As long as they are following the rules and it made sense for them, then I’d call that a good idea.

Though what I was talking about your suggestion of your friends closing their business and reopening to deduct things that would not really meet the definition of start up expenses since they already had active operations. That would be fraud.
Credits and Deductions are 2 completely different things. If you're getting a credit as a new business and only a deduction as an existing business, have a good idea to take the credit and not the deduction. The confusion that has been out there based on the articles I posted and between the different scenarios one calling it a credit, the other a deduction, the credit would be way more beneficial if only for new businesses.
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Credits and Deductions are 2 completely different things. If you're getting a credit as a new business and only a deduction as an existing business, have a good idea to take the credit and not the deduction. The confusion that has been out there based on the articles I posted and between the different scenarios one calling it a credit, the other a deduction, the credit would be way more beneficial if only for new businesses.

No one is proposing a startup credit.
She’s talking about expanding the current $5k limit to $50k.

If you think that’s a bad idea, fine.
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No one is proposing a startup credit.
She’s talking about expanding the current $5k limit to $50k.

If you think that’s a bad idea, fine.
Did you read the articles I posted, both say credit. I got that from a restaurant owner and found the other on some unknown platform called yahoo. That’s a whole different ballgame than a deduction.
Did you read the articles I posted, both say credit. I got that from a restaurant owner and found the other on some unknown platform called yahoo. That’s a whole different ballgame than a deduction.

It’s literally on her website. It’s a deduction.
The current $5k they are talking about is a deduction. That’s what she wants to expand to $50k.
It’s literally on her website. It’s a deduction.
The current $5k they are talking about is a deduction. That’s what she wants to expand to $50k.
It literally was thrown out there before she had anything on her website. Not to mention most people don’t want to find out policies on their website.

I’ll check tomorrow, she probably won’t be taxing overtime
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will never not be disheartened by the commitment to both sidesing this batshit dictator-loving anti-democratic self-proclaimed wanna be dictator never stops lying liar - like, tribalism—I get it—but can't you set that aside in this the most extreme of cases? This narcissistic convictionless criminal whose only interest is his self interest and who fawns over our enemies should be beyond the pale for anyone who identifies as a patriotic American

TDS is strong with this one. Not surprising I suppose.
It literally was thrown out there before she had anything on her website.

That’s fine. They were wrong. Her website confirmed that if there was any confusion, which there should t have been considering it was the expansion of the 5k deduction and there is no 5k credit.

Hope she says that no taxes on overtime is absurd, because that’s absurd.
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That’s fine. They were wrong. Her website confirmed that if there was any confusion, which there should t have been considering it was the expansion of the 5k deduction and there is no 5k credit.

Hope she says that no taxes on overtime is absurd, because that’s absurd.
I prefer that over no tax on tips. People are lazy today. It’s actually an opportunity for hard workers to get ahead. Not saying it’s great but I respect that more than no tax on tips. It’s a gift to the hard working men and women who are sick of taking care of those who don’t work and live off the government. The issue with it is can someone who works 40 hours at $40 an hour convince their employer to call it 60 hours at a lower rate.


Big mistake on his part. He needs to change the narrative, otherwise all some voters will remember between now and November is the dogs and cats nonsense.
Big mistake on his part. He needs to change the narrative, otherwise all some voters will remember between now and November is the dogs and cats nonsense.
Disagree. She didn’t win on anything that’s going to make lives better. Trump lost on stupid comments. As I’ve said the American people deserve a third debate. But people are going to have 7 weeks of seeing their grocery bill and that will have more of an impact than cats and dogs.
So anyone who manipulates tax laws to their advantage is a scumbag?
The way the government just handed out ERC money to fraudulent companies, $200,000+ you think they're going to be looking at $50K.
Tax avoidance is perfectly acceptable but the law will never be written in a way that directly or indirectly allows someone to close an LLC and open a new one to claim the deduction. Doing so will be tax fraud. You and your friends know it but it is ok because you won't get caught since it's only $50,000.
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Big mistake on his part. He needs to change the narrative, otherwise all some voters will remember between now and November is the dogs and cats nonsense.

All he would need to do is show up, and speak calmly on the issues. I think he and his advisors know he doesn’t have it in him at this point.

