I'm surprised this hasn't come up -- is there a topic too radioactive for Life off the Ship?! LOL
I'm not even going to get into the legality of abortion, and to be fair, I know the tapes were edited to make the interviewees look as bad as possible. I think what's deplorable, even to people who are pro-choice, is the callousness with which we're discussing harvesting of human parts, "crushing" this and not that, over lunch. How about the nurse who said she had a special interest in dissecting fetal "cadavers," which others found "gross?"
And then, this massive damage control (hired PR firm) and social media support, with the usual "misogyny" and "anti-woman/anti-choice" accusations. Seriously? How can anyone, in good conscience, watch these tapes and defend PP?
For decades, the pro-abortion lobby has hinged their logic on one simple, dubious assertion: it's not a human being, it's a "ball of cells." So when we're using tissue, organs, and limbs for research, from a human, please tell me how that logic applies.
Planned Parenthood is, and always has been, a womens' health FRONT for an abortion mill. 300,000 terminations a year. With the ACA, there is no need for federally funded "womens' health" clinics -- affordability and access are not the barriers anymore, and any well trained Family Doctor can do a Pap smear, STD testing, contraceptive counselling, including IUD placement, and prenatal management. Right? The ACA, staunchly defended by the Democrats -- or is it ineffectual?
PP has finally had it's ugly ass exposed for what it is. I would urge anyone who finds aborting human beings (ostensibly half of which are female) abhorrent to stand up now, and give a great push, while the momentum is there. If PP survives this, it can survive anything. The DOJ is already investigating the Center for Medical Progress, which made the tapes -- which is an appalling development in an of itself -- and no mention of looking into PP's practices and policies. I, for one, do not want my tax dollars funding a modern-day holocaust.
If these tapes were from a puppy mill, the same people claiming "stand with PP" would be marching on the Hill.
I'm not even going to get into the legality of abortion, and to be fair, I know the tapes were edited to make the interviewees look as bad as possible. I think what's deplorable, even to people who are pro-choice, is the callousness with which we're discussing harvesting of human parts, "crushing" this and not that, over lunch. How about the nurse who said she had a special interest in dissecting fetal "cadavers," which others found "gross?"
And then, this massive damage control (hired PR firm) and social media support, with the usual "misogyny" and "anti-woman/anti-choice" accusations. Seriously? How can anyone, in good conscience, watch these tapes and defend PP?
For decades, the pro-abortion lobby has hinged their logic on one simple, dubious assertion: it's not a human being, it's a "ball of cells." So when we're using tissue, organs, and limbs for research, from a human, please tell me how that logic applies.
Planned Parenthood is, and always has been, a womens' health FRONT for an abortion mill. 300,000 terminations a year. With the ACA, there is no need for federally funded "womens' health" clinics -- affordability and access are not the barriers anymore, and any well trained Family Doctor can do a Pap smear, STD testing, contraceptive counselling, including IUD placement, and prenatal management. Right? The ACA, staunchly defended by the Democrats -- or is it ineffectual?
PP has finally had it's ugly ass exposed for what it is. I would urge anyone who finds aborting human beings (ostensibly half of which are female) abhorrent to stand up now, and give a great push, while the momentum is there. If PP survives this, it can survive anything. The DOJ is already investigating the Center for Medical Progress, which made the tapes -- which is an appalling development in an of itself -- and no mention of looking into PP's practices and policies. I, for one, do not want my tax dollars funding a modern-day holocaust.
If these tapes were from a puppy mill, the same people claiming "stand with PP" would be marching on the Hill.