Robotman, I would like to speak directly to you.
1) Palestinians purposefully murders civilian which included babies and women and men. Are you saying these are not atrocities because the babies were not beheaded? To me the purposeful slaughter of people are an atrocity. No need for hyperbole.
2) I think that after 9/11, we should have gone in full force into Tora Bora. the mistake in Afghanistan was Trump making a deal with the Taliban to get out of the country and Biden going through with it. Not the bombing of AlQaeda and the Taliban. That was good.
3) It seems you are so sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. However, the Palestinians never had a homeland. The Ottoman Empire ruled that land for centered before England took it over. As far as the displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel, the UN established borders where Israel would get 56% of the land and the rest would go to Palestine. The Arab Leaguer rejected these borders.
3) Israel was then attacked and the defeated the combined Arab forces.
And what you call Nakba which is where Palestinians had to move out of lands captured by Israel AFTER they were attacked. Then in 1967, the Arabs attacked Israel again. Israel beats back the aggressor Arab states once again capturing more territory which further reduced Palestinian land and the result was more Palestinians being displaced. So Arabs attacked Israel. Arabs lose. Palestinians then complain about losing and losing their lands. Each time after being the initial aggressors, the Arabs and Palestinians have lost every battle and war. Then they complain that they are the victims.
Here is a good article about Bill Clinton and the closest to peace that has ever been in the region. And guess who rejected peace. Yes the Palestinians.
4) As far as you trying to throw the racist word out there, I find it the last gasp argument. Hamas was voted in by nearly 50% of the population of Palestine. The other half was more moderate and voted for the PLO, Not the bastion of liberalism.
5) as far as 9/11 goes, Palestinians celebrated in the streets of Gaza.
. Perhaps you are too young to remember 9/11. But I remember and I will always remember how the Palestinians celebrated 9/11. Not Hamas but regular Palestinians civilians. We Americans should never forget what they actually think of us. They cheered when those planes were hijacked and crashed into the WTC and Pentagon. And this are the people who there college students are protesting for? It is mind boggling.
6) You want to talk about how far Netanyahu is prosecuting the war. Well that is up for debate. I have no issue with people who want peace. But to be Pro-Palestinian is to be anti American.