Dear shu09

obviously this is a guy who thinks the response to covid is an overreaction so his troll job is going overboard with everything to try to make it seem ridiculous, and he's doing a pretty bad job of it
Huh? Wow you too have no idea what you are talking about. I stopped reading when you said I think the response to Covid is an overreaction. I think NJ and NY should have remained closed through the whole summer. Unfortunately now we will have a second wave soon enough[/QUOTE]
Interesting numbers coming out of the garden state. Hoping this won't be a trend for days to come. I did predict a surge to happen in NJ sooner than later. Very likely these young people are now spreading the virus to other people. Not good! Watch jerseys numbers over the next couple days!

Just because there is no "scientific evidence" of something doesn't mean it can't happen. It might not have been studied yet.

My opinion is mandatory mask wearing is a violation of civil liberties. If you want to wear one, fine. Just don't make me wear one. FWIW, I do comply when in stores because I am a law-abiding citizen, but I am strongly against the requirement.

Also, Merge, the supposed "ER doc" that you cite clearly has an agenda, as another recent tweet wishes a happy father's day to "all the dads out there who aren't racist."
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Just because there is no "scientific evidence" of something doesn't mean it can't happen. It might not have been studied yet.

My opinion is mandatory mask wearing is a violation of civil liberties. If you want to wear one, fine. Just don't make me wear one. FWIW, I do comply when in stores because I am a law-abiding citizen, but I am strongly against the requirement.

Also, Merge, the supposed "ER doc" that you cite clearly has an agenda, as another recent tweet wishes a happy father's day to "all the dads out there who aren't racist."
remember merge er docs, lawyers, msm, piratecrew posters all have agendas, shu09 dont be a phil murphy knucklehead
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Just because there is no "scientific evidence" of something doesn't mean it can't happen. It might not have been studied yet.

My opinion is mandatory mask wearing is a violation of civil liberties. If you want to wear one, fine. Just don't make me wear one. FWIW, I do comply when in stores because I am a law-abiding citizen, but I am strongly against the requirement.

I am sure there are studies on this somewhere as it would probably be required by those who make masks who would be open lawsuits if they were selling products that were causing bacterial pneumonia.

The requirement of masks for a short period of time will save lives.
I get that you don't like them. I don't like them. They are uncomfortable, but I wear them all of maybe 1-2 hours per week. It's not that big of a deal.
remember merge er docs, lawyers, msm, piratecrew posters all have agendas, shu09 dont be a phil murphy knucklehead

To be fair to him, I have agreed and disagreed with his views in the past. Normally has been the most reasonable poster here (including what I think of myself) and I can always understand where he is coming from.

On this issue though, I don't get it.
Unfortunately this virus will a lot longer then people think. As I have been saying for months now states economies will continue to open and close the next couple years. As I predicted covid cases in Florida and Georgia are now going up and soon they will become the epicenter of the Coronavirus. Pandemic. Opening up is to blame. Unfortunately Florida and Georgia will be closing again soon. A second wave will have major impact again in the fall/winter in the tri state area. Hospitals will be maxed out beyond belief because of covid cases and flu cases. NJ and NY should have stayed closed all summer. Unfortunately they are opening up and will face the reality with opening up.
Protests and riots will have that affect!
Hi @itsacurse. I have been spot on about what has been taking place so far and unfortunately I think my predictions will continue to be correct. No way an effective vaccine will be created by January/February 2021. This is just hype by the media and not scientifically responsible. A vaccine will probably be released early 2022. Then again it's up to the world powers to do decide how the virus is distributed. Possible we don't get the vaccine in the US until 2023.
And even if we get one then who wants to be the first guinea pig for that? Thanks but I’ll pass!
Interesting numbers coming out of the garden state. Hoping this won't be a trend for days to come. I did predict a surge to happen in NJ sooner than later. Very likely these young people are now spreading the virus to other people. Not good! Watch jerseys numbers over the next couple days!

I am in favor of people wearing masks when possible, especially indoors around larger groups.

But do we know why numbers went up? More tests? Also overall numbers are low for the 18-29 group, so a few new cases could skew numbers. The tweet doesn’t give much info, would really need to see numbers to get true view.
To be fair to him, I have agreed and disagreed with his views in the past. Normally has been the most reasonable poster here (including what I think of myself) and I can always understand where he is coming from.

On this issue though, I don't get it.

Thank you, I feel the same about you.
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@kniespolice Nope stop making assumptions. I have family members in the house that have serious underlying conditions. If they get the virus it would be a bad scenario.

Next time you post something like that please think before you do it. You don't know what people are going through in their homes.

