The impetus for Trump to withdraw from the agreement has little to do with climate change.
1. It was an executive agreement signed by Obama and not a Treaty ratified by congress. That is a natural for Trump to want to undo.
2. The agreement has voluntary compliance and voluntary contribution. Trump's position is that the US will comply and pay while other nations don't comply, don't pay, and receive benefits and funds (projects).
3. For Trump, the big rub starts to occur when the US is shipping funds off to the Solomon Islands for a hydro electric plant. This is a bit of global pork and his stance is clearly against pork in general. There are two fundamental views here:
a. Should we let the free market and capitalism decide when it is profitable to replace diesel generated power in the Solomon Islands?
b. Should we let government intervene and attempt accelerate/seed the process?
There are
valid arguments pro and con on both sides. We have faced this issue before in other industries.