you said those people weren’t in Minneapolis at the direction of Walz implying Trump directed J6.

Good lord.

Trump told people to come. When they breached the capital, he tweeted about Mike Pence not having courage. When his aides were asking him to do something to calm things down, he did nothing.

You just keep making excuses for that.
Good lord.

Trump told people to come. When they breached the capital, he tweeted about Mike Pence not having courage. When his aides were asking him to do something to calm things down, he did nothing.

You just keep making excuses for that.
He also tweeted to stay peaceful. If his supporters overtook a police station or city streets this would be less of a big deal. As proof from that entire summer of love, mess with where you or I work no big deal, mess with where Pelosi or Schumer work it’s a catastrophe.

You want to ignore the Ray Epps thing but as you watch what he does and add the fact the FBI took him off their wanted list, it’s seems something is wildly off. For as much as he did, why aren’t they after him big time. Just makes one believe there was something done to not have enough security on purpose.
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The most disturbing thing about politicians behavior during the George Floyd riots, was after the rioting, looting and damage was done, they were still using language that excused the behavior rather then condemning it.
The most disturbing thing about politicians behavior during the George Floyd riots, was after the rioting, looting and damage was done, they were still using language that excused the behavior rather then condemning it.
4 years of terrible rhetoric that no one stopped. Nobody told people like Maxine to STFU.
You want to ignore the Ray Epps thing but as you watch what he does and add the fact the FBI took him off their wanted list, it’s seems something is wildly off. For as much as he did, why aren’t they after him big time. Just makes one believe there was something done to not have enough security on purpose.

Of course you think that. It gives you an out to not blame Trump.
But fine... He was removed from the list because the FBI no longer needed information on him. He contacted the FBI on the tip line asking for help identifying people and told them that he was one of the people on the site. He had interviews with the FBI and he was not the only one removed from the list when the FBI no longer needed assistance.

For "as much as he did" - There are videos of him telling people to be calm and that the cops are on their side. Ryan Samsel (the guy he whispered to) said that Epps told him "Dude, relax, the cops are doing their job".

He also filed a defamation suit against Fox News. You know who wouldn't do that? People who do not want to open up discovery.
A man enters a Starbucks. He’s wearing an overcoat, felt hat and sunglasses. He is tall and thin; handsomely swarthy like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He walks to the counter where a high school senior is waiting to take his order.

Starbucks Girl: Good morning! (she perkily says). What can I get you?

ShuHoopsFan: Good morning?! What’s so good about it? Are you aware of all the bad going on in the world. Both sides!

Starbucks Girl: Well at least it’s a sunny day. Can I take your order?

ShuHoopsFan: Sunny?! Are you aware right now the UV rays are slowly poisoning your body? And what about Mars? Have you even given Mars a thought? The entire planet is devoid of atmosphere and the whole place is a desolate hellscape. Did you even think about that “Miss Sunny”?

Starbucks Girl: With any luck I think the clouds may roll in this afternoon. Would you like anything?

ShuHoopsFan: Clouds?! What about the clouds? Don’t even get me started on the clouds. They’re being seeded by George Soros and the rest of the rich global elites with nanoparticles that we inhale. When the time comes, they will activate the particles, turning all of us into zombies so we can do their bidding. RFK is the only one who nailed it. He’s a genius that one. Are you voting for RFK?

Starbucks Girl: No, I’m only 17. Sir, I need to help the other customers. Do you want anything?

ShuHoopsFan: You know what I want? I want the world to know I’ve got all the answers and everyone else is wrong. Including you, young lady. I’m never buying a coffee from this soulless corporate behemoth.

Starbucks Girl: Thanks and have a good day. Next! (sotto voce, heaven help me)
For "as much as he did" - There are videos of him telling people to be calm and that the cops are on their side. Ryan Samsel (the guy he whispered to) said that Epps told him "Dude, relax, the cops are doing their job".
You're giving a pass to a guy, who the night before was directing people to go into the Capitol tomorrow (before Trump gave his speech) and walked right past injured officers that day, because after they did what he said, he said relax. If you said relax dude the cops are doing their job then a cop got knocked down are you just walking right by the cop?

He also filed a defamation suit against Fox News. You know who wouldn't do that? People who do not want to open up discovery.
Or someone who is well funded by people. The guy does a nice job of contradicting himself saying we have to go into the Capitol followed by this in his defamation suit. “He had concerns about the election and believed it was his duty as a citizen to participate in the protest. But he did not believe violence was appropriate,” the lawsuit claims. Did he think they were just going to let thousands of people just walk in?
You're giving a pass to a guy

No, I'm not.

