His said last year Cheryl would divorce him

RFK Jr continues to prove that he is a wack job as he dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump. Although I think this is absolutely meaningless in this election, his uncle and brother must be spinning in their graves.
RFK Jr continues to prove that he is a wack job as he dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump. Although I think this is absolutely meaningless in this election, his uncle and brother must be spinning in their graves.
Mr Kennedy said he had launched his campaign in April 2023 "as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle... the champions of the Constitution".

But he left because "it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money".

He blamed his decision to suspend his campaign on "media control" and his former party's efforts to thwart his run, adding: "In my heart I no longer believe I have a realistic path to victory in the face of relentless and systematic censorship."

Sounds like a wack job but those are the same reasons I left as well. Guy suffers from an ailment causing his voice issues. Hard to listen too doesn’t make him a wack job. His father and uncle would be republicans if they were alive today. He’s giving folks a strong message if you care enough to listen. Party of hate stays in their lane, while thousands die in wars.
No - -let me "nuance" it and try to argue she wasn't really calling him a

RFK is a crackpot conspiracy theorist on some stuff, IMO, and spot on about other stuff. What he said during this press conference about the media and DNC was 100% accurate, and CNN actually cut from his speech when he started to go down that road. Also the fact that the current nominee of a major political party -- who was anointed under unusual circumstances and without a primary - hasn't had an unscripted press conference or interview in 30+ days is absolutely bonkers.
Mr Kennedy said he had launched his campaign in April 2023 "as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle... the champions of the Constitution".

But he left because "it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money".

He blamed his decision to suspend his campaign on "media control" and his former party's efforts to thwart his run, adding: "In my heart I no longer believe I have a realistic path to victory in the face of relentless and systematic censorship."

Sounds like a wack job but those are the same reasons I left as well. Guy suffers from an ailment causing his voice issues. Hard to listen too doesn’t make him a wack job. His father and uncle would be republicans if they were alive today. He’s giving folks a strong message if you care enough to listen. Party of hate stays in their lane, while thousands die in wars.
the fact his family hates him and he says stuff like wifi causes brain hemorrhages is why he's a whack job. nice strawman argument. do you guys think people dont have brains? its not the media. its not the dems. guys like trump and rfk are called whack jobs because of their OWN RECORDED WORDS.

christ almighty.
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No - -let me "nuance" it and try to argue she wasn't really calling him a

RFK is a crackpot conspiracy theorist on some stuff, IMO, and spot on about other stuff. What he said during this press conference about the media and DNC was 100% accurate, and CNN actually cut from his speech when he started to go down that road. Also the fact that the current nominee of a major political party -- who was anointed under unusual circumstances and without a primary - hasn't had an unscripted press conference or interview in 30+ days is absolutely bonkers.
it doesn't really seem that bonkers. thats what the debates are for. the republicans tried desperately to script trump and hes shown he's literally incapable of doing it. and its not a good thing.
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it doesn't really seem that bonkers. thats what the debates are for. the republicans tried desperately to script trump and hes shown he's literally incapable of doing it. and its not a good thing.
Trump takes questions from reporters and shows up in hostile environments. Has for years. I don’t like him, but that’s a fact.

A primary process would have forced Harris to do that. She did in the past. We saw what happened. She’s not doing it now for a reason. You can say it’s smart political strategy, and maybe I’m naive, but I expect my candidates to do stuff like this. If Trump had stepped down a month ago and “x” Republican took his place, there would be a media outcry about this. I’m sure your position wouldn’t be that it’s “normal” and “ok”, but that’s the partisan world we live in now unfortunately.
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it doesn't really seem that bonkers. thats what the debates are for. the republicans tried desperately to script trump and hes shown he's literally incapable of doing it. and its not a good thing.
She’s agreed to one debate on her Home Field, for all we know she will get the questions before the debate. Nothing would surprise me at this point. The media has fueled this skeptism. You would feel the same way if she was going to Fox.
Mr Kennedy said he had launched his campaign in April 2023 "as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle... the champions of the Constitution".

But he left because "it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money".

He blamed his decision to suspend his campaign on "media control" and his former party's efforts to thwart his run, adding: "In my heart I no longer believe I have a realistic path to victory in the face of relentless and systematic censorship."

Sounds like a wack job but those are the same reasons I left as well. Guy suffers from an ailment causing his voice issues. Hard to listen too doesn’t make him a wack job. His father and uncle would be republicans if they were alive today. He’s giving folks a strong message if you care enough to listen. Party of hate stays in their lane, while thousands die in wars.
The fact that he called both campaigns and essentially shopped his endorsement out for a job is not what JFK or RFK ideals were. He is an opportunist and Trump gave him the best deal and Harris would not take his calls. This was purely transactional.
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the fact his family hates him and he says stuff like wifi causes brain hemorrhages is why he's a whack job. nice strawman argument. do you guys think people dont have brains? its not the media. its not the dems. guys like trump and rfk are called whack jobs because of their OWN RECORDED WORDS.

