No it isn't. The problem with someone like you is that you won't acknowledge one single good thing he's done. You only see political party, if not something else. The man took over for a president with zero accomplishments in eight years; In case you've forgotten, Bush's main legacy is war, while his "signature" piece of legislation, No Child Left Behind, has been horrible for school children and teachers. Under Obama, the economy has consistently improved, unemployment has dropped, our international reputation has been restored, and we've made progress on a number of social issues. Those are impressive accomplishments, and have been done despite Obama being met with extreme racism every minute of his presidency. While we know about some of the racism he and his family have been subjected to, you can surely bet that that's only a tiny portion of it. Yet, for the good of the country, he hasn't lashed out, instead handling it with enormous grace and dignity. No president has ever served our country under those conditions. I can't wait to read his memoirs. Hopefully he drops the gloves and reveals everything about the racism. It certainly won't be a pretty picture of our supposedly great country.
More Lincoln and Obama. Without question, Lincoln was the most divisive president in our history. People claimed he couldn't lead, and the country split in two while he was in office. What do people say about Lincoln now? That he was our greatest president. His legacy is beyond reproach. On some level, we'll see the Obama legacy also improve with the passage of time. In 10 years, you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who'll admit they didn't like Obama. In 50 years, his birthday will be a national holiday. Laugh if you want, but folks would have laughed in 1865 if someone had suggested that about Lincoln. Mr. Obama is a true pioneer in American politics. He is presiding over an important time in our history. While we have a long way to go, our country is back to moving forward after the unfortunate Bush years. Obama is the reason.