Planned Parenthood


All World
Mar 31, 2006
I'm surprised this hasn't come up -- is there a topic too radioactive for Life off the Ship?! LOL

I'm not even going to get into the legality of abortion, and to be fair, I know the tapes were edited to make the interviewees look as bad as possible. I think what's deplorable, even to people who are pro-choice, is the callousness with which we're discussing harvesting of human parts, "crushing" this and not that, over lunch. How about the nurse who said she had a special interest in dissecting fetal "cadavers," which others found "gross?"

And then, this massive damage control (hired PR firm) and social media support, with the usual "misogyny" and "anti-woman/anti-choice" accusations. Seriously? How can anyone, in good conscience, watch these tapes and defend PP?

For decades, the pro-abortion lobby has hinged their logic on one simple, dubious assertion: it's not a human being, it's a "ball of cells." So when we're using tissue, organs, and limbs for research, from a human, please tell me how that logic applies.

Planned Parenthood is, and always has been, a womens' health FRONT for an abortion mill. 300,000 terminations a year. With the ACA, there is no need for federally funded "womens' health" clinics -- affordability and access are not the barriers anymore, and any well trained Family Doctor can do a Pap smear, STD testing, contraceptive counselling, including IUD placement, and prenatal management. Right? The ACA, staunchly defended by the Democrats -- or is it ineffectual?

PP has finally had it's ugly ass exposed for what it is. I would urge anyone who finds aborting human beings (ostensibly half of which are female) abhorrent to stand up now, and give a great push, while the momentum is there. If PP survives this, it can survive anything. The DOJ is already investigating the Center for Medical Progress, which made the tapes -- which is an appalling development in an of itself -- and no mention of looking into PP's practices and policies. I, for one, do not want my tax dollars funding a modern-day holocaust.

If these tapes were from a puppy mill, the same people claiming "stand with PP" would be marching on the Hill.
I respect the real pro life position, the real pro life people who understand there can be no compromise regardless of circumstance.

Planned Parenthood has been around far longer than abortion has been legal, and they do more than provide abortion services, and preventing unwanted pregnancies is a very worthwhile goal, so saying their only goal is abortion is probably not accurate.

Is stem cell research helping to control disease and improve human health? If so, if your loved one required a procedure based on what has been learned from stem cell research, just as the only true stand on abortion is no exceptions to the rule, I would think one would refuse to allow a procedure on the loved one based on stem cell research.

I am always stunned by the addition of "except, of course, pregnancy due to rape, incest or when the mother's health is involved", as if the fetus had any more say in those situation than did the product of a one night stand who gets aborted.
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It really is just an ugly, ugly topic that for me boils down to two key points.
1. As you mentioned, abortion is legal.
2. It is legal to perform research on an aborted fetus.

The only thing that these videos uncovered were the manner in which people were willing to talk about the topic and how cavalier they were.

How can anyone, in good conscience, watch these tapes and defend PP?

People are viewing this as an attempt to limit abortion by intentionally editing a video to provide a false narrative about planned parenthood. That is pretty easy to defend.

For decades, the pro-abortion lobby has hinged their logic on one simple, dubious assertion: it's not a human being, it's a "ball of cells." So when we're using tissue, organs, and limbs for research, from a human, please tell me how that logic applies.

They probably view it similarly to how they view stem cells honestly.

Planned Parenthood is, and always has been, a womens' health FRONT for an abortion mill. 300,000 terminations a year. With the ACA, there is no need forfederally funded "womens' health" clinics -- affordability and access are not the barriers anymore, and any well trained Family Doctor can do a Pap smear, STD testing, contraceptive counselling, including IUD placement, and prenatal management. Right? The ACA, staunchly defended by the Democrats -- or is it ineffectual? .

None of that is true honestly. 12% of their patients each year receive an abortion.
The Federal funding they receive is primarily from reimbursing states for Medicaid family planning expenditures. So basically by limiting federal funding, all you would be doing would be limiting the amount of money paid back to the state medicaid programs.

In essence they are a doctors office for the poor for specific needs which also performs abortion. Affordability and access are still issues for things that would not be covered at a doctors office.

The far majority of services they provide are related to STD's and contraceptives. Who are you to say that people can't get those treatments there because they also perform abortions? Who are you to say that PP can't offer other services to women because they also perform abortions.

I get the fight against abortion, but attacking the provider (especially with a fake video) is not an effective way of trying to limit the number of abortions.
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I respect the real pro life position, the real pro life people who understand there can be no compromise regardless of circumstance.

Planned Parenthood has been around far longer than abortion has been legal, and they do more than provide abortion services, and preventing unwanted pregnancies qqqis a very worthwhile goal, so saying their only goal is abortion is probably not accurate.