Harris needs to continue to own the narrative though. Trump is very good about moving the conversation in the media. It would be a mistake to think she can just ride the debate win for a few weeks. She needs to get on any show that will have her.
Tax avoidance is perfectly acceptable but the law will never be written in a way that directly or indirectly allows someone to close an LLC and open a new one to claim the deduction. Doing so will be tax fraud. You and your friends know it but it is ok because you won't get caught since it's only $50,000.
Which country do you live in? The laws allow the rich to use bankruptcy to their advantage in the United States of America. If that’s allowed anything is possible. And to be honest I don’t blame them for doing it because the law allows it. They didn’t write the laws. Not to mention I just explain to merge people shutting down their sole proprietorships and opening a LLC to get the pass through deduction. One merge called a good idea.
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All he would need to do is show up, and speak calmly on the issues. I think he and his advisors know he doesn’t have it in him at this point.

Harris needs to continue to own the narrative though. Trump is very good about moving the conversation in the media. It would be a mistake to think she can just ride the debate win for a few weeks. She needs to get on any show that will have her.
if trump cant do that one simple thing. cant control himself one time.... why the heck would we want him as president. hes an old man who only cares about his ego. hes now the joe biden that everyone on this board hates
if trump cant do that one simple thing. cant control himself one time.... why the heck would we want him as president. hes an old man who only cares about his ego. hes now the joe biden that everyone on this board hates
Same thing with Harris if she can’t go into a hostile environment with reporters or moderators who don’t agree with her one time.

2 terrible choices.
They didn’t write the laws. Not to mention I just explain to merge people shutting down their sole proprietorships and opening a LLC to get the pass through deduction. One merge called a good idea.

Sole proprietor and s-corp both can get pass through deduction. S- corp can save on some payroll taxes though if there are significant earnings beyond what a normal salary would be, and it’s more of a distribution.
ShUoops you like to try to go after Harris is it a credit or a deduction business. But what do you think of Trump’s tax plan? 20% tarifa on all goods. He still doesn’t know that tariffs are not paid by the country from which the good originates but by the importer. He doesn’t get that the costs of those tariffs will be passed along to the ultimate consumer.
You like that plan?

Or you like that his new desperate plan, no. Tax on overtime wages? This is never going to happen.
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Same thing with Harris if she can’t go into a hostile environment with reporters or moderators who don’t agree with her one time.

2 terrible choices.
Further if she’s afraid of Brett and Martha on Fox how is she going to stand up to world leaders. Answer she is not going to stand up on the world stage at all. Our influence will disappear and more wars will start. Bad choices but at least one gives us a chance of peace and prosperity. I’m against death and destruction so choice is very simple. Democrats missed out by not finding a way for Shapiro to run.
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ShUoops you like to try to go after Harris is it a credit or a deduction business. But what do you think of Trump’s tax plan? 20% tarifa on all goods. He still doesn’t know that tariffs are not paid by the country from which the good originates but by the importer. He doesn’t get that the costs of those tariffs will be passed along to the ultimate consumer.
You like that plan?

Or you like that his new desperate plan, no. Tax on overtime wages? This is never going to happen.
I said my piece on no tax on overtime. I said I like it more than no tax on tips but I also said how easily it can be manipulated.

Kamala isn’t getting rid of the tariffs we currently have. So tariffs are still going to be in play. The question is overall do tariffs in combination with everything else bring costs down. Or are we looking at $8 for necessities like basic produce that was once $2. I’m not worried about people buying watches and gold chains. Where’s the price of meat, produce, and housing going. Honestly I don’t know and I don’t see people manipulating anything here. That’s my biggest gripe with the economics is people manipulating things easy to raid the government funds essentially.
I said my piece on no tax on overtime. I said I like it more than no tax on tips but I also said how easily it can be manipulated.

Kamala isn’t getting rid of the tariffs we currently have. So tariffs are still going to be in play. The question is overall do tariffs in combination with everything else bring costs down. Or are we looking at $8 for necessities like basic produce that was once $2. I’m not worried about people buying watches and gold chains. Where’s the price of meat, produce, and housing going. Honestly I don’t know and I don’t see people manipulating anything here. That’s my biggest gripe with the economics is people manipulating things easy to raid the government funds essentially.
Tariffs have a place in economic and foreign policy. I don’t have an issue with that. But, the income from tariffs do not come from the country as Trump believes. Do you acknowledge that tariffs are paid by the importer and not the country of Origen?
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Never said she wants Palestine to win. Don’t even think she wants Palestine to win. She just won’t say I want Israel to win this war because the loud pro Palenstine group will come after her big time as soon as she admits she wants that.

