You know I don’t want that. I think my position has been pretty clear. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.Unless you want all illegal immigrants detained to be deported regardless of the risk they pose to public safety, I assume we do.
You know I don’t want that. I think my position has been pretty clear. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.Unless you want all illegal immigrants detained to be deported regardless of the risk they pose to public safety, I assume we do.
You know I don’t want that. I think my position has been pretty clear. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.
First of all, you haven’t characterized the difference accurately . Care to go back and read again? Or save everyones time and stop with the silliness. Time to move What are you talking about? You're just used so disagreeing with me that you're sure there must be some significant difference in our view here. There isn't.
We have the same goal in that people who are not citizens and are a threat to public safety should not be allowed to stay in the country. We want the police to have the best information available to them to make decisions. I believe that can be accomplished through data sharing. You think it can be accomplished through a joint case review with another agency.
Smh...Nah, I'm good. Getting a bit nitpicky.
I want local enforcement to have the best information available to them in order to protect their local communities.
My opinion is about as worthless as yours in regards to how the police chiefs see that responsibility so we can leave it there.
Illegals should be deported. They are taking jobs from Americans in many industries like landscaping, trucking, etc.
There are self-made hard working Americans who run businesses in these industries who are being now undercut on pricing and losing business because illegals are offering rock bottom prices because they dont pay for insurance, etc, that they legally are required to do. There are no repercussions for the illegals that do this.
If you want a talking point with zero analysis, sure. Unfortunately you are leaving out a ton of information.
Beyond being impracticable if not impossible, it would be devastating to our economy if we deported all illegal immigrants.
Zero analysis, I have friends who own businesses in these industries who are being hurt by competition that doesnt follow the laws, and are driving down wages bigtime. I assume you're a white collar worker who doesnt compete with illegals coming into your line of work.
The issue at hand is if someone was detained in NJ for matters that are not deemed a threat to public safety, should they be reported to immigration authorities? There is a debate to be had there for sure.
The scenario I am talking about is someone being detained for reason X. In the course of the interview process during the detention, law enforcement determines there is an unrelated (to X) warrant on the person. Guess what. The other agency gets notified.
For me, no different with immigration status. Notify ICE. If it is a simple visa expiration, ICE is not going to request further detention. If it more than that and ICE says hold them until we can come get them, then yes. Then let ICE put them through a process which may or may not end up in deportation depending on the circumstances.
This cheap labor argument doesn't cut it. H-2A and H-2B permits are there for orchards, farms, golf courses, etc.
How would law enforcement determine there is an unrelated issue?
If you got pulled over on April 16th, should the police check with the IRS if you have paid your taxes or filed an extension?
Yes. Systems.
In PA, we use CPIN and CLEAN.
Other things like PSP's interest markers are used right from the MDT in the patrol car. "Lersonon is known to have a firearm in the glove compartment"
If they were gone tomorrow,
Who determines what "something bad" is? How hard is it to deal with it locally if nothing comes up and call ICE if something does and figure out best path.Right. So we are in agreement on that then.
Give police access to the database and if there is something bad, ICE should be contacted.
That would of course depend on how many dependents you claimed on your schedule D.
That was sarcasm. The example was ridiculous.
do you seriously think if we implement the aforementioned policy to check for immigration status on Tuesday then on Wednesday 600,000 immigrants will be deported by close of business?
From the content in your own postings some 95% of these people would never be subject to detention because they're law abiding illegals.
No one said anything about seeking out and rounding up illegals.
"IF detained."
Remember that
part of it?
Who determines what "something bad" is? How hard is it to deal with it locally if nothing comes up and call ICE if something does and figure out best path.
Let me try to give you a simple example.The police do. They have defined it already.
If they have access to the ICE database and "nothing comes up" why are doing anything else?
Let me try to give you a simple example.
Scenario 1: Bethlehem police pull over illegal alien for speeding and find no outstanding warrants...they ticket and deal with it in their municipality.
Scenario 2: Bethlehem police pull over illegal alien for speeding and he has a warrant for theft in Allentown and assault in Newark. Call ICE and determine best path of action.
