Over/Under When Harris Does Trump Like Press Conference Unscripted

ed odowd

All American
Apr 24, 2013
I am talking about a typical Trump press conference,unscripted meaning you call on someone who raises their hand like Trump did yesterday for one hour and he took three dozen questions.I will start guessing by picking never.
If she answers questions or explains her policies she loses, the strategy is absolutely brilliant. Best part is she has ABC doing the debate so they will attack Trump for her. Most people will be OK with her not telling them what her plans are for solving the problems she help create. Also the fake news will not be talking about her not doing interviews or answering questions so zero is the magic number. Welcome to the new America, where you don’t have to explain why you have failed miserably.
She’s using the Biden basement playbook, but how about Trump focusing on policy? Low bar for the debates.
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She’s using the Biden basement playbook, but how about Trump focusing on policy? Low bar for the debates.
He’s his own worse enemy, he’s even criticizing Kemp in Georgia which is foolish. He needs to be laser focused on issues. Vance does a better job focusing on the issues and really great answering questions on the fly.
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Can anyone blame her for not answering questions. The plan is to let Trump damage himself. Trump's plan should be to force her into word salads. The media loves Trump for ratings. Trump has done enough answering questions. He should only talk about issues in his rallies and refuse to answer questions until she has to answer real questions, not questions about ice cream. With Trump not answering questions until she does, the media may be forced to question her. Not really sure how CNN or MSNBC will headline Trump won't answer questions until Harris does, but it won't be a good look for Harris.
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Can anyone blame her for not answering questions. The plan is to let Trump damage himself. Trump's plan should be to force her into word salads. The media loves Trump for ratings. Trump has done enough answering questions. He should only talk about issues in his rallies and refuse to answer questions until she has to answer real questions, not questions about ice cream. With Trump not answering questions until she does, the media may be forced to question her. Not really sure how CNN or MSNBC will headline Trump won't answer questions until Harris does, but it won't be a good look for Harris.
As bad as Biden was in their debate Trump did not answer any questions directly just his usual unscripted BS but Biden was so bad Trump got a pass .
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As bad as Biden was in their debate Trump did not answer any questions directly just his usual unscripted BS but Biden was so bad Trump got a pass .
Also unless either candidate really screws up this election will be won or lost with the 10% or so of the undecided voters .
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As bad as Biden was in their debate Trump did not answer any questions directly just his usual unscripted BS but Biden was so bad Trump got a pass .
Ok. But having the guts to answer the questions is 10 times better than not answering anything. Instead we have Kamala telling you off a teleprompter what she’d do day 1. She’s VP of the United States of America why isn’t she doing it now?
If she answers questions or explains her policies she loses,
ahh the old trump strategy.

"everything is bad, i'll just make it good" "that's my policy" "now let me talk about how great i am"

trump isn't in it for policy this time. he is just in it for his image.

i've flipped on my beliefs now. hes a really bad candidate. hes a mess. chaos. and everyone knows it including moderates. cant even get a campaign going for an easy victory. he is who he says he is.
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ahh the old trump strategy.

"everything is bad, i'll just make it good" "that's my policy" "now let me talk about how great i am"

trump isn't in it for policy this time. he is just in it for his image.

i've flipped on my beliefs now. hes a really bad candidate. hes a mess. chaos. and everyone knows it including moderates. cant even get a campaign going for an easy victory. he is who he says he is.
He is actually the RINO . If you are not with him 100% get out of the way .
ahh the old trump strategy.

"everything is bad, i'll just make it good" "that's my policy" "now let me talk about how great i am"

trump isn't in it for policy this time. he is just in it for his image.

i've flipped on my beliefs now. hes a really bad candidate. hes a mess. chaos. and everyone knows it including moderates. cant even get a campaign going for an easy victory. he is who he says he is.
The Kamala strategy. I’m VP now but I’ll fix problems day 1 of when I’m president. I’d love to do it now but when I go tell Joe my ideas even he says that’s stupid. Or I’m going to keep my ideas to myself even though I have the power to help now. Or I’m afraid to try my policies now because you’ll realize by November they suck.
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The Kamala strategy. I’m VP now but I’ll fix problems day 1 of when I’m president. I’d love to do it now but when I go tell Joe my ideas even he says that’s stupid. Or I’m going to keep my ideas to myself even though I have the power to help now. Or I’m afraid to try my policies now because you’ll realize by November they suck.
trumps been doing that since his first campaign. use small words over and over so his idiot fanbase can understand it. believe me.
The Kamala strategy. I’m VP now but I’ll fix problems day 1 of when I’m president. I’d love to do it now but when I go tell Joe my ideas even he says that’s stupid. Or I’m going to keep my ideas to myself even though I have the power to help now. Or I’m afraid to try my policies now because you’ll realize by November they suck.
All you will hear from both candidates will be the usual stump speech. Most of it will be the usual rhetoric talking to their base . Again the 10% or so undecided vote will win the election .
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His idiot fan base that drives the trucks that bring the food to the grocery stores that allows you to have food on your table. What an ass
I think it's obvious Trump has no regard for his fanbase and really never has. This guy is asking about what Trump can do for his adult children who are struggling with housing affordability, and Trump's response is basically "Drill, baby, drill" and bacon is so expensive and gas is $5 a gallon. He has no idea what to do to actually help this guy's family and I don't think he cares either.

