois has to show for it are exorbitant spending of state funds, a bunch of meaningless jobs handed out to her political friends in Washington, D.C. (or New York), and a generous golden parachute that the state has to shell out for the next several years.

Do you think Fox News, the New York Post, the WSJ editorial board, Daily Wire, National Review, etc. wouldn't have made a huge deal out of that? Of course they would, and as they should!

DeSantis should absolutely take heat for this, for making the hiring process deliberately opaque and then installing Sasse, his hand-picked choice, to run UF. Great choice, Ron - I hope he was Anti-Woke enough for you. Not that anyone cares outside of the state of Florida. Where's all this MSM bias I keep hearing about?

And one more thing - if anyone thinks my analogy doesn't make sense because Sasse had prior administrator experience, give me a break. Being the president of a small university in Nebraska for four years a decade ago clearly did not make him qualified to be the president of the fifth largest single-campus university in the country. This was one of the issues people had when they protested his hiring, and they were ignored.

Fwiw, “the audit committee investigated” does not mean an audit was performed. It means that the group charged with oversight looked into the matter and did not find an issue that concerned them.

That’s not uncommon when looking into a specific claim, though may or may not have been thorough enough when self policing and wanting to avoid bad press.

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