OT: NY Giants

Did you guys see this? This was caught on tape from last week against the Saints.

Someone needs to get this kind under control. Has lost all benefit of the doubt now, I think.

Cheap shots like this make me believe that Norman wasn't too far off base when he said OBJ isn't particularly well liked by other players throughout the league.
Cheap shots like this make me believe that Norman wasn't too far off base when he said OBJ isn't particularly well liked by other players throughout the league.
I don't care too much about that. The question is, do his own teammates like him?
I don't care too much about that. The question is, do his own teammates like him?

Isn't the question that also needs to be asked is if his on- field antics are hurting the team. His antics has put him in the position of being watched very closely by the officiating crew and that will cause them to call penalties on him quicker then they might on other players.
Isn't the question that also needs to be asked is if his on- field antics are hurting the team. His antics has put him in the position of being watched very closely by the officiating crew and that will cause them to call penalties on him quicker then they might on other players.
That's a fair question. But I was just responding to the post about his opponents not liking him. Most opponents wouldn't or shouldn't like someone of his talent level who also brings the attitude that he has. It can also be argued that it's the same attitude it what makes him a great WR.

He clearly has hurt the team with his penalties. But on this particular one, the official somehow missed it. But you're right, going forward he will be watched more closely.
Shane Vereen is out for the season with a injury to his triceps. Yikes.
Richburg penalty was one of the dumbest things I ever witnessed. The fact that he was celebrating on the sidelines after getting thrown out was mind boggling. Cost his team a touchdown & probably the game.
Shane Vereen is out for the season with a injury to his triceps. Yikes.
Even though he has fumbled multiple times in the last two games he is a dangerous weapon coming out of the backfield. Out for the season? Wow! They need some RBs quickly and for Jennings to get healthy too.
I see some lean years ahead for NYG. It would be a shame to see OBJ's prime get squandered by what appears to be bad personnel and coaching decisions.

And as the resident anti-Philly sports poster, it's particularly painful to see this happening while the Eagles seem to have found a gem in Carson Wentz.

Slow down. Eagles also thought they had a gem with Vick, Barkley, Foles, Sanchez & Bradford. Things can change quickly in the NFL
Slow down. Eagles also thought they had a gem with Vick, Barkley, Foles, Sanchez & Bradford. Things can change quickly in the NFL
Actually, very few rationale Eagles fans thought any of those guys were the QB of the future. (using my own very scientific method of tuning out homers who are friends of mine and those that call into local sports talk radio :) ). But also, using my own two eyes, none of them concerned me as a Giants fan. Wentz just has a different look and feel about him.

Agree it's early. But he thrashed what should be a good Steelers team. That's when I started getting concerned.
Richburg and Adams reflected a team out of control.

Beyond the meltdown, I thought Eli was jittery, too. He doesn't trust that line and hasn't in a while. Then he got popped pretty good earlier in the game and it seemed to affect him a bit. Did not have the right timing and patience to go through progression.

And now this offensive line goes up against the Vikings' pass rush in Minnesota on MNF next week. lol
You have on last chance to build Eli a team to go somewhere. You spend a bunch of dough, and he still plays behind a bad line. I know the defense was bad too, but this is hard to figure for me. That one time he stepped up in the pocket and got clobbered by that guy looked like a tough one to take for anyone.
You have on last chance to build Eli a team to go somewhere. You spend a bunch of dough, and he still plays behind a bad line. I know the defense was bad too, but this is hard to figure for me. That one time he stepped up in the pocket and got clobbered by that guy looked like a tough one to take for anyone.
I have seen Eli get hit before but he seems to do a good job of avoiding the big hit. That was a very big shot he took there and it can certainly effect any QB. But that last pass he threw was awful. The first INT was not his fault as the TE seemed to break off his route and wasn't even looking for the ball. He can't take too many more hits like that if we want to win some games.
Shane Vereen is out for the season with a injury to his triceps. Yikes.
The dimension Vereen added to the offense was his ability to catch the ball coming out of the backfield and to act as the safety valve and finding a RB who can fill that role may not be easy.
Vereen is also quick and shifty. They were featuring him more as a runner this year too and he was effective up the middle.

Big loss.
Start watching from 1:00-mark and you'll immediately see the play Eli gets hammered.


I have no idea what to make of this team. A favorable schedule coming up where they may be favored in the next 6 games. At this point, it's anyone's guess as to how they'll play those games.
Watching the last two games you get a realistic view of just how far behind the Giants are from a talent and coaching perspective when compared to the NFL' s better teams like the Vikings and Packers. The last two games have exposed the Giant's weaknesses but the most surprising of all is how poorly Eli has played . While it's still too early to say definitively you have to wonder if we're seeing the beginning of the decline of Eli as a QB
Watching the last two games you get a realistic view of just how far behind the Giants are from a talent and coaching perspective when compared to the NFL' s better teams like the Vikings and Packers. The last two games have exposed the Giant's weaknesses but the most surprising of all is how poorly Eli has played . While it's still too early to say definitively you have to wonder if we're seeing the beginning of the decline of Eli as a QB
Eli is not declining. He does not trust his offensive line and he is playing with inexperienced RBs and TEs so he is acting like a coach on the field to these younger players. You can see every time he is calling signals he is moving guys around each play. His O line is not good either and that is definitely causing some happy feet for Eli and hurting his accuracy for sure. He is getting hit a lot and feeling pressure every play. That will make any QB especially one that does not move his feet well look bad.

