I'm old - Got a perfect score

That was a lot of questions :) I got a 100% too and I'm not a baby boomer, so maybe you're not too old just yet!
Now I want one of the classic tv dinners. Swanson turkey with whipped potatoes and dessert. Ready in only 45 minutes.
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Got them all but the one I just took a stab at was the name of the women’s haircut style and guessed right.
My favorite too Dan. This became a staple along with the Salisbury Steak and the Turkey dinner as my wife was developing her dinner cooking skills .
Never liked the dessert. It was so hot it burned the roof of your mouth, even after eating it last.

Young readers who live with microwaves won't ever know the fun of eating TV Dinners or popping corn.


Had the jiffy pop within the past year. Good stuff. The microwave ones tend to have lot more garbage ingredients/ preservatives.

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