It makes sense that you'd live with your grandparents, though.
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You still haven't apologized for your use of "hooligans."
Taken from

A hooligan is a person who intentionally makes trouble or breaks the law with rowdy, unruly behavior, especially with other hooligans.

Hooligan is synonymous with ruffian and hoodlum, but all three words can sound a little too outdated to capture the seriousness of the trouble that such people can cause.

Specifically, the term hooligan is applied to members of groups who use sporting events, especially soccer (football) games, as an opportunity to intentionally cause trouble or incite violence. The practice of doing so is called hooliganism.

The term is most often used in the plural because it almost always implies that there is a group of troublemakers—it is somewhat uncommon to refer to someone acting alone as a hooligan.
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Taken from

A hooligan is a person who intentionally makes trouble or breaks the law with rowdy, unruly behavior, especially with other hooligans.

Hooligan is synonymous with ruffian and hoodlum, but all three words can sound a little too outdated to capture the seriousness of the trouble that such people can cause.

Specifically, the term hooligan is applied to members of groups who use sporting events, especially soccer (football) games, as an opportunity to intentionally cause trouble or incite violence. The practice of doing so is called hooliganism.

The term is most often used in the plural because it almost always implies that there is a group of troublemakers—it is somewhat uncommon to refer to someone acting alone as a hooligan.
Donnie i didnt use the word as a slur reference vs Irish backgrounds, i know of a 4 letter word starts M ends in K that would be a very offensive slur
I don't get the folks not wanting to wear masks. Masks protect others and they protect you when you are in close contact with people. They can lower the risks of spreading the virus based on how Covid-19 is transmitted. It is not a perfect solution but it is simple common sense. I'm all for Civil Liberties and I hate all that is going on right now but wearing a mask is sensible and helpful in not spreading the virus.

My neighbor told me "wearing masks is only 3% effective ask any surgeon"? She was obviously repeating some BS she heard. I laughed and walked away. I've seen article after article from surgeons saying the exact opposite. If we can slow the spread of the virus (which is spread through droplets), we can lessen infections, stop the shutdowns and keep people working and allow them to live their lives. I've traveled extensively throughout Asia where they have experienced many more pandemics than we have. They wear masks all the time and it has helped them slow the virus for sure. I'm a Springstein music fan but not in love with his politics. I laughed when he tweeted to Trump "wear a f'n mask". It's not that much to ask and you are doing a public service.
I don't get the folks not wanting to wear masks. Masks protect others and they protect you when you are in close contact with people. They can lower the risks of spreading the virus based on how Covid-19 is transmitted. It is not a perfect solution but it is simple common sense. I'm all for Civil Liberties and I hate all that is going on right now but wearing a mask is sensible and helpful in not spreading the virus.

My neighbor told me "wearing masks is only 3% effective ask any surgeon"? She was obviously repeating some BS she heard. I laughed and walked away. I've seen article after article from surgeons saying the exact opposite. If we can slow the spread of the virus (which is spread through droplets), we can lessen infections, stop the shutdowns and keep people working and allow them to live their lives. I've traveled extensively throughout Asia where they have experienced many more pandemics than we have. They wear masks all the time and it has helped them slow the virus for sure. I'm a Springstein music fan but not in love with his politics. I laughed when he tweeted to Trump "wear a f'n mask". It's not that much to ask and you are doing a public service.

The only reason to wear a mask is if you assume everyone has the virus. That simply is not the case and it is insulting to people who are healthy and being presumed guilty.

We're over three months into it and the worst is over. Let it run its course. People get sick every day, we can't prevent all sickness and death. We are human.

The price we are paying in terms of decreased economic activity, youth sports, hobbies and social activities, no gyms, stupid distancing rules that make you feel like you're living in the 1984 novel, etc is far greater than the toll of the virus itself. All unnecessary and self-inflicted. I really wonder what the motive is of those people and politicians who support all of this. I hope it is not sinister, but I have my doubts.
The only reason to wear a mask is if you assume everyone has the virus. That simply is not the case and it is insulting to people who are healthy and being presumed guilty.

We're over three months into it and the worst is over. Let it run its course. People get sick every day, we can't prevent all sickness and death.
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*N95 masks. Most people are walking around looking like they got theirs from Etsy or are about to rob a train.

My understanding is that N95 will help project you from getting the virus. Cloth masks will help to contain or reduce the size of droplets you put out decreasing the likelihood of an infectious dose reaching another person if you are infected.
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The only reason to wear a mask is if you assume everyone has the virus. That simply is not the case and it is insulting to people who are healthy and being presumed guilty.