Knowing all of that I believe the play calling from McAdoo has been absolutely atrocious. They run when you think they will run and pass when you know they have to pass. For a bit in the 2nd half they threw to the RB and Eli got rid of the ball quickly and the Giants moved right up the field. This offense needs more of that because the O line and protection is bad. The young RBs can make plays but they do not understand protection schemes at all.

And the offense never seems to get on track until the second half when they are losing. Lots of penalties that kill drives and the offense cannot stay on the field putting incredible pressure on the banged up defense. I thought the D last night bent but did not break against a good Packer team. If the offense could have scored a few more points the Giants actually could have won that game. They better get going or the season will be lost quickly. The fears we had about the O line and TE situation going into the season are coming true unfortunately.
Eli is not declining. He does not trust his offensive line and he is playing with inexperienced RBs and TEs so he is acting like a coach on the field to these younger players. You can see every time he is calling signals he is moving guys around each play. His O line is not good either and that is definitely causing some happy feet for Eli and hurting his accuracy for sure. He is getting hit a lot and feeling pressure every play. That will make any QB especially one that does not move his feet well look bad.

Knowing all of that I believe the play calling from McAdoo has been absolutely atrocious. They run when you think they will run and pass when you know they have to pass. For a bit in the 2nd half they threw to the RB and Eli got rid of the ball quickly and the Giants moved right up the field. This offense needs more of that because the O line and protection is bad. The young RBs can make plays but they do not understand protection schemes at all.

And the offense never seems to get on track until the second half when they are losing. Lots of penalties that kill drives and the offense cannot stay on the field putting incredible pressure on the banged up defense. I thought the D last night bent but did not break against a good Packer team. If the offense could have scored a few more points the Giants actually could have won that game. They better get going or the season will be lost quickly. The fears we had about the O line and TE situation going into the season are coming true unfortunately.
I agree that the play calling has been bad and maybe McAdoo should turn the play calling over to his OC . The OL is worse then I thought with not only a weak right side but Flowers has not made the progression I thought he would have and can't seem to block the speed pass rushes and consistently gets called for holding. Whenever you have a weak LT who is protecting the QB's blind side you're going to see rushed passes and happy feet plus there's no time to let the long pass patterns develop which should be a Giant Strenght with ODB, Cruz and Shepard.
Eli is not declining. He does not trust his offensive line and he is playing with inexperienced RBs and TEs so he is acting like a coach on the field to these younger players. You can see every time he is calling signals he is moving guys around each play. His O line is not good either and that is definitely causing some happy feet for Eli and hurting his accuracy for sure. He is getting hit a lot and feeling pressure every play. That will make any QB especially one that does not move his feet well look bad.

Knowing all of that I believe the play calling from McAdoo has been absolutely atrocious. They run when you think they will run and pass when you know they have to pass. For a bit in the 2nd half they threw to the RB and Eli got rid of the ball quickly and the Giants moved right up the field. This offense needs more of that because the O line and protection is bad. The young RBs can make plays but they do not understand protection schemes at all.

And the offense never seems to get on track until the second half when they are losing. Lots of penalties that kill drives and the offense cannot stay on the field putting incredible pressure on the banged up defense. I thought the D last night bent but did not break against a good Packer team. If the offense could have scored a few more points the Giants actually could have won that game. They better get going or the season will be lost quickly. The fears we had about the O line and TE situation going into the season are coming true unfortunately.

Eli is playing poorly. So many of his throws were not accurate the last few weeks. Even the Tye pass was off some. No question he does not trust his line, but we all know the front office is to blame. And 80 may be right that Flowers is a bust. But, they don't ever give him any help like how JPP gets a double team every pass play.

This coaching staff is worse than TCs which was past its shelf life. Maybe McAdoo will get past the learning curve quicker than the Jets coach.
TomD has touched on a subject that maybe should be discussed and that is just how good the entire Giant coaching staff is not just the head coach. Whenever you have a young head coach in his first year of coaching you would hope that he would have an experienced group of assistants and high quality coaches filling both coordinators spots.
Eli has missed passes he doesn't miss. I am a big Eli defender, but he didn't pass well yesterday. He has faced pressure equal or worse pressure to yesterday countless times and passed more accurately anyway.
Agree Eli missed some passes last night especially the pass to Odell and Tye but Tye could have caught that (he is not an athletic option at TE - more of a blocker).

