Is this relevant to being an athlete? Is this the best you can come up with? I agree you need to be in good shape, but unless youre physically moving (not a machine) then you cant count as an athlete. Or put a qualifier like "motor sport athlete" . Unless you play a sport with your balls its irrelevant.
Shu: Here a piece worth reading about elite drivers.
When mentioning the 190 mph left turn, perhaps I should have also added strength, reflexes, speed/space judgment, and concentration.
We look at weight lifters and call them athletes. I don;t see them moving too much. If I wanted to be cynical I could say they just stand there and bend over to pick up something heavy. Clearly, it takes more than that.
BTW, "balls" was an expression to denote courage;, kinda like saying "guts". I know of no sport that is actually played with testicles.