IMO, surgery should be a last resort, after all forms of therapy has been exhausted. Allowing a child to make this decision without parental consent is so wrong. There needs to be some professional checks and balances even with the parental consent because we as parents can get caught up in the emotion of trying do what we think is best for our kids and will even listen to bad advice.The Michael Jackson syndrome.
I have never woken up and said "this is so F'ed up. I have a penis and everything else about me feels like I am a female. It makes me the laughing stock of all the boys and I am so unhappy. Not sure I can deal with life like this."
I assume this happens. It is better for major decisions to be decided when you are an adult. But if your child said they have been suicidal for year, are fighting it but it is getting worse and this the problem, maybe you would say lets wait a few more years till you are 18 before we take action. Some parents out there have to help these tortured souls figure it out. Raising kids aint easy. But it is 2nd grade arithmatic compared to that situation.
Society takes time to get used to change. I watch a show of the gay rebelion of the sixties. One of the most stridents gay activist men pf the time is quoted as saying while I know gay marriage will never be allowed, I hope we can soe day be able live together and have our union be acknwleged like married couples.
As a society, we are too quick to pull the trigger on a miracle medication or going straight to surgery to fix everything. And then we have to deal with the downstream damage, because once you go down that path, you can't reverse it. Too many people that have motivations beyond what is really right for the patient.