Girl from Kent State Photo

Unable to read the article no matter how I view it including incognito.

Nonetheless I'm not sure what conversation you're looking to introduce.

My recollection of that victim was that they had nothing to do with the protests and were just walking on campus either to a class or back to their dorm or wherever.

It was a tragic day.

If you have an interest in historic events like that the Boston massacre had similar characteristics. Our second President John Adams defended the British soldiers who fired on the colonists. Similarities where that you had young scared soldiers put in a situation they didn't want to be in and something caused someone to pull the trigger which then caused others to pull more triggers which caused people to die for no reason.

Many years ago when I served, one of our missions was riot and protest control for nuclear arsenals. We practiced standing in formation and advancing while being harassed and tormented by actors playing the role of protesters. Thankfully, we never had to execute the mission for real and I was spared the test of whether we would have pulled the trigger or held back.