It is time for the civilized countries in the world to unite against ISIS. As much as I was against the war in Iraq, we must along with England, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Russia and also Saudi Arabia and Turkey must have troops on the ground. We joined with Russia once before to defeat evil. It is time we do it again.
Troops must also come from muslim countries like Saudi Arabi, Jordan and Turkey. These muslim countries must fight against ISIS. Their refusal would be tacit approval and or support for ISIS. Time for us to unite.
there is a raid this morning in saint-denis inside a building, the usa allowed isis to grow...what do you think happens when you go into a nation (iraq) to reprogram their government and political leadership by deposing and killing off the hussein family and ridding the ba'ath party? there is such a schism is iraq between the sects of muslims that this was inevitable and unlike al-queda now isis has money because they can steal and sell oil very easily; what does needs to happen is that you need aerial coverage with ground tactical plans led by a multi nation coalition; isis can too easily attack soft targets, sport events, shops outside restaurants, entertainment halls; a real issue is this, i don't think many open minding muslim or arab nations want to be involved; i dont think the throne or the mighty people of saudi arabia want to be involved because they have their daily money from the oil trade
the real issue is this, you have terrible fallout in syria, good people that want to have peace and a chance at a better life but are in poverty and oppressed are trying to leave or have left and there is not an open door policy towards them and much like most of western european countries, some in the usa treat these muslim refugees looking down on them
now in usa you virtually have every state with a R gov saying they don't want refugees and a D pres of usa saying the foundation of this country is built on welcoming of peace minded folk regardless of religious affiliation; the republican party needs help at the core and dec 15 debate should be interesting
also in general are the highest levels of intel being shared among usa french, british german and belgian agencies?
i think the world sees the usa as a very self-serving country based on many foreign relation implementations post wwII
chose to be in korea and vietnam in order to suppress the growth of communism and ultimately failed causing massive loss of usa lives plus mucho money spent and invested
in late 70s, early 80s when it was convenient to politically support iraq, hussein (ba'ath) vs iran based on hostage fallout they did so, fast forward to 90/91 iraq invades kuwait, un gives deadline for iraq to voluntarily leave kuwait or else and then or else happens
also selected interjection with fallout in other geo-political scenarios in africa, europe and asia