Our Common Enemy is WHO and other evil Globalists

May 11, 2010
They are forewarning us again that they are going to release another virus - this time deadlier than the weak ColdVid.

They want countries to bow down to them and kiss their ring so they can dictate their mandates via a one-world power.

All of you , even the obedient serfs, will lose your sovereignty and freedoms if the USA Government letS WHO and Klaus Schwab ultimately RULE us via disease and climate lockdowns and forced “vaccinations “ tied to your credit score.

Before you go vote , ask yourself which candidates will agree to the demise of your civil and human rights and which candidates will stand up to the EVIL.

I have a feeling the usual obedient sheep and useful idiots will not care about the demise and vote for their PARTY or who the regime media props up. I’d like to be surprised though.