Lame Duck Schmuck

This clown is incredible. Dangerous, in fact. No way this holds up in court.

This will be challenged in court. I also believe the incoming mayor will rescind this once he is in control. And if the “one shot mandate” persists for kids 5-11 to attend indoor entertainment in NYC, I guess my kids won’t be going to MSG this year. So they can play basketball unmasked and unvaccinated in the gym around the corner from my house but can’t watch a basketball game at the Garden without the shot. Hysterical.

Also how will our whole team be able to play at MSG if this stands?
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I have high hopes for Eric Adams. One way he can get off to a great start is by repealing this egregious government overreach.
He is a complete moron...NYC got what they deserved.
I have high hopes for Eric Adams. One way he can get off to a great start is by repealing this egregious government overreach.

He wont...he supports vax passports....Adams only good quality is that he is pro police and hopefully he'll get the crime under control
Was this passed by the Legislature or was this just done by decree by DeBlasio?

If this is a new law passed by the legislature, then required vaccination is settled law - Jacobsen v Mass. 197 US 11 (1905).
He wont...he supports vax passports....Adams only good quality is that he is pro police and hopefully he'll get the crime under control
NYC is a mess. My daughter works in midtown and they have now been told to dress down as to not attract attention on the street for muggers and leave the office no later than 4:30 and take an Uber if you do (on the company). They have had employees attacked and vendors robbed in mid-day.
NYC is a mess. My daughter works in midtown and they have now been told to dress down as to not attract attention on the street for muggers and leave the office no later than 4:30 and take an Uber if you do (on the company). They have had employees attacked and vendors robbed in mid-day.
that seems a bit dramatic. plus, nyc and all cities were always dangerous. everything is used as a fear tactic.

for sure the city is more dangerous than it was previously but that sounds like theater
that seems a bit dramatic. plus, nyc and all cities were always dangerous. everything is used as a fear tactic.

for sure the city is more dangerous than it was previously but that sounds like theater
It's reality when it's your co-worker and you know people that have been hospitalized. She is 32 and went to school in mid-town (her dorm was literally on top of the Lincoln Tunnel entrance) and has worked in the city since. Other companies in the area are doing the same thing. Are they scared or genuinely worried about their employees?
It's reality when it's your co-worker and you know people that have been hospitalized. She is 32 and went to school in mid-town (her dorm was literally on top of the Lincoln Tunnel entrance) and has worked in the city since. Other companies in the area are doing the same thing. Are they scared or genuinely worried about their employees?
my reality is that covid killed people i know. yet you say its overblown and only a small %. what % of people in nyc are attacked? .05%? non issue

apply that concept here

the people in the hospital were just unlucky. could happen any year or decade.
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Was this passed by the Legislature or was this just done by decree by DeBlasio?

If this is a new law passed by the legislature, then required vaccination is settled law - Jacobsen v Mass. 197 US 11 (1905).
It was not passed in the legislature. By city order/decree by Deblasio, from the article I saw.
my reality is that covid killed people i know. yet you say its overblown and only a small %. what % of people in nyc are attacked? .05%? non issue

apply that concept here

the people in the hospital were just unlucky. could happen any year or decade.
I never said COVID was overblown.

And it's not an either/or answer. You could have a good COVID AND a good policing/justice plan. Most of the attacks and spike in crime are due to bad policy (bail reform) and decisions to scale back policing.
Dramatic step I think to get DeBlasio attention since in three weeks he will be the nobody he used to be .
Does he even care about how much he could possibly hurt entertainment venues the next few weeks when many families frequent winter shows or events in NYC? After those businesses have been crushed already because of this nonsense.
that seems a bit dramatic. plus, nyc and all cities were always dangerous. everything is used as a fear tactic.

for sure the city is more dangerous than it was previously but that sounds like theater
Shusa, I’m not bullshitting you. It’s bad out there. Crime is worst than the 80s. Do you forget those days?
Shusa, I’m not bullshitting you. It’s bad out there. Crime is worst than the 80s. Do you forget those days?
i just find it odd that covid has brought on a million NEW deaths and you all say its being overblown but when theres a few extra homicides in bad neighborhoods in liberal cities its the apocalypse!!!
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i just find it odd that covid has brought on a million NEW deaths and you all say its being overblown but when theres a few extra homicides in bad neighborhoods in liberal cities its the apocalypse!!!

It is comical. Also, dont go there if its dangerous?
i just find it odd that covid has brought on a million NEW deaths and you all say its being overblown but when theres a few extra homicides in bad neighborhoods in liberal cities its the apocalypse!!!
Who is saying it’s been overblown. Can you cite a specific poster?

800k COVID deaths is a lot of deaths
600k annual deaths from coronary heart disease is a lot of deaths
100k annual deaths from drug overdoses is a lot of deaths
Record numbers of homicides in Cities (like Philly - 550 and counting) is a lot of deaths

There is a lot to be concerned about.
i just find it odd that covid has brought on a million NEW deaths and you all say its being overblown but when theres a few extra homicides in bad neighborhoods in liberal cities its the apocalypse!!!

One, it hasn't killed one million in the US yet. Two, that's over 21 months. Significant, but generally on par with annual deaths from cancer or heart disease. 788,000 US covid deaths to date in 21 months = average of 37,500 per month.

I would argue it has been overblown.
Bail reform in NYC is a major contributor to crime. It’s also a huge contributor the violent crime increase in NJ.
Yup. Undoubtedly Deblasio’s anti-police and crime policies have caused an uptick in violent crime offenses. It started before the pandemic and has continued. Back when I was in the office all the time, I would talk to the night security guards at the Chrysler Building when I was working late and needed a ten minute break to stretch my legs. They said crime was the worse they’ve seen in that area since early Rudy before he cleaned things up.

