Where do we go--
Wusu, Jenkins, Toumi --done, no eligibility left
Okorafor--show him the door
Dual, Tubek--not fitting in, most likely gone
Felton, Coleman--like to keep but probably gone
Mbaye--who knows what he can do if anything-- big ???
Which leaves us with Aligbe, Yeldon,Middleton,& Erherien and two walk ons
Not a lot to work with. We're in some deep shit trouble
Wusu, Jenkins, Toumi --done, no eligibility left
Okorafor--show him the door
Dual, Tubek--not fitting in, most likely gone
Felton, Coleman--like to keep but probably gone
Mbaye--who knows what he can do if anything-- big ???
Which leaves us with Aligbe, Yeldon,Middleton,& Erherien and two walk ons
Not a lot to work with. We're in some deep shit trouble