When are tickets going on sale? I'm actually seriously thinking of going in my hazmat suit. First time I'll be out of the house in nearly a year. Please let me know. Thank you!
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If you do go can u take a socially distanced selfie with the pirate mascot and post it here?When are tickets going on sale? I'm actually seriously thinking of going in my hazmat suit. First time I'll be out of the house in nearly a year. Please let me know. Thank you!
If you do go can u take a socially distanced selfie with the pirate mascot and post it here?
I will probably only consider going if the upper bowl is open. I will not if its only the lower bowl. That puts me more at high risk of being in contact with people. I will be more comfortable in the upper bowl and going straight up.
Neither bowl is open to those wearing hazmat suits.
I see hazmat people. They're everywhere.
LOL, you fool nobody on here. Maybe your "mayor" will give you another award this year.