NCAA Statement on COVID-19

Hard to give a true number as they don't know the total of all cases, including the very minor ones.
Regardless of the final mortality rate of the illness, it is clearly very transmissible and deadly for older patients and those with risk factors. The fact that so many folks are getting mild to severe illness and even death is certainly alarming but should not cause the collapse of society or anything. It is definitely manageable with the right containment strategy and avoiding panic.
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I have elderly family members in Northern Italy. We have recently spoke to them and based on what we were told this should be taken seriously. The elderly/unhealthy or those with elderly or unhealthy friends/family should be cautious. Hope it does not get as serious here but rather play it safe.
From CDC...NON- #fakenews:

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is characterized by mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. Illness can be more severe for some people and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.

Those some people are immuno deficient...namely elderly with existing respiratory issues...former and current smokers for example. Don't believe the lying media who's intention is political.

I work at a hospital. Sorry but you’re wrong
Wondering if the powers that be are checking venue availability all over the country for possible postponement of conference and NCAA tourneys.
We are not there yet but it’s an impossible position for the government.. How much are they willing to risk? Peoples lives vs setting back the economy so far it will be an epic comeback? They’ll pick public safety of course, but what will it be like when the dust settles?
We are not there yet but it’s an impossible position for the government.. How much are they willing to risk? Peoples lives vs setting back the economy so far it will be an epic comeback? They’ll pick public safety of course, but what will it be like when the dust settles?

Lets hope the healthcare system doesn’t get overrun. We saw some really bad behavior here in NJ during the power outages of Irene and Sandy. We are a sad society.
This has been a messaging disaster. Meaning, this is a non-treatable highly contagious disease. A virus. Penicillin does not work on viruses. It may work on pneumonia but in many cases it is too late. The reasons the mortality rate is between 3.5% and 6% is because that is on people who are known and symptomatic. But there are only a few thousand who have been actually tested. The reality is is there may be thousands or hundreds of thousands who now have it. Then a mortality rate of .5% to 1% starts to become a really big number. If you read what is happening in Italy, they are running out of their entire health care system. Beds, ventilators, then nurses and Doctors. I have tickets for the BET. I am healthy, but I have a few people like my younger brother who is imuniocompromized in my life. I had even forgot that he had that problem. What if I went, caught it, didn’t feel bad because you don’t for a few days and even then if you are young or have a strong system it barely effects you. Then I went and coughed on him. Now think about everyone in your life who may not be in the best of health. There is no vaccine. It can’t be stopped with current medications. It isn’t bad for most of us. But if it is as contagious as they believe 20Million to 30Million people will get a mild case of this. Like the flu. That is what happens with the flu when the strain does not have great vaccine efficacy. Except if .5% die, that is 100,000 deaths. Think about it.
Just heard from a guy who has a contact in one of the big East teams athletic department. The Big East is considering limiting the tourney to essential personnel and parents only. They're meeting tomorrow morning to decide so we can look for an announcement at some point.
Lets hope the healthcare system doesn’t get overrun. We saw some really bad behavior here in NJ during the power outages of Irene and Sandy. We are a sad society.
Which is why we should prob be proactive, ban fans from events, work from home, suspend school, and wash our hands!! For a bit

its about “flattening the curve” . Taking a bunch of measures so eventually our hospitals wont be inundated.

i think thats what its supposed to be haha
Just heard from a guy who has a contact in one of the big East teams athletic department. The Big East is considering limiting the tourney to essential personnel and parents only. They're meeting tomorrow morning to decide so we can look for an announcement at some point.
ACC,Big Ten, A-10 all on. Let’s go - play ball.
This has been a messaging disaster. Meaning, this is a non-treatable highly contagious disease. A virus. Penicillin does not work on viruses. It may work on pneumonia but in many cases it is too late. The reasons the mortality rate is between 3.5% and 6% is because that is on people who are known and symptomatic. But there are only a few thousand who have been actually tested. The reality is is there may be thousands or hundreds of thousands who now have it. Then a mortality rate of .5% to 1% starts to become a really big number. If you read what is happening in Italy, they are running out of their entire health care system. Beds, ventilators, then nurses and Doctors. I have tickets for the BET. I am healthy, but I have a few people like my younger brother who is imuniocompromized in my life. I had even forgot that he had that problem. What if I went, caught it, didn’t feel bad because you don’t for a few days and even then if you are young or have a strong system it barely effects you. Then I went and coughed on him. Now think about everyone in your life who may not be in the best of health. There is no vaccine. It can’t be stopped with current medications. It isn’t bad for most of us. But if it is as contagious as they believe 20Million to 30Million people will get a mild case of this. Like the flu. That is what happens with the flu when the strain does not have great vaccine efficacy. Except if .5% die, that is 100,000 deaths. Think about it.
Also i dont think anyone has been cured. We dont know if it actually goes away. There is a recovery rate but not a cure rate.
I started a thread,”This might happen”two weeks ago about the timing being really bad. I just cannot see people getting in airplanes for sure and flying across the country to see a game. I’m sick myself right now so going in NYC this week is out. I tried to get tested for the virus but no way to do that right now. I was at a trade show a month ago with folks who are in contact regularly with China suppliers. Reason % are so high right now is only the really sick are being tested when they get to the hospitals. Thousands of people are walking around with this virus right now. Lots of stupid people coughing all over in food stores etc...when it all shakes out it will be very similar to the flu in terms of fatalities. The flu is no joke either.
Did he smoke? Were there underlying factors. I'm sure you don't know so giving this as an example is not helpful. I'm a strong believer we are too dependent on medication. I have never taken a flu vaccine and have not had the flu since an early teen... and I'm approaching 50. I've been around my kids and others with the flu. The more you expose yourself to the more resistant you become.