That is not correct. The mask is not for your protection.

Assume you walk into a store today. No one is wearing a mask except for you.
Now go to the same store with the same sick person but everyone is wearing a mask except for you.

You are less likely to get infected in that 2nd scenario because the person is taking steps to limit how much of the virus they are shedding into the air.

We're over three months into it and the worst is over. Let it run its course. People get sick every day, we can't prevent all sickness and death. We are human.

I agree the worst is probably over, but if we just let it run its course, then the worst is yet to come which will lead to more shutdowns around the country.
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The only reason to wear a mask is if you assume everyone has the virus. That simply is not the case and it is insulting to people who are healthy and being presumed guilty.

We're over three months into it and the worst is over. Let it run its course. People get sick every day, we can't prevent all sickness and death. We are human.

The price we are paying in terms of decreased economic activity, youth sports, hobbies and social activities, no gyms, stupid distancing rules that make you feel like you're living in the 1984 novel, etc is far greater than the toll of the virus itself. All unnecessary and self-inflicted. I really wonder what the motive is of those people and politicians who support all of this. I hope it is not sinister, but I have my doubts.
Is wearing a seat belt insulting to people who are excellent drivers?
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That is not correct. The mask is not for your protection.

Exactly. The mask is for the protection of others, so why would you require someone who is healthy and doesn't have the virus to wear one?
Exactly. The mask is for the protection of others, so why would you require someone who is healthy and doesn't have the virus to wear one?
Problem is you don't know if you have the virus or not. That has been proven just recently by all the college football players testing positive for Covid and they believe they are healthy and have no other symptoms. Has nothing to do with them being young, just the fact that they have the virus and can spread it to others and they don't know it. That is why wearing a mask can be so helpful in not spreading the virus as many believe they are healthy or don't have the virus, but in fact they do have it and can spread it. The asymptomatic spread with this virus is and has been significant.
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Is wearing a seat belt insulting to people who are excellent drivers?

Wearing a seat belt is just something you do. Technically I wouldn't support seat belt laws because why do I care if someone wants to be unsafe in their vehicle? If they don't want to wear it, who am I to tell them they must? I choose to wear one because it something I've always done and has proven to be safer.
Problem is you don't know if you have the virus or not. That has been proven just recently by all the college football players testing positive for Covid and they believe they are healthy and have no other symptoms. Has nothing to do with them being young, just the fact that they have the virus and can spread it to others and they don't know it. That is why wearing a mask can be so helpful in not spreading the virus as many believe they are healthy or don't have the virus, but in fact they do have it and can spread it. The asymptomatic spread with this virus is and has been significant.

Isn't that what all this testing that people were clamoring for was for?
Exactly. The mask is for the protection of others, so why would you require someone who is healthy and doesn't have the virus to wear one?

Because there are millions of people who don't know they have it.
You are most contagious 2-3 days before any symptoms show up. An estimated 40% of cases were spread from people who showed no symptoms at the time they infected someone else.

A mask helps prevent that spread.
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Isn't that what all this testing that people were clamoring for was for?
People don't get tested if they think they don't have it. Have you been tested in the last few days? If not you might have it and don't even know it and if you choose to not wear a mask (not saying you are not) then you are also upping the odds of infecting others because you may be asymptomatic.
Isn't that what all this testing that people were clamoring for was for?

Yes, identifying cases early and quarantining those who are sick would be very effective.
We have gotten much better, but aren't there yet as an effective way to limit the spread. We would need million of tests per day.
People don't get tested if they think they don't have it. Have you been tested in the last few days? If not you might have it and don't even know it and if you choose to not wear a mask (not saying you are not) then you are also upping the odds of infecting others because you may be asymptomatic.

Which shows that the whole testing thing is a joke because a test is a snapshot in time. I could test negative today and get it tomorrow.

I have no desire to submit to testing of any kind and be part and parcel to this scam.
Which shows that the whole testing thing is a joke because a test is a snapshot in time. I could test negative today and get it tomorrow.

I have no desire to submit to testing of any kind and be part and parcel to this scam.

Testing is not a joke. It is a snapshot in time which will allow you to take additional precautions if you are sick.
Only way for early detection which would be a really effective tool in our efforts to get back to normal.

"We need to deliver 5 million tests per day by early June to deliver a safe social reopening. This number will need to increase over time (ideally by late July) to 20 million a day to fully remobilize the economy. We acknowledge that even this number may not be high enough to protect public health. In that considerably less likely eventuality, we will need to scale-up testing much further. By the time we know if we need to do that, we should be in a better position to know how to do it. In any situation, achieving these numbers depends on testing innovation."

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