How long before


All Universe
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2006
Republicans blast Obama for a lack of response to this hurricane? Just as Democrats were wrong to criticize Bush for Katrina, Republicans will be wrong this time around.

You shouldn't have to depend on the federal government to provide relief. It should be up to each state because each state faces a different situation.
That's because too many people are blinded by the color of the uniform. Dems are incapable of admitting a Republican can do a good job in some instances & vice versa. Too many of us just attack, attack attack. If the official wears the opposite party's uniform he or she must be wrong all the time.

Tom K
Federal government is a last resort. Local and state government should be the first responders for relief.

If I were Republican's I'd keep blasting him for his lack of effort on jobs. Why bring up something as silly as Irene when they don't need to.

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