Healthcare costs rising


All Universe
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001

Interesting what is driving the 8% increase.
- Why do most insurance companies cover weight loss drugs?
- Purchasing these drugs in other industrialized nations would be out-of-pocket.
- This doesn’t incentivize the real issue of most health related problems-diet and exercise. Only in America.
- No one talks about long term effects of being on these drugs.

Our healthcare costs are approaching 20% of GDP.
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wow does insurance really cover ozempic for non diabetics? theres a lot of truth to the "they want you to be sick" talk tracks. cash cows. or in this case actual cows.

Interesting what is driving the 8% increase.
- Why do most insurance companies cover weight loss drugs?
- Purchasing these drugs in other industrialized nations would be out-of-pocket.
- This doesn’t incentivize the real issue of most health related problems-diet and exercise. Only in America.
- No one talks about long term effects of being on these drugs.

Our healthcare costs are approaching 20% of GDP.
RFK talking while on stage with Trump. Make America Healthy Again.

Really should have to put a disclaimer on a commercial for all to see when advertising coke, gatorade, hershey, etc this is not part of a healthy diet. Should also be more transparent of the process of the meat being produced.
RFK talking while on stage with Trump. Make America Healthy Again.

Really should have to put a disclaimer on a commercial for all to see when advertising coke, gatorade, hershey, etc this is not part of a healthy diet. Should also be more transparent of the process of the meat being produced.
trump gave McDonalds to all guests who visited the white house fyi.

Interesting what is driving the 8% increase.
- Why do most insurance companies cover weight loss drugs?
- Purchasing these drugs in other industrialized nations would be out-of-pocket.
- This doesn’t incentivize the real issue of most health related problems-diet and exercise. Only in America.
- No one talks about long term effects of being on these drugs.

Our healthcare costs are approaching 20% of GDP.
Is covering weight loss drugs in the end less expensive than having obese people who clearly may or will have multiple serious long term on going health care issues? My wife is in primary care and very few plans cover it. Moreover, you have to be obsess when they do cove it I think BMi over 30.

Obesity is a huge problem in the country. But in Europe there are many additives in foods that are banned and allowed here. Maybe we need to at least start there.
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The additives and the way cows are grown with growth hormone and chickens raised with antibioitcs and the way grain is farmed is ridiculous in our country. Also adding to IBS and other gastro issues in many Americans.

Kennedy is correct though - America needs to get healthier and you may disagree with his opinions but the guy is in great shape.

Health insurance is a complete mess in the USA. People don't understand the concept of insurance and want everything covered. I guess they have a point with how much it costs but certain conditions should not be covered unless it causes a true health issue. Covering everything is also what pushes the premiums sky high.
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Obesity is a huge problem in the country. But in Europe there are many additives in foods that are banned and allowed here. Maybe we need to at least start there.
Obesity is a huge problem, yet the only candidate to talk about it was censored from everything he tried to get involved with. Now that he's out of the race maybe his ideas can be talked about. As of right now this huge problem isn't on the radar of either candidate.

We have an obesity problem because we've followed the money and not the science for decades. 12 of the last 16 years the country has been led by the party of science and done nothing about it. One attempt by Michelle Obama and the lobbyists shut her down the next day because it would hurt bottom lines. And instead of doing right for the people, they caved and did what's right for big business. Next time we hear Trump only cares about Trump, democrats don't care about us either. More money to be made with high fructose corn syrup than sugar. Mexico forces Coca-Cola to make Mexican coke because you can't buy regular coke there. More money to be made with additives giving longer shelf lives. Who ultimately profits from these foods that should be banned....Big Pharma.

This whack job Kennedy was willing to take on some real issues. One day people might realize he's not too far off on this vaccine thing either.
Is covering weight loss drugs in the end less expensive than having obese people who clearly may or will have multiple serious long term on going health care issues? My wife is in primary care and very few plans cover it. Moreover, you have to be obsess when they do cove it I think BMi over 30.
It’s an ass backwards way to treat the problem. Enable people to live an unhealthy lifestyle and then the solution prescription drugs. A patient may or may not lose weight, but if they continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle, it is only masking the problem.