Yeah idiot fan base who liked low inflation,lower amount of illegals who have to be supported,no new wars etc.Elect the empty pantsuit to lead the free world who will confuse other world leaders with her word salads and tendency to change positions overnight.The great Kamala who is afraid to face the press will stare down Putin.She is first openly nanny state candidate.
I think it's obvious Trump has no regard for his fanbase and really never has. This guy is asking about what Trump can do for his adult children who are struggling with housing affordability, and Trump's response is basically "Drill, baby, drill" and bacon is so expensive and gas is $5 a gallon. He has no idea what to do to actually help this guy's family and I don't think he cares either.

His goal is to get gas prices down and in doing so make many costs go down, but the person he’s running against has been in the administration the last 3.5 years that has caused the problem. You fail to acknowledge that. Write to the guy and tell him you suggest he goes through another 4 years of more of the same. A winning strategy right now for Kamala is to address these things now while in office before November.
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I think it's obvious Trump has no regard for his fanbase and really never has. This guy is asking about what Trump can do for his adult children who are struggling with housing affordability, and Trump's response is basically "Drill, baby, drill" and bacon is so expensive and gas is $5 a gallon. He has no idea what to do to actually help this guy's family and I don't think he cares either.

Lower energy costs and inflation will follow. Never going back to where it was but somewhere close would help lots of people. It was obvious 2 years ago it wasn’t going to be transitory. I believe it was you saying that for months it would be transitory. If I’m wrong my apologies. Spending 1.9 trillion on the inflation reduction act was another bright idea by the current administration. KH wanted 4 trillion until Joe explained a trillion was a million millions.
Yeah idiot fan base who liked low inflation,lower amount of illegals who have to be supported,no new wars etc.Elect the empty pantsuit to lead the free world who will confuse other world leaders with her word salads and tendency to change positions overnight.The great Kamala who is afraid to face the press will stare down Putin.She is first openly nanny state candidate.
The founders of the Uncommitted National Movement — the group that mobilized more than 100,000 people to withhold their votesfrom President Biden in the Michigan primary over his support for Israel — claimed that Kamala Harris “expressed an openness” to meeting with them to discuss an arms embargo against the Jewish State.
Oops her campaign had to call that one back, scolded her and told her to wait until getting elected before openly trying to destabilized the Middle East by cutting off support to Israel. What is obvious to some is meaningless to others. Trump is Hitler?
His idiot fan base that drives the trucks that bring the food to the grocery stores that allows you to have food on your table. What an ass
They do not see the relationship, lower energy costs helps lower inflation. I’m sure most don’t realize there is a million millions in a trillion either. Spending Trillions causes inflation. Last 4 presidents are all responsible, but no one was stupid enough to call it the inflation reduction act which is an insult to most Americans intelligence.
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His idiot fan base that drives the trucks that bring the food to the grocery stores that allows you to have food on your table. What an ass
why are you assuming all truck drivers are trumpers or connote them with idiots? sounds like youre the ass. more importantly trump is the biggest ass and its why he's going to lose to an awful candidate.

and yea his fanbase are idiots. the ones who vote for him "holding their noses" are not his fans. believe me.
why are you assuming all truck drivers are trumpers or connote them with idiots? sounds like youre the ass. more importantly trump is the biggest ass and its why he's going to lose to an awful candidate.

and yea his fanbase are idiots. the ones who vote for him "holding their noses" are not his fans. believe me.
I never said all truck drivers but there are plenty of them.

You also had him losing to Biden. Good one.
His goal is to get gas prices down and in doing so make many costs go down, but the person he’s running against has been in the administration the last 3.5 years that has caused the problem. You fail to acknowledge that. Write to the guy and tell him you suggest he goes through another 4 years of more of the same. A winning strategy right now for Kamala is to address these things now while in office before November.
It's ridiculous to think that the U.S. can unilaterally make energy prices low or high. Case in point, the U.S. is producing more crude oil than any country in the history of the world, and yet energy prices remain high. To say that "Drill, baby, drill" is going to solve this is impossible when we're already producing more than ever.

