So SPK and his one child pay as much as me and my six children because the insurance company does not want to administer more than one premium level?
Yes, but it's not just insurance companies. To manage/administer that many tiers for the company that contracts with an insurer from what I was told (by my own HR guy) was that it would be a challenge. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with the practice; but why it's done that way. Sucks for SPK....I think the reality too is that for a families healthcare expense, the parents are the biggest consumers and the incremental cost from 1 to 2 or 3 is not that material.So SPK and his one child pay as much as me and my six children because the insurance company does not want to administer more than one premium level?
parents are the biggest consumers and the incremental cost from 1 to 2 or 3 is not that material.
For employee paid plans the employer gets to decide the approach they want to take.
Has nothing to do with the situation I am referring to.
True, for the specific tiers in that article, however, the point of the article is thar the employer designs/selects the plan. There are plans that would have a tiering for family, say 1-2 kids, the 3-4 kids, or just a per kid charge.
When the employer meets with vendors (insurers) they discuss the pros/cons of the different approaches.
SPK145, when you start your own company you can experience the joy of structuring a plan for your employees and then regardless of what you select, having some employees say you are not fair and are mean.
But again, it is the employer who decides the structure of the plan and which insurer they offer.
Try this one:
I have my own company (and prior to that was involved in the selection of healthcare plans for 30 years)
Did you ever ask the question why no one offers family tiers?
Yes, have always been told "That's just the way it is." .
Yes, have always been told "That's just the way it is." Remember, small businesses have even less choices.
On a more serious note, it probably isn't just the way it is. Insurance companies would not set it up that way if it wasn't profitable for them. The incremental cost must be relatively small or they would have adjusted it
As a business owner would you be OK if your insurance company offered a family plan that charged (for example) - $1010 for a family of 1 child, $1020 for a family with 2 children, $1030....etc?
Separately, many employees contribute to the cost of health care. At any point in your career did you ever consider charging your family employees different reimbursement rates depending on the size of the family? In the end what stopped you?
I suppose we should boycott "kids eat free restaurants".
Back to a real issue. If you didn't see Rand Paul on FTN yesterday, you should. I respect him for not backing the GOP bill. He gets it.
Paul has no mandate in his plan. Another reason why I agree with him.He gets some of it, but there are some flaws with his plan as well.
I agree with opening up the plans so anyone can have access to a group plan, but does his plan have a mandate? I doubt it does.
The reason employer coverage works is because it's easy to just take that money out of a paycheck and healthy people sign up. Once you are talking about an individual marketplace - you will have a population that is significantly less healthy. Can't see how they wouldn't fail as well.
Paul would also likely prefer to offer plans that provide limited coverage so any healthy people that do sign up would pay in very little leaving a huge burden for the older sicker population.
And the ADA, and med device, and AHA, and...the ACA was a piece of dog shit; the replacement was an attempt to freeze it. The reality was that it would have thawed and stunk even more.Not just in the bag with insurance companies but in the tank with pharma companies as well, a truly bipartisan effort.
Cory Booker is totally in the bag with the Pharma companies and many others.Not just in the bag with insurance companies but in the tank with pharma companies as well, a truly bipartisan effort.
And you believe it? I have to bridge to sell you as well. He has received tons of money from Pharma and his voting record shows it and now all of a sudden he says he won't take ANY MORE money from them?? Give me a F'n break...I don't know what you're talking about. Booker just said the other day he's "pressing pause" on accepting pharma donations right now b/c of all the shit he took after voting no on the drugimportation bill. Not refusing to take their $ permanently, but pressing pause for now. I mean, what a gesture! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT????
I hope a true progressive primaries both of our corporatist NJ senators. Menendez gotta go (and might be gone whether he likes it or not this fall once his trial starts), and Booker is still invincible in this state, but I'm convinced a strong primary challenge would bring him way farther to the left where he pretends he is.
Maybe Congress has to do the right thing and come up with a solution where life saving medicines become cheaper than harmful recreation drugs. Maybe Congress needs to come up with a solution to solve why harmful foods like are so cheap and organic healthy foods are so expensive.
I can hear SPK cringing with all of that government intervention, but I agree.
First we need a massive education program for the public to understand that their diets and lifestyle are paramount to reducing healthcare expenditures. We can not expect our healthcare/insurance system to ever be fixed if we can't look ourselves in the mirror and understand we are responsible more than the insurance industry, more than doctors, more than pharma companies with our reliance on fast/processed foods and sedentary lifestyles.
Your overweight family, colleagues, neighbors etc are increasing healthcare costs for everyone. Are we having the discussions we need to be having to have an impact on the those drivers of utilization/cost? There are many who will laugh at that idea and say the government has no place telling people what they can drink and eat or how much exercise they should be getting... but after decades of sitting back and watching us get fatter and fatter... whoever is irrepressible for these conversations is not getting it done.
One of my hopes with Obamacare back in 2010 was that it would help guide us towards recognizing that we are responsible for our health because it was promoting higher deductible types of plans. I don't want healthcare to be "affordable" for people who abused their bodies their entire lives. It should hurt financially to have to pay for maintenance drugs related to 20 years of a poor diet... but of course I wouldn't want to penalize people who have done everything right but got sick anyway so that is a tough balance.
I disagree with the government telling people what to eat and drink. I think the government needs to force companies to inform the American people what they are putting in their body and let the consumer ultimately make their own choice. I think the government should require anyone who sells food to put on display what goes into the food.
Yeah I am just talking about education really, but any discussion on healthcare costs should include the fact that healthcare costs would not be close to the problem it is today if everyone just ate a little better and took a 30-45 minute walk every day.
Nice sarcasm… At least I hope it's sarcasm.You people must lead happy, active and fulfilling lives. If you had my life, you would look past my triple chin and allow me my daily gallon of pepsi and pound of funions. It's cheaper than therapy and recreational drugs.
Fat people are not the problem. They get sick and die. It is all you healthy people that don't die that keep using health insurance. Twenty years of my Metformin and Simvastatin won't equal one year of your end of life treatment so stop worrying and live a little.
There are many things that can be done to bring down the cost of healthy foods. However the government gets their money from unhealthy foods, getting people sick, leading to the purchase of medicines and visits to doctors.
1 What are your ideas for bringing down the cost of healthy foods?
2 I am not prepared to agree the government gets money from people getting sick.... the tax revenue generated gets paid out in other ways. I don't have facts to support myself, but intuitively a 100% healthy population would reduce government expenditures.
. It's all about supply and demand. You have to increase the supply so price drops. Stop agricultural conservation and allow farmers to grow good crops on that land. Stop farm raising seafood. Do a google search for what those fish are fed.