
Not sure why so many are not talking about this but we, the US are complicit in supporting ISIS to get to Assad and we vastly underestimated their oil money and effect on the rest of the world. Saw an article where they interviewed a US airman and he said during the last year the US Air Force would make flights into Syria to hit their oil and usually come back with 75-80% of their bombs unused because any possible civilian casualty was not allowed and not approved by the Obama administration. You have to also question why we weren't hitting them harder too. We gave guns and training to folks that are now ISIS in hopes they would take out Assad. And the whole thing is backfiring. This is a very dangerous game Obama and his cronies are playing and Turkey and possibly NATO is a big part of it. Russia does not like it and they are playing hardball and I'm actually glad. Open your eyes America!
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Yes, I heard that 75% of all our bombing missions in Syria have been scraped by the White House because of our absurd rules of engagement policy and also that a huge amount of US weapons are in the hands of ISIS. Wish I remembered the Generals name but this was a radio interview which I heard last week. Will try and retrieve his name if I can and edit this post.
Just today General Joseph Dunford, who is Chairman of The Joint Chief of Staff addressed the House Armed service Committee. He reiterated, ISIS is not contained and our president is ignoring advice regarding how to advance against these terrorists.
I believe Obama is delusional and oblivious when it comes to the military.
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We have been siding with strangers there for years, arming them and watching our armaments end up in evil hands.

We have craved "the Arab spring" forever. Ironically, Iran held democratic elections in the 50's, but the guy who won had the nerve to talk to the ussr about selling them some oil. So the CIA overthrew him. We installed the Shah and we wonder why they don't like us. The west, largely europe, has messed with the middle east forever and now we deal with this cesspool of evil ideas using our technology to scare us all. How does this end? We can kill isis like we killed al queda. Then what takes their place.

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