Imagine a country with 0 vaccine mandates

SMH. The twitterverse never goes 1 step further to ask how would how can this be turned on the dems. I wouldn't test it out buddy. Dems will have to answer this can you tell me the vaccine statuses of these undocumented people crossing the border? So you want American citizens to be vaccinated but you're okay with these undocumented people going into the same stores, restaurants, venues that Americans go into not knowing their vaccine statuses. Minor double standard there.

Don't focus on orange man. Focus on fixing things that matter to Americans. The border, the price of groceries, etc. Try being a positive instead of the lesser of 2 evils.
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SMH. The twitterverse never goes 1 step further to ask how would how can this be turned on the dems. I wouldn't test it out buddy. Dems will have to answer this can you tell me the vaccine statuses of these undocumented people crossing the border? So you want American citizens to be vaccinated but you're okay with these undocumented people going into the same stores, restaurants, venues that Americans go into not knowing their vaccine statuses. Minor double standard there.

Don't focus on orange man. Focus on fixing things that matter to Americans. The border, the price of groceries, etc. Try being a positive instead of the lesser of 2 evils.
Not for anything but this is a deflection. No matter what, when kids go to schools, they have to be vaccinated no matter who they are.

The original question is how ridiculous would it be for no mandatory vaccines. The obvious answer is that it’s ridiculous. But instead of agreeing with the obvious, you go into your MAGA corner and perform mental gymnastics to defend anything by turning it over to the Dems.

Anyone seeking legal status in the US also must be vaccinated. So if the people who are seeking asylum and are looking to become residents, they do have to be vaccinated in order to achieve legal status.
Not for
Not for anything but this is a deflection. No matter what, when kids go to schools, they have to be vaccinated no matter who they are.

The original question is how ridiculous would it be for no mandatory vaccines. The obvious answer is that it’s ridiculous. But instead of agreeing with the obvious, you go into your MAGA corner and perform mental gymnastics to defend anything by turning it over to the Dems.

Anyone seeking legal status in the US also must be vaccinated. So if the people who are seeking asylum and are looking to become residents, they do have to be vaccinated in order to achieve legal status.
Unfortunately in today’s world you need to question vaccines. Did we just not have a vaccine rolled out that didn’t achieve the level of success of previous vaccines? I’m not against vaccines that work but the last one didn’t work like any previous vaccine did. Government is in the pocket of big pharma. How are you drawing the lines of what vaccines should be mandated vs not mandated. Good luck with that one. So many people regret getting the last vaccine because they still got the virus. That was a preventative measure not a vaccine. You better have a good answer on what gets mandated and what doesn’t and what people should expect if a new vaccine gets rolled out tomorrow.

Schools just mandated a vaccine that literally had no proof of effectiveness. Doing things like that loses the trust of the people.
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Looking back, those supporting mandating the COVID vaccine in schools were wrong. That population was not at risk.

And illegal immigration is not a deflection. Tuberculosis is on the rise specifically due to illegal immigration. So a disease we had virtually eliminated is back.

The COVID vaccine should have been personal decision from day one, but politicians did what they do best….f things up. Financial commitments were made to Pfizer and Moderna so they had to force the vaccine through the population even though it wasn’t necessary.
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Mandating vaccines that work (such as measles, polio, tetanus, etc.) against viruses that also can affect school aged people severely is fine.

Mandating a COVID vaccine that 1) doesn't work well and 2) is not needed for young people is in nobody's best interest.
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The Covid vaccine shouldn’t be mandated for any k-12 schools and it isn’t mandated for k-12 anywhere. Trumps just trying to rile people up since that’s all he does.

Diseases making their way back because of immigration (tuberculosis) or stupidity/ignorance (measles) is a bad thing.
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The Covid vaccine shouldn’t be mandated for any k-12 schools and it isn’t mandated for k-12 anywhere. Trumps just trying to rile people up since that’s all he does.

Diseases making their way back because of immigration (tuberculosis) or stupidity/ignorance (measles) is a bad thing.
There were lots of politicians recommending school mandates.
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They were wrong. We’re years removed from that now.

There is literally no school district in America at risk of losing funding if Trump wins because of a Covid vaccine mandate. Trump needs new material.
I was responding to cerns post.