This really shouldn't be this hard....but I'm sure you will make it that way.
Because it's not just about the ICE data base. I believe that local police and ICE should review all data when there is any outstanding warrant. If they have an outstanding warrant, they have broken a law for 1) the commission of a crime and 2) for being here illegally. Let the two governing agencies determine what best to do. It's not about being's about doing what's best.Scenario 1: Bethlehem police pull over illegal alien for speeding and find no outstanding warrants, and no issues within the ICE database...they ticket and deal with it in their municipality.
Why is that not enough?
You're making an additional administrative step of making local police in charge of immigration enforcement, which should be redundant if they have access to the data.
Because it's not just about the ICE data base. I believe that local police and ICE should review all data when there is any outstanding warrant. If they have an outstanding warrant, they have broken a law for 1) the commission of a crime and 2) for being here illegally. Let the two governing agencies determine what best to do. It's not about being's about doing what's best.
Right. So we are in agreement on that then.
Give police access to the database and if there is something bad, ICE should be contacted.
Somewhat in agreement.
In the case of a warrant, there is no judgement needed. It is protocol.
For the various degrees of illegals, the protocol would have to developed, agreed to and enforced.
When possible technology could be used but it is not the same as using a system like PA's CPIN. For CPIN, you can key in a SSN or a fingerprint and look for a hit. After that, things decay. You can try name and DOB but there are issues with that.
With an illegal there is no SSN. If they have no ID, you would have to use Fingerprint. Perhaps facial recognition but that is not there now.
You would have to start with strategy and intent and then back into the method to enforce.
Some examples: Pulled over for a traffic stop. No ID whats over. I mean - NoID. Not "I'm sorry officer, I live at 22 Main St.and just ran out for some milk and left my walled home"
but, "me no speak-a-da english". No ID. Me live "over there somewhere". For this, I say bring them downtown, detain them until yo can find out who they are. Run fingerprints. Call ICE. Send a prints and photo. Go from there.
Scenario 1: Bethlehem police pull over illegal alien for speeding and find no outstanding warrants...they ticket and deal with it in their municipality.
Scenario 1: Bethlehem police pull over illegal alien for speeding and find no outstanding warrants, and no issues within the ICE database...they ticket and deal with it in their municipality.
The "calling ICE" step has me a little confused if the guy has no ID or anything though. What does that phone call accomplish assuming they have the same access to the same data?
should the police be required to hold him for ICE to pick him up if the police deem the guy is not a risk to public safety?
Yes it a misdemeanor the first time, but that does not mean that you simply pay a fine and then are allowed to stay. You pay the fine and then you face a deportation hearing.
Comparing two groups who don’t pay taxesThat is true. I am not competing with illegal immigrants for a job but it's a much larger discussion than a few of your friends.
We currently have more working illegal immigrants than people unemployed. If they all were gone tomorrow, many of those jobs go unfilled. Labor prices go up, production goes down. Consumer prices rise which decreases consumption. We would be well on our way to a depression. I understand why your friends would be frustrated. I don't know their individual situations so I can't comment, but getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn't actually fix anything for them and would probably make things significantly worse.
What they are really saying is that they wish politicians addressed the issue years ago so they could be on a level playing field today and I agree with that sentiment.
At the core of my thinking about this is that entering this country illegally is a crime and not a trivial crime. Yes it a misdemeanor the first time, but that does not mean that you simply pay a fine and then are allowed to stay. You pay the fine and then you face a deportation hearing.
So go back to the Scenario A. A possible outcome is the guy pays a fine, you issue the guy a temporary visa and put him on a path to citizenship. I say a path, not an instant citizenship. If he succeeds, fine, if not, sayonara
Beyond all of the hypotheticals that we can come up with, the point from this thread ultimately comes down to that in certain towns, they have taken the stance that the police will not honor detainer requests from ICE if the police have determined that the person in question is not a threat to public safety.
These towns have taken the stance that illegal aliens are a part of their community and should not fear that interactions with police will result in deportation unless they have committed a crime.
I personally believe that is a reasonable approach.
If you don't, that is fine,