Is stem cell research helping to control disease and improve human health? If so, if your loved one required a procedure based on what has been learned from stem cell research, just as the only true stand on abortion is no exceptions to the rule, I would think one would refuse to allow a procedure on the loved one based on stem cell research.

I am always stunned by the addition of "except, of course, pregnancy due to rape, incest or when the mother's health is involved", as if the fetus had any more say in those situation than did the product of a one night stand who gets aborted.

In my end of life medical directive I have clearly stated that no medical procedure which is the result of research based on abortion is to be used to save or prolong my life. I would quote the exact words but I'm in Athens and don't have access. I am not exceptional in this, as I know of many people with similar words in their directives. We refuse to benefit from the unjust taking of the lives of the innocent. What other course is there?
It really is just an ugly, ugly topic that for me boils down to two key points.
1. As you mentioned, abortion is legal.
2. It is legal to perform research on an aborted fetus.

The only thing that these videos uncovered were the manner in which people were willing to talk about the topic and how cavalier they were.

People are viewing this as an attempt to limit abortion by intentionally editing a video to provide a false narrative about planned parenthood. That is pretty easy to defend.

They probably view it similarly to how they view stem cells honestly.

None of that is true honestly. 12% of their patients each year receive an abortion.
The Federal funding they receive is primarily from reimbursing states for Medicaid family planning expenditures. So basically by limiting federal funding, all you would be doing would be limiting the amount of money paid back to the state medicaid programs.

In essence they are a doctors office for the poor for specific needs which also performs abortion. Affordability and access are still issues for things that would not be covered at a doctors office.

The far majority of services they provide are related to STD's and contraceptives. Who are you to say that people can't get those treatments there because they also perform abortions? Who are you to say that PP can't offer other services to women because they also perform abortions.

I get the fight against abortion, but attacking the provider (especially with a fake video) is not an effective way of trying to limit the number of abortions.

You are wrong on many counts, but BobbieSolo liking your post is possibly most damning.

->60% of their pregnant patients have abortions, so much for prenatal care

-They weren't "fake videos." People said what they said in them. And you must have missed the part that may actually put them in hot water: they admittedly deviated (and continue to deviate) from the standard of care in harvesting.

-"Who are you to say" is ad hominem, and exactly the politico-speak that their damage control staff has been hired to disseminate. WHEN did I say that they couldn't get services other than a termination there? WHERE did I say that the converse was also true? What I do know, after 20 years in the medical field, is that you can get those services in ANY GYN office, and in many, many Family Medicine offices/clinics.

If it boils down to 'it's legal,' you're on very weak philosophical ground. Slavery was legal. That aside, how do you feel about the facts that Jane Roe came forward and said she was manipulated by ambitious, young, feminist attorneys? What about Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who performed tens of thousands of abortions, and was critical in organizing the political effort to legalize abortion? Both became pro-life; Nathanson died a converted Catholic.
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I respect the real pro life position, the real pro life people who understand there can be no compromise regardless of circumstance.

Planned Parenthood has been around far longer than abortion has been legal, and they do more than provide abortion services, and preventing unwanted pregnancies is a very worthwhile goal, so saying their only goal is abortion is probably not accurate.

Is stem cell research helping to control disease and improve human health? If so, if your loved one required a procedure based on what has been learned from stem cell research, just as the only true stand on abortion is no exceptions to the rule, I would think one would refuse to allow a procedure on the loved one based on stem cell research.

I am always stunned by the addition of "except, of course, pregnancy due to rape, incest or when the mother's health is involved", as if the fetus had any more say in those situation than did the product of a one night stand who gets aborted.

There can be stem cells harvested from fetal cord blood, following delivery of the placenta, in an ordinary circumstance. The potential for advances through stem cell research is great, but may not yield results in our lifetimes. Agree with you on the rest -- not to mention those who are pro-life when it comes to babies, but are pro-capital punishment, on the other hand.
60% of their pregnant patients have abortions, so much for prenatal care

That is such a crap statistic... Of course that number is high. Planned parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the US and is one of the reasons people go there... so yeah... that number should be high. That is like saying that a dentist fills cavities of 60% of their patients.

They weren't "fake videos." People said what they said in them.
They edited to imply something that wasn't true = Fake. Sorry.

Who are you to say" is ad hominem, and exactly the politico-speak that their damage control staff has been hired to disseminate. WHEN did I say that they couldn't get services other than a termination there? WHERE did I say that the converse was also true? What I do know, after 20 years in the medical field, is that you can get those services in ANY GYN office, and in many, many Family Medicine offices/clinics.

right.... so why can you pick and choose where women are getting those services. It is not ad hominem when you literally said that they don't need to go there.

If it boils down to 'it's legal,' you're on very weak philosophical ground. Slavery was legal.

