LeBron James is officially an embarrassment

Bronny is not Jokic. At that point in the 2nd round, I don't see a problem drafting a non guaranteed contract on a former McDonald's All American recovering from health issues. He doesn't make the team better or worse. The "father/son teammates" isn't official yet until pen hits paper (which probably happen but still). Nepotism influenced the draft pick but it's unlikely he's a difference maker to begin with because that doesn't happen at the 55th pick.
He'll be in the G League predominantly and maybe have the 1 game where they share the court which, criticism aside, is a cool moment just like the Griffeys taking the field.

Also, fun note. 1/2 of that Team USA posted got drafted or signed to some form of summer league deal this week.

I don't care that they took him when they did, as 2nd round picks are generally set up and viewed as worthless by the organizations and the league at this point. It's not like the Lakers invested seriously in him. It's more an indictment that the organization is being run by a player, which is never a good thing in my mind.

Also, the Griffeys were a cool moment because both made the MLB based on merit, and both had actually performed as a worthy professional once there. I couldn't care less about Lebron and Bronny playing together, because there is and was 0 chance of it ever happening legitimately.
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An absolute disgrace he held the Lakers hostage by forcing them to draft his son who wouldn’t even start in college as a sophomore.

Countless legendary players before him never had the nerve to force nepotism on their employers because they were man enough to admit their kids weren’t good enough.

I’m not even sure Bronny belonged in major D-1 let alone being drafted.

The drool fest on ESPN has begun
This is an overreaction. The NBA is full of nepotism at every level. It's more concerning that the kid will play with a congenital heart condition. He does not need the money. Risking sudden death for a sport makes little sense.
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A late 2nd round pick tends to have little value. Nevertheless, the Lakers should have never allowed this.

The Lakers could have also signed Bronny as a free agent and let him play summer league with his dad.

Incessant Bronny James coverage just the latest sports media blunder​

By Phil Mushnick

First, to meet this month’s journalistic requirement. Here goes:

Bronny James, Bronny James, Bronny James.

There. That should do it.

The son of the almighty, enriched by Nike’s Communist China partners and Fourth World laborers despite his chosen omnipresence as a social and racial activist, the son without portfolio, yet drafted in the second round after one season of pedestrian college ball then held for ransom by his father-knows-best dad, has captured the full, daily attention of the media.

In other news, Illinois forward Coleman Hawkins, 22, has left to play basketball for Kansas State, lured at NIL auction for a reported $2 million.

You do understand by now, don’t you, that everything crooked about big-time, big-ticket college sports, save sucker-reliant sports gambling, is now legally in play?

Consider that teenaged recruits, once enrolled in college despite an inability to write or speak a cogent sentence, will, in addition to being only an athlete, now have lots of time and more money on their hands.

What could possibly go wrong that hasn’t already?

Well, there will be a lot more of it, especially between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., after and before practices and games, on and near big-time sports college campuses.

There will be more of everything — from speeding, to DUIs, to assaults, brawls inside and just outside after-hours joints, to drugs, to guns, to battered women — all with the considerable enabling of NIL payments in addition to full-ride scholarships and cash Pell Grants.

Of course most media, frightened by the escaping legitimacy, will be compliant. Don’t want to make waves, lose favor among colleges with large arenas and stadiums to fill and big TV deals to sustain. They’re in the taxpayer-funded “none of your business” business.

We media folks know it’s a farce, a fraud, a fix no better than game-throwing and points-shaving. Yet, we play along like those “useful idiots” Josef Stalin had “disappeared” from group political party photos, those who would next disappear from the face of the earth.

As the arrested and arraigned scholarship recruits — scholarship, another con! — TV, with billions invested in the fraud, will continue its Sgt. Schultz act, even sympathizing with the multimillion dollar head coaches for having to suffer the “off-field distractions” they could reasonably anticipate.

There are no more useful “useful idiots” than those assigned to call college games on TV. They’re in on the fix long before the games, increasingly determined by selfish incivility, begin.

Or are we to expect that these season-by-season NIL bribe auctions will be condemned on the air by the likes of Fox’s lead college duo of Gus Johnson and Joel Klatt, and the all-day-and-night panderers thrown at us by ESPN?

ESPN’s crew now includes longtime Alabama coaching kingpin Nick Saban, who retired then declared that the “student” in “student-athletics” is a con, though he didn’t include the part about how that con greatly enriched his fame and fortune by recruiting those who found it easier to carry a weapon than a text book.

And the presidents of Division I colleges who could act on their right-over-wrong consciences had better have fat severance packages.

Back to Bronny. Seems there was a threat that if he didn’t wind up on the roster of the Los Angeles LeBrons, King James would have him and his hidden talents shipped to play in Australia.

Sing it: “My Bronny lies over the ocean!” He could have put some shrimp on the bar-bie for all of us.

But why get on the kid for what his father does to him rather than for him?

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