I know it's not worth dissecting what Trump says because he lies like he breathes, but I'll note the following about this CPI table of the average price of a gallon of unleaded gas over the past 10 years - 1) gas prices are not $5 a gallon now, it only hit that point once in 2022 during a period of spiraling inflation, 2) gas prices always surge in the summer because of higher demand, though the price has come down precipitously in the past few Junes, 3) he mentions $1.87 a gallon (actually rounds to $1.88); that occurred in April/May 2020, at the height of COVID when demand crashed. A transitory silver lining from his admin's disastrous mismanagement of the pandemic.


And at the end of the day, the idea that housing prices are going to go down to affordable levels for struggling consumers if gas goes back to $3.00 a gallon from $3.60 is a fantasy.
I love how Trump supporters talk about how Trump was in office gas was low. Well, he came into office with gas low. It was $2.45. From 2018 to 2019 gas was between $2.70-2.95 a gallon. Covid year can’t compare since global demand shrank dramatically. Trump then got OPEC to cut oil production for two years. Why 2 years? Long time.

Now, during Trump years before Covid Trump was able to get OPEC to produce more oil cause a drop in prices. However, This caused 12 oil refineries to close in the US. These closures are also a contributor to higher oil prices because we cannot refine enough oil. Now price of oil still went up $.35 to .50 cents a gallon during Trump.

Compare that to gas prices u see Biden. Biden’s first month in office $2.65 a gallon. It got as high $5. But mostly hovered between $3.40 and $3.60. Basically an increase of .80 to .95 cents a gallon more. Why so high when US produced the most oil ever? Well, OPEC cut production 4 times to levels not seen from 25 years ago and despite oil demand being at its highest.

So gas went up .40 to .50 cents a gallon under Trump and .80 to .95 cents u see Biden. The bigger problem for voters were that under Biden the psychological thresholds were being crossed. $3 and then $4 a gallon. In the end, I do think gas will go to $3 or slightly below it because OPEC eventually will increase production. Although they have tried their hardest to keep oil above $80 a barrel

I love how Trump supporters talk about how Trump was in office gas was low. Well, he came into office with gas low. It was $2.45. From 2018 to 2019 gas was between $2.70-2.95 a gallon. Covid year can’t compare since global demand shrank dramatically. Trump then got OPEC to cut oil production for two years. Why 2 years? Long time.

Now, during Trump years before Covid Trump was able to get OPEC to produce more oil cause a drop in prices. However, This caused 12 oil refineries to close in the US. These closures are also a contributor to higher oil prices because we cannot refine enough oil. Now price of oil still went up $.35 to .50 cents a gallon during Trump.

Compare that to gas prices u see Biden. Biden’s first month in office $2.65 a gallon. It got as high $5. But mostly hovered between $3.40 and $3.60. Basically an increase of .80 to .95 cents a gallon more. Why so high when US produced the most oil ever? Well, OPEC cut production 4 times to levels not seen from 25 years ago and despite oil demand being at its highest.

So gas went up .40 to .50 cents a gallon under Trump and .80 to .95 cents u see Biden. The bigger problem for voters were that under Biden the psychological thresholds were being crossed. $3 and then $4 a gallon. In the end, I do think gas will go to $3 or slightly below it because OPEC eventually will increase production. Although they have tried their hardest to keep oil above $80 a barrel

i love how you say you can’t compare the covid year but anytime it works in your advantage like using it as the starting point for jobs created it’s ok to use.
i love how you say you can’t compare the covid year but anytime it works in your advantage like using it as the starting point for jobs created it’s ok to use.
Never said that. I agree that that is disingenuous. Although if that recovery did not happen, it would be used against him. However, from mid 2021, it recovered and then Biden added even more jobs than Trump ever did by like a 100,000 jobs a month more. So, I agree with you but even having said that, Biden added more jobs by far than pre pandemic Trump.
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Never said that. I agree that that is disingenuous. Although if that recovery did not happen, it would be used against him. However, from mid 2021, it recovered and then Biden added even more jobs than Trump ever did by like a 100,000 jobs a month more. So, I agree with you but even having said that, Biden added more jobs by far than pre pandemic Trump.
Reopening business was never going to be a recovery. We essentially turned the light switch on. That's it. Yes if we went 4 years of half occupancy at restaurants it would have been on him big time.
Reopening business was never going to be a recovery. We essentially turned the light switch on. That's it. Yes if we went 4 years of half occupancy at restaurants it would have been on him big time.
Yes but you are still ignoring that the job growth increased by over 100,000 jobs per month after the jobs returned back from pre pandemic levels.
Yes but you are still ignoring that the job growth increased by over 100,000 jobs per month after the jobs returned back from pre pandemic levels.
Good job cernSHU keep it coming although you will never change the minds of Trump cult members . Again this election outcome will be decided by the 10 to 15% undecided voters . If trump loses the republicans will be done with him and hopefully go back to the Grand Old Party and if Harris loses the Ds could look for some young promising moderates . Both extreme ends of both parties hopefully just become a very small no power part of both parties .
Just hope we can stop drift towards socialism which will result in a much poorer America.Economic ignorance of progressives can eventually tank our economy.
Per the above table:

When Trump took office, gas was at $2.299 and when he left it was $2.496, an increase of $0.197 or 8.56%.