And have you read the contraindications on the package inserts of those weight loss drugs? Some really bad side effects that will affect a percentage of users.

Obesity is a huge problem in the country. But in Europe there are many additives in foods that are banned and allowed here. Maybe we need to at least start there.
Actually, Europeans in general eat much healthier than we do. I spend a lot of time in Europe (just spend a week in Sweden). Portion control, healthier choices, exercise (walking), etc. Additives? Why do we have a higher percentage of childhood health issues, like food allergies, ADHD, etc.?

We should be much more proactive than we are as a country. How about mandatory dietary and healthy living education each year in school? If I see one school that serves hotdogs and pizza for lunch, we should fire the board of education.

Spent a couple of days in my free time walking around Stockholm. If one percent of the population is obese, that’s a lot. 160 attendees at the meeting I was at…zero, nada, not one obese person.
And if anybody thinks these obesity drugs are helping, there is a shortage right now because of demand which means that diabetics have to wait for the medication in some cases.
It’s an ass backwards way to treat the problem. Enable people to live an unhealthy lifestyle and then the solution prescription drugs. A patient may or may not lose weight, but if they continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle, it is only masking the problem.

And have you read the contraindications on the package inserts of those weight loss drugs? Some really bad side effects that will affect a percentage of users.

Actually, Europeans in general eat much healthier than we do. I spend a lot of time in Europe (just spend a week in Sweden). Portion control, healthier choices, exercise (walking), etc. Additives? Why do we have a higher percentage of childhood health issues, like food allergies, ADHD, etc.?

We should be much more proactive than we are as a country. How about mandatory dietary and healthy living education each year in school? If I see one school that serves hotdogs and pizza for lunch, we should fire the board of education.

Spent a couple of days in my free time walking around Stockholm. If one percent of the population is obese, that’s a lot. 160 attendees at the meeting I was at…zero, nada, not one obese person.
I understand what you are saying. But, I know a few people that went on it these drugs. They lost weight for the first time in their life. Their mental outlook became brighter, no longer depressed and actually started to workout. They became more confident. I think you are underselling the value of these drugs. And let’s face it, people are weak to resist the foods that hold them captured. These drugs are helpful for sure.
I understand what you are saying. But, I know a few people that went on it these drugs. They lost weight for the first time in their life. Their mental outlook became brighter, no longer depressed and actually started to workout. They became more confident. I think you are underselling the value of these drugs. And let’s face it, people are weak to resist the foods that hold them captured. These drugs are helpful for sure.
Ok, so it’s helping a few people short term, but we don’t know the long term effects from staying on the drug, and unless they change their eating habits and exercise plan long term, they will just yo yo and gain it back. And if you lose the weight, but still a crapshoot with all of those other health risks.

We need to invest in education early on in life. Instead of all this goofy stuff educators want to focus on.

Bottom line is that healthcare costs up by 8% so let’s see if the costs go back down based on your theory. I’ll take the bet that they won’t. The drug is $1,600/month - $20,000/year.
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The additives and the way cows are grown with growth hormone and chickens raised with antibioitcs and the way grain is farmed is ridiculous in our country. Also adding to IBS and other gastro issues in many Americans.

Kennedy is correct though - America needs to get healthier and you may disagree with his opinions but the guy is in great shape.

Health insurance is a complete mess in the USA. People don't understand the concept of insurance and want everything covered. I guess they have a point with how much it costs but certain conditions should not be covered unless it causes a true health issue. Covering everything is also what pushes the premiums sky high.
its what also makes the insurance company nitpick what treatments or medicines you do get (or when/how you get them) when you actually need it.

doctors are also spending half their day worrying about insurance. why should a doctor have to spend so much time navigating insurance ?
Obesity is a huge problem, yet the only candidate to talk about it was censored from everything he tried to get involved with. Now that he's out of the race maybe his ideas can be talked about. As of right now this huge problem isn't on the radar of either candidate.