I think the defensive coaching is OK so far. We rank 16th best in points against (not bad). If you told me before the game we would not have our starting safeties and our CBs are banged up badly and we would hld GB to 23 points in Green Bay I would have taken it and thought we might have a chance to win that game. We get healthy in the backfield and we will improve. The pass rush was not good last night though.

Offensively we have only scored 89 points in five games. That is 17.8 pts a game. That won't get it done and puts us 23rd in scoring. In total offense/yards we are doing better (14th) but it does not matter if we can't score in the Red zone. Not having a reliable running game or a reliable TE is killing us in the red zone. The OLine is also a major weakness.

As far as coaching goes McAdoo should give up the play calling and coach the whole team. A new perspective might help.
The suggestion of McAdoo giving up the play calling and coach the whole team reminds me of the same situation when Ryan coached the Jets and the same call was made.
But the good news is, no more using a NJG game as an excuse on a Sunday for not going to see the Mighty Pirates!
If Manning and Rodgers had switched uniforms the result would've been the same. The Giants' Ol performed as well as Rutgers' OL against Michigan. Four the five OL starters last night were fairly recent draft picks. For all the free agent money spent on defense, Rodgers still had time to shoot a commercial back there. Reese should've been let go last year.
The constant pressure Eli is under definitely takes a toll on his accuracy. Giants need to start dinking & dunking more. This will help mask the inept OL.
The constant pressure Eli is under definitely takes a toll on his accuracy. Giants need to start dinking & dunking more. This will help mask the inept OL.

I wonder if Eli is angry that the gm's neglect of the O-line has put him in a lot of danger of injury or at least getting sacked multiple times every game.
This is nothing new. Eli Manning becomes highly turnover prone and inaccurate when he faces constant pressure. He looks like he did in 2013. He does not trust the offensive line because it has played terribly. He has gotten hit more this year than last year, proportionally speaking.

It's the same old nonsense with this team. All offseason we spoke about the need to build an offensive line and it went nowhere. Flowers' regression is concerning considering he was drafted with red flags on technique. Shaun O'Hara actually referred to him as a "coach killer". The offense looks terrible, which reflects poorly on McAdoo. Teams are getting pressure with 4-man fronts. That is insane. There is no time for receivers to get open and with teams generating pressure with low numbers, so many defenders in the secondary. Plus they don't have a fullback or blocking TE.

What's worse about this year is you also have widespread behavior and penalty issues. Beckham's shenanigans, Richburg thrown from a game, Flowers shoving a reporter after Sunday night's game, the implosion against the Redskins with the personal fouls. Terrible.

The defense is improved, but the entire team looks poorly coached and undisciplined.
When teams have the ability to get pressure with 4 man fronts, as the Vikings and Packers did, that means you can put 7 players in pass protection and take away the deep routes. What is the most distressing part of the offensive line is that not only is Flowers not showing any progress but Richberg seems to have regressed.
We spoke of the hit Eli took in the game against the Redskins. That is looking like a seminal moment.

From elsewhere on the web:
At minimum it has made him lose confidence totally in his O line.

You can see when he is at the line of scrimmage yelling out protections and also telling the TEs and RBs where to go - it's constant. It's like golf when you have a negative swing thought usually the shot is not gonna be good. He's having negative protection thoughts every play. The two consistent guys on the line are Richburg and Pugh and that is it. The rest are not getting it done and the TE's are useless as well. There is a reason why two rookie QBs are doing well at Dallas and Philly and it's the O lines they are working with.
There wasn't any sports analyst that didn't comment negatively on why the Giants ( read Reese and Ross ) didn't take any steps in either the draft or in free- agency to address the O-Line. There wasn't a poster when we discussed the Giants on this Board that didn't raise the issue of the Giants doing nothing to strengthen the O-Line. What we're seeing with the Giants this year, as we did last year is that the Giants Achilles heel offensively is primarily the offensive line plus the lack of a high quality TE.
Flowers has been an utter disaster. Something looks off with Eli but don't really know what it is. Injury? No trust in O Line? Zero running game? Combination of all 3? Who knows what will happen in game this week vs. Ravens. Ravens are very similar where they haven't been good on offense at all either.
Survive and advance yesterday with the win against the Ravens. But man, that was a game between two seriously flawed teams. Giants were again sloppy, undisciplined, and balanced. They are now -10 in turnover margin this year, sort of amazing they are 3-3.

Pitch-and-catch between Eli and OBJ remains the great tonic.
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Survive and advance yesterday with the win against the Ravens. But man, that was a game between two seriously flawed teams. Giants were again sloppy, undisciplined, and balanced. They are now -10 in turnover margin this year, sort of amazing they are 3-3.

Pitch-and-catch between Eli and OBJ remains the great tonic.
You left out one major flaw and that is that they don't smart FB like the late hit on Flacco that gave the Ravens the ball back after the Giants had stopped them. ODB's taking his helmet off after the winning touchdown . On a separate not the interference call on DRC may have been one of the worse calls ever.
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