I thought his actions were odd so I looked into them. I found that the conspiracy theory didn't really hold up.

The theory was that he was a Fed trying to entrap people was possible, but was a stretch to believe that an agent would be so bad at their job by yelling it into a crowd, on video.

The next was that he whispered to Samsel attack orders... Yet, Samsel himself denied that and said the opposite.

The next was that he was removed from the FBI's watch list because he was a Fed. Also not believable that the FBI would have included their own agents on the list, and he contacted the FBI on his own and had interviews with them and was then removed from the list. As were others.

who the night before was directing people to go into the Capitol tomorrow

Yeah, as were many others. All a bunch of idiots cosplaying as revolutionaries... and LOL at your use of the word "directing" here. Comical after getting on your high horse about Trump not "directing" anyone previously.

Or someone who is well funded by people.

Nonsense. No evidence of that at all and you think he is better funded than Fox News?
Discovery would open up any previous employment and funding concerns you would have. If you want to hide something, you don't sue a gigantic corporation for claiming you're the thing you're trying to hide.

Did he think they were just going to let thousands of people just walk in?

Maybe. Who knows what any of the lemmings believed that day.
They were told BS lies and they believed them all. Dear leader told them to go so they went. I bet many thought they would be welcomed with open arms.
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That was an unhinged rant short on facts.
With which do you disagree?

  • batshit
  • dictator-loving
  • anti-democratic
  • self-proclaimed wanna be dictator
  • never stops lying liar
  • narcissistic
  • convictionless (ed note: here meaning he is without conviction about issues - not that he has not been convicted of crimes
  • criminal
  • whose only interest is his self interest
  • fawns over our enemies
Just because it's astonishing, does not mean it's wrong. That it's quite accurate is why it's so grave. We're talking about a former and potentially future president here. That Ike and Reagan lovers here continue to make excuses and false equivalencies for this guy is depressing
No, I'm not.

I thought his actions were odd so I looked into them. I found that the conspiracy theory didn't really hold up.

The theory was that he was a Fed trying to entrap people was possible, but was a stretch to believe that an agent would be so bad at their job by yelling it into a crowd, on video.

The next was that he whispered to Samsel attack orders... Yet, Samsel himself denied that and said the opposite.

The next was that he was removed from the FBI's watch list because he was a Fed. Also not believable that the FBI would have included their own agents on the list, and he contacted the FBI on his own and had interviews with them and was then removed from the list. As were others.
I don't think he was a Fed agent, but I wouldn't put it past him being linked as a third party. We've seen a some cases in the past.

According to a politico article "Samsel initially told federal investigators that Biggs told him he had a gun and wanted Samsel to attack the police, while Epps had sought to calm him down, but he has since backed away from that version of events. Prosecutors indicated in Epps’ recent sentencing that Samsel gave conflicting accounts."

Not that I trust Samsel one way or the other but you're telling me Epps says calm down, seconds later Samsel forces entry. You ever break up a fight? You ever tell a guy to calm down and as he starts to go back at the other guy just let him go or do you try to hold him back? There was no action by Epps to do anything substantial to calm things. No effort to help the police up.
You ever tell a guy to calm down and as he starts to go back at the other guy just let him go or do you try to hold him back?

There are videos of him doing that before they entered the capital. I don’t care about the guy, just not buying that he was there as an agent of someone else.

Also don’t agree with scapegoating him to redirect blame away from Trump for what happened on Jan 6.
There are videos of him doing that before they entered the capital. I don’t care about the guy, just not buying that he was there as an agent of someone else.

Also don’t agree with scapegoating him to redirect blame away from Trump for what happened on Jan 6.
You don't buy it, you don't have to. I don't buy it that this guy got a relative pass with so much documented of him that day and the night before. People are facing decades of punishment this guy isn't and there are text messages saying of him proudly saying he orchestrated it. Very odd. Can't imagine many prosecutors go into court with a flat out admission like that and say give this guy minimal punishment. There's a lot more to this story and probably more weird happenings than we will ever know. I'd like to know before I blame someone who told people there's a protest on this day, come join us, then told them he hears they will be heading to the Capitol peacefully and patriotically to have their voices heard. Supposedly more than 3 in 10 believe the government was complicit in what happened that day. Wild to think that many people don't trust.
Shuhoops = the real trump derangement syndrome. it's the perfect example of the toxic brainwash. and its not uncommon and been going on for years. saying this now almost downplays from the fact a particular sect of population has been blasting in our face for 8 years. that sect shares the same qualities, values, and morals.

the question is you think he's got the trump banner over the fence? flag on the back of the car? rocks the hat out to crowded places? or maybe even one of those big displays? just so many options!
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Can't imagine many prosecutors go into court with a flat out admission like that and say give this guy minimal punishment.

