
After years of Forbes treating SHU worse than whale stuff at the bottom of the ocean because of Bob and Dennis, they finally give us a break. It's about time and long overdue. Nice job by everyone at Seton Hall to get this recognition. I'm very proud.
After years of Forbes treating SHU worse than whale stuff at the bottom of the ocean because of Bob and Dennis, they finally give us a break. It's about time and long overdue. Nice job by everyone at Seton Hall to get this recognition. I'm very proud.

Bob & Dennis...."Boy have we got a deal for you"
An entire generation entering the workforce with a mortgage despite having not purchased a house.

75K left to go. But lucky enough where I will have it down to zero in the next 12 months or so.

Can not imagine the kids that came out with degrees and jobs that do not pay a lot.

Boggles my mind how someone can go to SHU and become a teacher or cop, how do you pay that off?