To each their own. If you or others choose not to go so be it but I don't make that decision for me thank you.
Patient said he was a non smoker. Is this an outlier? Could be, or it could be a sign that this is more dangerous than originally thought. Problem is, we don’t know.

With regard to you and the flu, perhaps your immune system is super resistant to influenza. That’s terrific. But you are the outlier. I used to never get a flu shot and year after year and every year, I would get the flu. Finally, I ended my stupidity and started getting the flu shot and for the past 10 years, I have not got the flu.
Patient said he was a non smoker. Is this an outlier? Could be, or it could be a sign that this is more dangerous than originally thought. Problem is, we don’t know.

With regard to you and the flu, perhaps your immune system is super resistant to influenza. That’s terrific. But you are the outlier. I used to never get a flu shot and year after year and every year, I would get the flu. Finally, I ended my stupidity and started getting the flu shot and for the past 10 years, I have not got the flu.
Well maybe I'm blessed. But seems that over 80% exhibit MILD symptoms. Should 80% of the population be punished for the less that the 20% that are susceptible? Make your own choice... that the point of a free society isn't it?
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Just heard from a guy who has a contact in one of the big East teams athletic department. The Big East is considering limiting the tourney to essential personnel and parents only. They're meeting tomorrow morning to decide so we can look for an announcement at some point.
Writing is on the wall. Gonna happen
If they were going to cancel it, they should have done so already. The tournament starts tomorrow and people have already traveled from far and spent hundreds of dollars on tickets. It would be a logistical nightmare for them. Hopefully we go back to normal soon.
If they were going to cancel it, they should have done so already. The tournament starts tomorrow and people have already traveled from far and spent hundreds of dollars on tickets. It would be a logistical nightmare for them. Hopefully we go back to normal soon.
If they decide to restrict or limit to parents, I’m sure they will arrange watch parties free of charge at nice venues. Nothing anyone wants - heck I have hotel rooms and tickets for Albany. Not looking forward to missing our best team in person in many years in tourney.
If they decide to restrict or limit to parents, I’m sure they will arrange watch parties free of charge at nice venues. Nothing anyone wants - heck I have hotel rooms and tickets for Albany. Not looking forward to missing our best team in person in many years in tourney.
theyll prob refund the money and tell people to continue not gathering in groups?
That's just not true for diagnosed cases thus far. Even for those without chronic conditions, it's higher than that. This disease has a significant risk of causing serious illness or death.

"Patients of all ages with no underlying chronic conditions had a fatality rate of 1.4 percent, according to the WHO report. COVID-19 patients with cardiovascular disease had a rate of 13.2 percent; with diabetes, 9.2 percent; with hypertension, 8.4 percent; with chronic respiratory disease, 8 percent; and with cancer, 7.6 percent."

Consider the source. He's a Trumper simply defending his boss & his attempts to downplay.
Lets hope the healthcare system doesn’t get overrun. We saw some really bad behavior here in NJ during the power outages of Irene and Sandy. We are a sad society.

This is a major problem already. They hysteria is driving the resources low for those who actually need them.

If these doomsday scenarios play out, it won’t matter if you go to MSG or the supermarket.
Well maybe I'm blessed. But seems that over 80% exhibit MILD symptoms. Should 80% of the population be punished for the less that the 20% that are susceptible? Make your own choice... that the point of a free society isn't it?
Im not willing to risk my parents getting it. They are in their 80’s. It’s a free society for sure which makes it more difficult to do what South Korea, China and even Italy are doing. But I look at Italy and I k ow I wouldn’t brush this off.

And you are saying that being punished is not going to a basketball game or going to class? What if your wrong and this is way worse than you think? Did your thinking just contribute to a pandemic that overloads our health care system was worth it?
Im not willing to risk my parents getting it. They are in their 80’s. It’s a free society for sure which makes it more difficult to do what South Korea, China and even Italy are doing. But I look at Italy and I k ow I wouldn’t brush this off.