There’s video of him trying to calm things down and didn’t actually enter the building. That’s what saved him from any real legal trouble.
With which do you disagree?

  • batshit
  • dictator-loving
  • anti-democratic
  • self-proclaimed wanna be dictator
  • never stops lying liar
  • narcissistic
  • convictionless (ed note: here meaning he is without conviction about issues - not that he has not been convicted of crimes
  • criminal
  • whose only interest is his self interest
  • fawns over our enemies
Just because it's astonishing, does not mean it's wrong. That it's quite accurate is why it's so grave. We're talking about a former and potentially future president here. That Ike and Reagan lovers here continue to make excuses and false equivalencies for this guy is depressing

All but liar, narcissistic, criminal, and self interest. Those are accurate.
All but liar, narcissistic, criminal, and self interest. Those are accurate.
the guy was screaming about illegals eating pets and killing born babies. how is this not batshit? seriously answer that. and the way he deals with the russia situation i find it hard to argue that too.

btw is denying an election and inciting a riot because of it not a dictator type move? not sure how it's possible to throw these out of the list.
the question is you think he's got the trump banner over the fence? flag on the back of the car? rocks the hat out to crowded places? or maybe even one of those big displays? just so many options!
I can answer that question easily…

I grew up a middle class kid. The neighbors had lawns. I’m for an opportunity economy.
Good lord.

Trump told people to come. When they breached the capital, he tweeted about Mike Pence not having courage. When his aides were asking him to do something to calm things down, he did nothing.

You just keep making excuses for that.
That's rich coming from someone who is a master at making excuses.....aka spin master.

You were the one saying way back when that only Trump could call in the National Gard... that it was not Pelosi's call...... she was responsible for the security or lack thereof that day.

Bottom line for me is that even though he was not getting cooperation from Pelosi in getting National Guard help, Trump, knowing the risk at that point, should have called off the rally. But responsible for an insurrection?........ not even close, given all of the circumstances of that day.
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You were the one saying way back when that only Trump could call in the National Gard... that it was not Pelosi's call...... she was responsible for the security or lack thereof that day.

Not what I said.
What I was objecting to (2 1/2 years ago now) was the idea that Trump wanted the national guard there but was blocked by Pelosi.

Bottom line for me is that even though he was not getting cooperation from Pelosi in getting National Guard help

See. That part is just not accurate.
Even if you believe that Pelosi didn't do enough, she did not have the power to block Trump.
Trump would not have needed her cooperation at all. The president has authority over the DC national guard, not the speaker. If he wanted them there, they would have been there.

knowing the risk at that point, should have called off the rally.

Knowing the risk after the capital was breached... he also should have called off the rally.
But instead he Tweets about Mike Pence not having courage. When his aids asked him to intervene to calm things down - he watched.
Probably Pelosi's fault as well.
Boy, you really buy the left wing talking points hook, line, and sinker. America is not a democracy.
These are not based on talking points. They are observations of the man and his own statements and actions. And well founded. If there were any value to information being provided, I'd enumerate citations. There is not
Not what I said.
What I was objecting to (2 1/2 years ago now) was the idea that Trump wanted the national guard there but was blocked by Pelosi.

See. That part is just not accurate.
Even if you believe that Pelosi didn't do enough, she did not have the power to block Trump.
Trump would not have needed her cooperation at all. The president has authority over the DC national guard, not the speaker. If he wanted them there, they would have been there.

Knowing the risk after the capital was breached... he also should have called off the rally.
But instead he Tweets about Mike Pence not having courage. When his aids asked him to intervene to calm things down - he watched.
Probably Pelosi's fault as well.
You are right about ultimate responsibility being with the President. I stand corrected. It is not clear then why Trump gave in to Pelosi on that point.

That's what I said, I think he should have called off the rally. I do not agree with the the whole affair being called an insurrection.

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