When Biden took office, gas was at $2.496 and is now $3.601, an increase of $1.105 or 44.27%.

Gas prices go down when supply is increased or demand is decreased. Gas prices go up when supply is decreased or demand is increased. Demand also increases when you print new money, build new infrastructure, etc. Some of that is good, some of that is bad. Would be better to build new infrastructure without printing new dollars. You know, like a balanced budget.
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Per the above table:

When Trump took office, gas was at $2.299 and when he left it was $2.496, an increase of $0.197 or 8.56%.

When Biden took office, gas was at $2.496 and is now $3.601, an increase of $1.105 or 44.27%.

Gas prices go down when supply is increased or demand is decreased. Gas prices go up when supply is decreased or demand is increased. Demand also increases when you print new money, build new infrastructure, etc. Some of that is good, some of that is bad. Would be better to build new infrastructure without printing new dollars. You know, like a balanced budget.
Last time we had a balanced budget was Clinton.
Just hope we can stop drift towards socialism which will result in a much poorer America.Economic ignorance of progressives can eventually tank our economy.
Socialism is when the government owns the means of production. This does not exist in this country. We do not have socialism in this country. We have a mixed economy which is necessary to prevent the abuses of pure capitalism.

Let's look at GDP by quarter. Trump promised 5% increase in GDP. Never happened and never got close to it and actually never got reached 3% in a year. If you look at GDP by quarter, you get a better idea how the economy did under Trump, His best quarters for GDP were his third and 4th quarters in 2017. where GDP went over 3%. GDP only reached 3% in two other quarters under Trump and thatwas the 3rd qtr 2019 and 3rd Qtr 2020 the bounce back from Covid. Biden went over 3% 7 quarters.

Only President that GDP was consistently over 3% for 6 out of 7 years was under Clinton. Also over 4% three years in a row.

Socialism is when the government owns the means of production. This does not exist in this country. We do not have socialism in this country. We have a mixed economy which is necessary to prevent the abuses of pure capitalism.

Let's look at GDP by quarter. Trump promised 5% increase in GDP. Never happened and never got close to it and actually never got reached 3% in a year. If you look at GDP by quarter, you get a better idea how the economy did under Trump, His best quarters for GDP were his third and 4th quarters in 2017. where GDP went over 3%. GDP only reached 3% in two other quarters under Trump and thatwas the 3rd qtr 2019 and 3rd Qtr 2020 the bounce back from Covid. Biden went over 3% 7 quarters.

Only President that GDP was consistently over 3% for 6 out of 7 years was under Clinton. Also over 4% three years in a row.
Transitory inflation had nothing to do with GDP
Per the above table:

When Trump took office, gas was at $2.299 and when he left it was $2.496, an increase of $0.197 or 8.56%.

When Biden took office, gas was at $2.496 and is now $3.601, an increase of $1.105 or 44.27%.

Gas prices go down when supply is increased or demand is decreased. Gas prices go up when supply is decreased or demand is increased. Demand also increases when you print new money, build new infrastructure, etc. Some of that is good, some of that is bad. Would be better to build new infrastructure without printing new dollars. You know, like a balanced budget.
Two spot moments in time. Look at gas prices as a whole during the 4 years. From April 2018 gas was $2.73. Next month is is at $2.90. Gas is over $2.70 a gallon for 11 of the next 19 months. Of the remaining 8 months gas was over $2.60 for 5 of those months. China is already locked down in January 2020 and you see the Covid effect for gas prices from that time. Gas for most of the Trump years was between $2.60 and $2.90.
Two spot moments in time. Look at gas prices as a whole during the 4 years. From April 2018 gas was $2.73. Next month is is at $2.90. Gas is over $2.70 a gallon for 11 of the next 19 months. Of the remaining 8 months gas was over $2.60 for 5 of those months. China is already locked down in January 2020 and you see the Covid effect for gas prices from that time. Gas for most of the Trump years was between $2.60 and $2.90.
While gas has averaged $3.64 under Biden.

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