Good riddance Hizzoner. I like everything I’ve read about Adams, so hopefully he doesn’t cower to the political progressive winds on the crime issue (or education for that matter). Deblasio inherited a beautiful crown jewel of a city that Rudy and Bloomberg had humming after years of solid leadership and governance. And if our neighbors in NY elect Deblasio Governor after the nonsense he’s pulled, they will get what they deserve for voting that way.
Very disappointing. You know what the most anti-vax statement is from politicians these days? Imploring you to get a booster shot. It implies that the initial vaccinations did not and do not work.
Doesn’t mean he is necessarily going to have a broad mandate though or enforce what Deblasio just did, unless I’m reading the date of his Twitter post incorrectly (I’m not on that stuff so sometimes misconstrue).
Very disappointing. You know what the most anti-vax statement is from politicians these days? Imploring you to get a booster shot. It implies that the initial vaccinations did not and do not work.
vaccines can wear off over time, and have to deal with new variants. see flu. its not that hard. they work. even child immunization you need boosters along a schedule.
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vaccines can wear off over time, and have to deal with new variants. see flu. its not that hard. they work. even child immunization you need boosters along a schedule.

Then why don't they tell you this when you get it? I got the J&J shot and was told it was one and done. I'm not going back for another.
Then why don't they tell you this when you get it? I got the J&J shot and was told it was one and done. I'm not going back for another.
ok. you do you. this is a new thing. i think you can wrap your head around it. gotta start somehwere. and btw j&j is one shot for the initial immunization compared to the two round dose for the others.

again, children have similar circumstances between dosing across different brands, for DTAP for example
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No, J&J is not an "initial immunization." They said that it was all you needed to do. One and done. So they lied? (Just like they lied about never having to wear the mask again after getting the shot)
No, J&J is not an "initial immunization." They said that it was all you needed to do. One and done. So they lied? (Just like they lied about never having to wear the mask again after getting the shot)

Yup. I dont know anyone who didnt get J&J for this exact reason. One and done...or so we were told.
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No, J&J is not an "initial immunization." They said that it was all you needed to do. One and done. So they lied? (Just like they lied about never having to wear the mask again after getting the shot)
i dont think they ever said this is the only one you get ever. for someone who preaches we should treat this virus like the flu, im laughing at your inability to compare it to the flu when it goes against your narratives.

well, go treat it as the flu now. get ur vaccine each year.
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Yup. I dont know anyone who didnt get J&J for this exact reason. One and done...or so we were told.
oh stop. some people including myself got JJ because it required on shot over two for the initial dose. ie jj v moderna/pfizer. it wasnt one and done and boosters was always a possibility from the start. get it over with and dont have to schedule 2 apts. you conspiracy theorists even said so.

other people got JJ because its not mrna.

and if you believe the mutations (which there were a few before you were vaccinated) arent a big deal then guess what, dont get a booster. you only got one shot in the end. congrats.
I've never taken a flu shot.
but pretty sure your big brain knows how it works. youve been comparing covid to flu the whole time.

if you have a link to where they said this is the only vaccine you need for your life ever then maybe its a different story.

flu, dtap, tetnus, mening, etc all have multiple rounds you get throughout your life. its not a new concept.
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but pretty sure your big brain knows how it works. youve been comparing covid to flu the whole time.

if you have a link to where they said this is the only vaccine you need for your life ever then maybe its a different story.

flu, dtap, tetnus, mening, etc all have multiple rounds you get throughout your life. its not a new concept.

I didn't know you knew the size of my brain. lol.

I generally try to avoid the healthcare/pharmaceutical system. I don't take any prescription drugs, I only have had the childhood vaccines. The covid shot I took this year was the first vaccine of any kind I got in probably 20 years or so.
I didn't know you knew the size of my brain. lol.

I generally try to avoid the healthcare/pharmaceutical system. I don't take any prescription drugs, I only have had the childhood vaccines. The covid shot I took this year was the first vaccine of any kind I got in probably 20 years or so.

Way to deflect from his point. The covid vaccines are not the only ones that will need boosting.

I assume you wont get a tetanus booster if you step on a rusty nail Mr. Tough Guy.
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Way to deflect from his point. The covid vaccines are not the only ones that will need boosting.

I assume you wont get a tetanus booster if you step on a rusty nail Mr. Tough Guy.

If they need boosting then why didn't they tell us at the time? Bait and switch.

I don't think I have gotten a tetanus booster since I was a child. Not sure, would have to check my records.
If they need boosting then why didn't they tell us at the time? Bait and switch.

I don't think I have gotten a tetanus booster since I was a child. Not sure, would have to check my records.

If you step on a rusty nail tonight are you getting a tetanus booster or relying on the shot you got 30 years ago?
If you step on a rusty nail tonight are you getting a tetanus booster or relying on the shot you got 30 years ago?

I don't know. Wouldn't even know where to get one.

That said, I avoid stepping on rusty nails. That's probably good practice, no?
I don't know. Wouldn't even know where to get one.

That said, I avoid stepping on rusty nails. That's probably good practice, no?

Again, nice deflection. The question is whether youd get a booster or rely on your 30 year old vaccine.

Nobody plans on stepping on a rusty nail. If you've done any house work shit happens, that's why we have medicine.
I said "I don't know." Maybe I would trust my 20+ year old vaccine, maybe I won't.

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