christ almighty.
You realize our government has been running studies for years on the possible connections of brain injuries and cell phones. National Cancer Institute a government agency most recently studied 5 G networks because they emote a higher level of radiation. To date they have not found any connections but don’t be surprised if someday they do. They are studying it for a reason hello. I remember the clowns saying Trump was crazy when they he claimed his campaign was being spied on, or how about Russia collusion where you stayed clued to your screen listening to all kinds of really stupid stuff for over 3 years. Good god you have to be kidding look in the mirror, I bet you still believe in Russia collision. Now you are defended Kamala getting a pass, she’s like a kid in High School who never does her homework and is asked to speak in class. Democrats use to question authority now they are just fine and comfortable being sheep.
The fact that he called both campaigns and essentially shopped his endorsement out for a job is not what JFK or RFK ideals were. He is an opportunist and Trump gave him the best deal and Harris would not take his calls. This was purely transactional.
Mistake on her part in my opinion but could just as easily backfire. He was clearly censored by the Democratic Party and forced into going away, he would not make a good puppet.
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You realize our government has been running studies for years on the possible connections of brain injuries and cell phones. National Cancer Institute a government agency most recently studied 5 G networks because they emote a higher level of radiation. To date they have not found any connections but don’t be surprised if someday they do. They are studying it for a reason hello. I remember the clowns saying Trump was crazy when they he claimed his campaign was being spied on, or how about Russia collusion where you stayed clued to your screen listening to all kinds of really stupid stuff for over 3 years. Good god you have to be kidding look in the mirror, I bet you still believe in Russia collision. Now you are defended Kamala getting a pass, she’s like a kid in High School who never does her homework and is asked to speak in class. Democrats use to question authority now they are just fine and comfortable being sheep.
this comment is literally trying to defend RFKs whack job comment about wifi killing your brain barrier. think about that. this is the reason people think hes a whack job. its simple. no conspiracy. finding a worm in his brain is the reason we think he's a whack job.

not sure what the rest of the nonsense you posted even means.
She’s agreed to one debate on her Home Field, for all we know she will get the questions before the debate. Nothing would surprise me at this point. The media has fueled this skeptism. You would feel the same way if she was going to Fox.
regardless of what happens we all know you and the rest of the trumpers will deny it. that is the only fact.
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The fact that he called both campaigns and essentially shopped his endorsement out for a job is not what JFK or RFK ideals were. He is an opportunist and Trump gave him the best deal and Harris would not take his calls. This was purely transactional.
Opportunist???? The only opportunist in this mix is Harris. And she blew it by ignoring him ... you have gone out of your way to dump on RFK, Jr.. I assume you are a Harris voter. So what is it about her record that earned her the right to be president? The establishment press.... the shadow bosses of this administration...... Tell me who you think has been actually running the government for the last 3 1/2 years? I don't know... so clue me in. It certainly hasn't been Biden. Another puppet in the offing..... Kamalot.
regardless of what happens we all know you and the rest of the trumpers will deny it. that is the only fact.
Both parties do the same thing started with Al Core and then Hillary came up with Russia Collusion. You are part of the Russian Collusion crowd. Republicans complain and move on, all of course except Trump but Democrats they are anal and hold onto it forever ie Russian collusion. Al Core went on for months denying he lost. Short memory, and if you loss morning Joe and his gang will come up with some crazy scheme having to do with raping women or stealing from the poor. Both of those topics usually get great attention.
this comment is literally trying to defend RFKs whack job comment about wifi killing your brain barrier. think about that. this is the reason people think hes a whack job. its simple. no conspiracy. finding a worm in his brain is the reason we think he's a whack job.

not sure what the rest of the nonsense you posted even means.
googled the worm in his brain, you think it never happened or are you saying it happened and because of it he's a whack job.

After people eat food contaminated with the tapeworm's eggs, secretions in the stomach cause the eggs to hatch into larvae
. The larvae enter the bloodstream and are distributed to all parts of the body, including the brain and spinal cord. The larvae form cysts (clusters of larvae enclosed in a protective wall).

The larval cysts can infect various parts of the body causing a condition known as cysticercosis. Larval cysts in the brain cause a form of cysticercosis called neurocysticercosis which can lead to seizures. Neurocysticercosis, which affects the brain and is the most severe form of the disease, can be fatal.

These cysts cause few symptoms until the cysts degenerate and the larvae die, triggering inflammation, swelling, and symptoms such as headaches, seizures, personality changes, and mental impairment.
The fact that he called both campaigns and essentially shopped his endorsement out for a job is not what JFK or RFK ideals were. He is an opportunist and Trump gave him the best deal and Harris would not take his calls. This was purely transactional.
How could she not take his calls? This is to save democracy after all. Democracy could go up in flames because of RFK voters in a few key states.
Both parties do the same thing started with Al Core and then Hillary came up with Russia Collusion. You are part of the Russian Collusion crowd. Republicans complain and move on, all of course except Trump but Democrats they are anal and hold onto it forever ie Russian collusion. Al Core went on for months denying he lost. Short memory, and if you loss morning Joe and his gang will come up with some crazy scheme having to do with raping women or stealing from the poor. Both of those topics usually get great attention.
Trumps already setting the stage for another election denial. he's even hosting the Jan 6 defenders "gala" at his club. it's the only strategy. well that and golfing and going ballistic on truth social. he has no interest in actually being president.
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TwitterGuy, can you post the tweets by RFK, Jr on what MAGA means to him. And while you’re at it post what Cheryl tweeted about his decision.