First MLB Game Cancellation

1/3 uniform roster and 2 coaches, how can the yankees go into the visiting clubhouse today?

Phillies could have been exposed as well on field sat and sun.

Now MLB needs to figure out was this lax behavior on Marlins roster or due to real concentration of virus.
Also why contact tracing so crucial. Did Marlins bring this from Miami a known hotspot...if so they risked others on plane, clubhouse staff, hotel staff.
Saw yesterday where Marlins felt might have been exposed when played exhibition in Atlanta on Wednesday.

Marlins’ game vs. Orioles canceled after 10 more coronavirus cases

By Post Sports Desk

July 27, 2020 | 9:18am | Updated

The Miami Marlins’ coronavirus crisis is now a full-blown outbreak.

The Marlins’ home opener vs. the Orioles scheduled for Monday night has been canceled, according to multiple reports. ESPN reports eight more players and two coaches tested positive for coronavirus, bringing the Marlins’ total to 14 after it was revealed on Sunday four players tested positive for COVID-19.

The team has not yet traveled back to Miami. It is still in Philadelphia undergoing testing.

The Yankees are scheduled to begin a series in Philadelphia tonight. The Marlins were in Philadelphia’s visiting clubhouse and dugout all weekend. The Post’s Joel Sherman reports the Yankees have called in their own clubhouse personnel to work the series in Philadelphia so the team will not be exposed to the visiting clubhouse staff that worked the Marlins series.

According to The Athletic, the Phillies’ entire visiting clubhouse staff will be quarantined after being exposed to the Marlins.
For a lot of people, not even as bad as the flu. For some, worse. Very dependent on age. Somehow I think baseball players will be fine for the most part.
what do you mean "for the most part"?
Again you have a thick headedness trigger in you in regards to this. Not every person a player contacts is age 22 to 40. You have older umpires, coaches, clubhouse attendants. Thats more crucial than a player being asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms.

So what? People contact other people every day. It's on them to protect themselves if they feel they are at risk.
So what? People contact other people every day. It's on them to protect themselves if they feel they are at risk.
How about the responsibility of the other person? You say this yet you are on record that you want to fire people if they dont want to come to work.
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does that mean the minority will require it?

nope, only a small percentage of people who contract this virus require hospitalization. It is in the 10-15% range, most of them elderly and/or with co-morbidities.
nope, only a small percentage of people who contract this virus require hospitalization. It is in the 10-15% range, most of them elderly and/or with co-morbidities.
so then i would say its not "fine for the most part" and more "completely fine"

how do you think the marlins got it? if everyone during the game seemed to be distancing fine. are they too close in the locker room? are people coughing on each other? if they arent and still have a 3rd of the team catch it, its going to come across as the invisible boogyman to everyone.
The issue right now is i am not sure the marlins can even play next two series. Its one thing to lose 3 relievers but you lose primary position players you may not have enough on alt site squad...33 traveling players 11 infected
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For what it's worth, Grigor Dimitrov, a top 20 tennis player, got Covid, and has been open about the fact that he could not practice for one month, and is still feeling the effects. This is one of the fittest people on earth, and this is how he fees as a twenty-something. I'm not sure you can paint a broad brush over how people are going to react to this thing.
Marlins now have to go urgently find mlb ready talent that are free agents and need to test asap
You think 10-15 percent is low?

Yes. 4 out of 5 people (maybe even close to 9 out of 10) will not require hospitalization. Even if they do require hospitalization, most will survive.
For what it's worth, Grigor Dimitrov, a top 20 tennis player, got Covid, and has been open about the fact that he could not practice for one month, and is still feeling the effects. This is one of the fittest people on earth, and this is how he fees as a twenty-something. I'm not sure you can paint a broad brush over how people are going to react to this thing.

There are always rare exceptions to anything in life. Remember, the media highlights the worst of the worst outcomes. You won't hear about those who don't have a problem, which is the vast majority of people who get it.
There are always rare exceptions to anything in life. Remember, the media highlights the worst of the worst outcomes. You won't hear about those who don't have a problem, which is the vast majority of people who get it.
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There will not be a lead tonight that a family in Pocatello, ID picked 8 new eggplants from their garden while social distancing.
if you were to tell me 1/5 people will go to the hospital, even 1/10... it would worry me.

Why? It's 1/5 to 1/10 of the people who contract it, not the general population.

Additionally, the hospitalization percentage may be even lower. CDC says the actual number of cases may be 10x greater than what has been reported. That also means the hospitalization and death rates are 10x lower than what has been reported based on positive cases.
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