It’s bull shit. If you want the party to just pick a person, don’t have a primary. If you want to be for democracy and give the people the ability to elect their nominee, do that. Don’t waste everyone’s time saying you’re pro democracy and care what the people want then run away from the people’s choice as soon big money turns their back on the people’s choice.
Btw, who voted for RFKjr to be on the ballot? No one. And yet he is on the ballot. As are other candidates for president from minor party’s that did not have a primary. She is the VP and stands in the shoes should the Prez not continue. This line of argument holds no water.
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Btw, who voted for RFKjr to be on the ballot? No one. And yet he is on the ballot. As are other candidates for president from minor party’s that did not have a primary. She is the VP and stands in the shoes should the Prez not continue. This line of argument holds no water.
I said I have no issue of not holding a primary. But don’t have a primary and claim to be the party of democracy and get rid of the choice of the people by drying up the money. Talk about fraud.
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Which country do you live in? The laws allow the rich to use bankruptcy to their advantage in the United States of America. If that’s allowed anything is possible. And to be honest I don’t blame them for doing it because the law allows it. They didn’t write the laws. Not to mention I just explain to merge people shutting down their sole proprietorships and opening a LLC to get the pass through deduction. One merge called a good idea.
I live in a world where I don't justify tax fraud because the "rich" people do it.
I live in a world where I don't justify tax fraud because the "rich" people do it.
you’re conflicting morally correct with following the law as written. If all your friends do everything morally correct you have no friends.
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You’re talking about different things.
Single member LLC’s and sole proprietorships are not considered pass through entities for NJ BAIT purposes.
Exactly what I wrote about. Taking a deduction for paying their state taxes that regular people can’t do. So shut down your sole proprietorship. Do the same business opening up a new LLC and being taxed as an S Corp. knowknow said they would never allow you to take a deduction for closing one entity and opening up another. Thats exactly what I was talking about. Landscaper buddy of mine did it and is saving pretty nicely. Laughs how stupid it is costs him a little more to get a business return done but saves close $10k a year.
Tariffs have a place in economic and foreign policy. I don’t have an issue with that. But, the income from tariffs do not come from the country as Trump believes. Do you acknowledge that tariffs are paid by the importer and not the country of Origen?

But the numbers which Trump is talking about are much bigger and better than the number of others. Have you favored that in? The tariffs will also be beautiful and wipe out our deficit. :p
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shuhoops having a mental breakdown right now trying to keep the spin zone going. trumper situation is wild. these people are having epic delusion trying to not see who he really is. its fascinating.
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But the numbers which Trump is talking about are much bigger and better than the number of others. Have you favored that in? The tariffs will also be beautiful and wipe out our deficit. :p
I meant tariffs can be used and are effective for foreign poikicy purposes. However, tariffs as a revenue generator is lunacy. It ends up being passed along to every consumer.
There’s not liking Trump for his policies or his personality, obviously a lot to criticize on both fronts. But when you insist that American Democracy will cease to exist if he wins the Presidency, that’s when you are no longer having a rational conversation and crossing into derangement.
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There’s not liking Trump for his policies or his personality, obviously a lot to criticize on both fronts. But when you insist that American Democracy will cease to exist if he wins the Presidency, that’s when you are no longer having a rational conversation and crossing into derangement.
a lot more believable than our pets will be eaten and babies will be killed if kamala wins. talk about deranged.
a lot more believable than our pets will be eaten and babies will be killed if kamala wins. talk about deranged.
If you think either of these statements are true, then yes, you are just deranged as believing Trump will end our democracy.
If you think either of these statements are true, then yes, you are just deranged as believing Trump will end our democracy.
what a dense response lol. i think he thinks they're true and he thinks he can make other people believe they're true. aka derangement.

ah hell you'll never see it
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what a dense response lol. i think he thinks they're true and he thinks he can make other people believe they're true. aka derangement.

ah hell you'll never see it
Very rich you of all people calling anyone else dense. I get what you’re saying. Trump lies about people eating dogs and thinks his followers will believe it. Just like Harris lies about Trump being an existential threat to Democracy and her followers largely believe it. Again, if you believe either, you are deranged.

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