We have an obesity problem because we've followed the money and not the science for decades. 12 of the last 16 years the country has been led by the party of science and done nothing about it. One attempt by Michelle Obama and the lobbyists shut her down the next day because it would hurt bottom lines. And instead of doing right for the people, they caved and did what's right for big business. Next time we hear Trump only cares about Trump, democrats don't care about us either. More money to be made with high fructose corn syrup than sugar. Mexico forces Coca-Cola to make Mexican coke because you can't buy regular coke there. More money to be made with additives giving longer shelf lives. Who ultimately profits from these foods that should be banned....Big Pharma.

This whack job Kennedy was willing to take on some real issues. One day people might realize he's not too far off on this vaccine thing either.
a lot of people on this board ragged on michelle obama for infringing with her agenda. also the soda tax that happened in cities like philly
It’s an ass backwards way to treat the problem. Enable people to live an unhealthy lifestyle and then the solution prescription drugs. A patient may or may not lose weight, but if they continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle, it is only masking the problem.

And have you read the contraindications on the package inserts of those weight loss drugs? Some really bad side effects that will affect a percentage of users.

Actually, Europeans in general eat much healthier than we do. I spend a lot of time in Europe (just spend a week in Sweden). Portion control, healthier choices, exercise (walking), etc. Additives? Why do we have a higher percentage of childhood health issues, like food allergies, ADHD, etc.?

We should be much more proactive than we are as a country. How about mandatory dietary and healthy living education each year in school? If I see one school that serves hotdogs and pizza for lunch, we should fire the board of education.

Spent a couple of days in my free time walking around Stockholm. If one percent of the population is obese, that’s a lot. 160 attendees at the meeting I was at…zero, nada, not one obese person.
genuine question do people in sweden sit down and work all day? sit down too and from work?
I understand what you are saying. But, I know a few people that went on it these drugs. They lost weight for the first time in their life. Their mental outlook became brighter, no longer depressed and actually started to workout. They became more confident. I think you are underselling the value of these drugs. And let’s face it, people are weak to resist the foods that hold them captured. These drugs are helpful for sure.
and if you stop taking it what happens? you gotta stay on it
a lot of people on this board ragged on michelle obama for infringing with her agenda. also the soda tax that happened in cities like philly
That’s nonsense. Nobody other than big business was infringed on for Michelle promoting carrots over skittles and soda.
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Plans that cover GLP-1s do so with Prior Authorization utilization management, and you'll see a lot of plans taking the next step to require participation in condition management programs for the behavior change you're looking for. More and more generics are coming through the pipeline too although that will be a few years out. Secondary indications will help the brands stave that off to an extent.
That’s nonsense. Nobody other than big business was infringed on for Michelle promoting carrots over skittles and soda.
The right wing Republicans went after her. They said it was taking away freedoms of what to eat nonsense.
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The right wing Republicans went after her. They said it was taking away freedoms of what to eat nonsense.

Ok Hillary it was a vast right wing conspiracy. Nobody was taking away freedoms just an attempt to add transparency. Eat what you want but companies be transparent of what you’re eating.
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Hey she hasn’t worked in 30 years and a lot if people would vote for her for president.Shows that celebrity outranks substance for a lot of voters.

Ok Hillary it was a vast right wing conspiracy. Nobody was taking away freedoms just an attempt to add transparency. Eat what you want but companies be transparent of what you’re eating.
Here are a couple articles for you about Republicans coming after Michelle Obama.

Here are a couple articles for you about Republicans coming after Michelle Obama.

You act like the Obama's gave into conservatives. If they did there wouldn't have been the Affordable Care Act. Since neither one of us were in the room, let's take our best guesses. The Obama's gave into conservatives or lobbyists?