And you are saying that being punished is not going to a basketball game or going to class? What if your wrong and this is way worse than you think? Did your thinking just contribute to a pandemic that overloads our health care system was worth it?

This to me is the question: Where is the line drawn? Until a reasonable assessment is made, you can argue every thing in life should be recommended to stop. But who can live like that? And does this set a precedent for everything in the future? Would be very easy to derail society.

Younger, healthy people with good lung function may not have an big issue, but could inadvertently pass it to those who do (elderly, those with compromised lung or general health function). Those are the people dying in Italy where the population is older (avg death age is 81) and air pollution an issue, which is so hard with a respiratory virus.

Even younger healthy people who do catch it will experience something along the lines of what an awful asthma attack or pneumonia feels like.
If you're gonna cancel sporting events you better will cancel school, close all places of work, movie theaters, malls, etc, anyplace people interact. Just closing sporting events but not shutting down the other stuff seems stupid. This Covid-19 is so dangerous we are ending all entertainment, but not dangerous enough for you to work 40 hours a week. lol
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From my perspective, there is definitely an overreaction we are seeing. The major differences between Covid – 19 and the flu are essentially this:
- There is no vaccine to prevent getting the virus. Even with a seasonal flu vaccines are in only effective depending if they get the right strain. Vaccines are generally effective and it does give people a peace of mind.
- Given that it started in China and they were slow to acknowledge and be upfront, the world is playing catch-up. In the case of a seasonal flu, we generally know what we are dealing with well before flu season begins.
- We are still trying to totally understand transmission rates and risk.

There is a fine line between affectively preventing community risk and creating unnecessary panic. It sounds easy to shut things down but there are unintended consequences both economically and unnecessarily stressing our nations health system and add significant risk to others who are sick. For example, if schools and businesses close it will have a catastrophic effect on the nations blood supply. 70% of the nations blood is collected at mobile drives from businesses and schools. That blood is highly perishable and there is typically only about 3 to 4 days of inventory on the shelf nationally. So if you have a family member who is being treated with chemotherapy and needs regular platelet transfusions or know someone who has experienced a major trauma requiring 100 units of whole blood, what do you think is going to happen? Those deaths will far outweigh the casualties directly related from the virus. And that’s just one specific example.
A few thoughts

In US Feds might not have constitutional authority, so States must act

states might not act so organizations (NCAA) might act

best data I’ve seen

FYI Coronovirus fatality rates by age group
<40. 0.2%
50. 1.0%
60. 3.0%
70. 5.5%. 28x <40
75 Yrs 13%. 65x
80. 15%. 75x

The incubation period seems to be 15 days plus, with 80% of the infected having zero symptoms.

This means that any one of us might be a “carrier“ and if any of us were to go into a crowd we might infect hundreds.

The statistics that I’ve read says that infections should probably double every six days. Think about that.

in 3 months it’s 2^15 or 32,768 times today’s numbers.

If there was ever an instance where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure I think this might be it.

As for our US freedoms, perhaps everyone should be willing to decide if he’s going to put himself or herself at risk.

But does everyone have the right to put 100 or 200 others at risk?

If the worst thing in our lives is having to watch our Pirates win the NCAA tournament on TV instead of in the arena, I’ll take that in a minute.
....For example, if schools and businesses close it will have a catastrophic effect on the nations blood supply. 70% of the nations blood is collected at mobile drives from businesses and schools. That blood is highly perishable and there is typically only about 3 to 4 days of inventory on the shelf nationally. So if you have a family member who is being treated with chemotherapy and needs ...[unquote]

Do they know if viruses can be transmitted in blood ?

if not, then we should all be donating platelets every 12 days or whatever the minimum platelet wait time is
The incubation period seems to be 15 days plus, with 80% of the infected having zero symptoms.

If there was ever an instance where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure I think this might be it.

The incubation period (time with virus but not exhibiting symptoms) is an average of 5 days, but some cases has been 2 weeks -- thus the 2 week self-isolation period recommended.

I was dead set on going to MSG (no pun intended) this week, but I am coming around to your way of thinking.
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If they decide to restrict or limit to parents, I’m sure they will arrange watch parties free of charge at nice venues. Nothing anyone wants - heck I have hotel rooms and tickets for Albany. Not looking forward to missing our best team in person in many years in tourney.
What on earth would that solve? Watch parties are still large gathering.
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They will test positive for antibodies.

You are right, and the original poster's statement that it can't be CURED is where we, as humans, tend toward hysteria. No one wants to listen to the experts, telling us how to act, what do if we are symptomatic, what to do if we're not (like, stop wearing masks!), and we regress to a survivalist mentality. Dangerous.

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