The first article says she should practice what she preaches. Not saying it was a bad idea but don't be dining on ribs and mandating I need to eat berries. Very similar to Newsome going to out eat during covid, while his state is locked down. The second article you link the hit is on what it would costs and even says if it gets passed by the Republican House, it would probably fail with the Democratic Senate. She said we need to fight Congress, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. Then she stopped fighting. I wonder why? I think the links I posted answer why.
Hey she hasn’t worked in 30 years and a lot if people would vote for her for president.Shows that celebrity outranks substance for a lot of voters.
lmao donald trump was an actual celebrity with no experience in politics .... shows how you really see things clearly with this comment.
For the original intent of the thread, Eli Lilly just took the latest step on trying to grab market share by going "direct to consumer" on single-dose Zepbound at half-price. Will PBMs start to sweat? I doubt it, but it is an interesting step.
For the original intent of the thread, Eli Lilly just took the latest step on trying to grab market share by going "direct to consumer" on single-dose Zepbound at half-price. Will PBMs start to sweat? I doubt it, but it is an interesting step.
So creating a new new dosing / pricing strategy to a new market (DTC) will only increase the send on these drugs.

U.S. ranks 15th on countries with worst obesity…no other industrialized nation on that list. Most South Pacific island nations or Middle Eastern Arab nations.

On the verge of creating a population of GLP1 lifetime addicts. We’ve seen this movie before.
As I said before, cost control measures will continue to evolve. It is something that needs continued attention, but it is a bit overblown IMHO. The obesity problem is nothing new so I am not following your point. It's not as if there was some great diet & exercise lifestyle change happening in the country that this now sets back. Those plans that do cover these drugs will increasingly require condition management program engagement also. If someone wants to go around all of that to pay Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, or some other DTC option like Hims/Hers $400/month to get more simple access to the drug, why do I care? As a plan sponsor, I'll welcome anything to impact the PBM & wholesaler spread pricing.

There are potential risks of GI issues with long-term use in addition to rare linkages to some cancers. Statins carry adverse effects too with no guarantees of lifestyle changes, but it's better than waiting for the heart to explode. Continued introduction of generics as well as providers getting a better handle on appropriateness for prescriptions will also help to bring the costs down. Again, I really don't see a meaningful difference.
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You act like the Obama's gave into conservatives. If they did there wouldn't have been the Affordable Care Act. Since neither one of us were in the room, let's take our best guesses. The Obama's gave into conservatives or lobbyists?

The first article says she should practice what she preaches. Not saying it was a bad idea but don't be dining on ribs and mandating I need to eat berries. Very similar to Newsome going to out eat during covid, while his state is locked down. The second article you link the hit is on what it would costs and even says if it gets passed by the Republican House, it would probably fail with the Democratic Senate. She said we need to fight Congress, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. Then she stopped fighting. I wonder why? I think the links I posted answer why.
Guess you missed the part where Republican Congresswoman criticized her for creating the nanny state along with Sara Palin and conservatives accusing her of telling people what to eat.
As I said before, cost control measures will continue to evolve. It is something that needs continued attention, but it is a bit overblown IMHO. The obesity problem is nothing new so I am not following your point.
My point was from the article that was linked which stated healthcare costs rose by 8% last year primarily due to the spike in weight loss prescriptions.
It's not as if there was some great diet & exercise lifestyle change happening in the country that this now sets back. Those plans that do cover these drugs will increasingly require condition management program engagement also. If someone wants to go around all of that to pay Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, or some other DTC option like Hims/Hers $400/month to get more simple access to the drug, why do I care? As a plan sponsor, I'll welcome anything to impact the PBM & wholesaler spread pricing.
It’s still contributes to rising healthcare costs whether you pay out of pocket or through your employer plan. It doesn’t “set a plan back”…it just furthers the population’s dependency on the drug industry.
There are potential risks of GI issues with long-term use in addition to rare linkages to some cancers. Statins carry adverse effects too with no guarantees of lifestyle changes, but it's better than waiting for the heart to explode. Continued introduction of generics as well as providers getting a better handle on appropriateness for prescriptions will also help to bring the costs down. Again, I really don't see a meaningful difference.
Statins are also over prescribed. Read a study that 95% of those taking a statin are unnecessary if you don’t have other risk factors other than elevated cholesterol.
Guess you missed the part where Republican Congresswoman criticized her for creating the nanny state along with Sara Palin and conservatives accusing her of telling people what to eat.
What’s your guess she caved to republicans or lobbyists? Everyone admits there was a shift in how she went after it as time went on. Republicans shamed her? Doubt it.

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