Funny how many times I have seen that. I am personally against abortion, but it is legal, has been ruled on by the supreme court and debated every election cycle since.

I am 100% in favor of reducing the need for abortion but not in favor of trying to accomplish a decrease through restriction of access.

Assume for a moment that you could decrease the number of abortions in the US in half by spending federal dollars on education, free child care, and universal healthcare... Would you support or oppose that?
That is such a crap statistic... Of course that number is high. Planned parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the US and is one of the reasons people go there... so yeah... that number should be high. That is like saying that a dentist fills cavities of 60% of their patients.

No, I said >60% of PREGNANT patients, not all patients that walk through the door. You don't feel 12% of everyone who walks through the door is significant?

They edited to imply something that wasn't true = Fake. Sorry.

It may be misleading, but as long as they didn't tamper with the words of the recorded; it's not dubbed, is it?

right.... so why can you pick and choose where women are getting those services. It is not ad hominem when you literally said that they don't need to go there.

I'm picking and choosing where, by simply saying there are alternatives? You asked "who are you..." previously. I am a taxpayer. I have happy about how they spend 40% of my salary?

Funny how many times I have seen that. I am personally against abortion, but it is legal, has been ruled on by the supreme court and debated every election cycle since.

Slavery was tongue in cheek. It is a favorite subject of the LGBT crowd. It is legal, but aren't there bad laws? Have bad laws not been overturned in the past? Would you say that a law that was passed through outright deception could rightly be questioned?

I am 100% in favor of reducing the need for abortion but not in favor of trying to accomplish a decrease through restriction of access.

Not me, I don't care how it gets done (short of violence, of course).

Assume for a moment that you could decrease the number of abortions in the US in half by spending federal dollars on education, free child care, and universal healthcare... Would you support or oppose that?

That's a softball -- we already are moving towards all that. But, for purposes of argument, sure. The difference between you, who are "personally against" abortion, and those of us that are pro-life, is that one abortion is unacceptable. But your point about education is well-taken. Access is another question -- I thought ACA solved all of that?
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It may be misleading, but as long as they didn't tamper with the words of the recorded; it's not dubbed, is it?

nitpicking a bit... but you get my point. The video was intentionally misleading. My point was intentionally misleading an audience into believing something that is not true is not an effective way to handle this issue.

I'm picking and choosing where, by simply saying there are alternatives? You asked "who are you..." previously. I am a taxpayer. I have happy about how they spend 40% of my salary?

You don't have to be happy about it at all, but you said there is no need for a women's health clinic.

e difference between you, who are "personally against" abortion, and those of us that are pro-life, is that one abortion is unacceptable.

That is fair. I am against them but will never know what it would be like to be pregnant. . I have argued my view that it is a life with people but they don't agree and the issue has been decided by the court.

I just don't feel abortions are occurring because of planned parenthood.
I would be comprehensive sex education mandated in all states so people would be forced to see and understand the development of a fetus would have a greater impact on limiting the number of abortions than removing funding from planned parenthood.
nitpicking a bit... but you get my point. The video was intentionally misleading. My point was intentionally misleading an audience into believing something that is not true is not an effective way to handle this issue.

You don't have to be happy about it at all, but you said there is no need for a women's health clinic.

That is fair. I am against them but will never know what it would be like to be pregnant. . I have argued my view that it is a life with people but they don't agree and the issue has been decided by the court.

I just don't feel abortions are occurring because of planned parenthood.
I would be comprehensive sex education mandated in all states so people would be forced to see and understand the development of a fetus would have a greater impact on limiting the number of abortions than removing funding from planned parenthood.

Very fair, as usual, Merge. As you said, what was perhaps most eye-opening to the ambivalent was the callousness of the people who work for PP. When you have that level of disregard for life, I don't believe there's a great 'zest,' or motivation, to prevent pregnancy. In medicine, procedures pay better, even through Medicare/Medicaid. I believe they ARE part of the problem.

As far as what's true and not true, from the videos...I hope it will all come out in the wash.
We need more sex ed, easier access to contraception. Unwanted children flood the welfare rolls and I bet are a disproportionate percentage of prison population. Cutting off PP seems to have all the wisdom of stopping needle exchanges and seeing the HIV rate in those cities skyrocket.
What disturbs me is that once again, both parties are lined up with total extreme positions (defund or defend) and not focused on fixing the problem. I think we all agree that there is a problem with PP. The video's were disturbing and the words are there. Similar to Mike Rice videos...edited, but I don't need to see two hours of tape to get to the part about throwing the ball at the kids head.

People wonder why Trump's poll numbers continue to be strong as he continues to be politically incorrect and downright insulting. They see a problem like PP and their politicians don't do anything constructive to work together to fix it.
excellent, respectful debate...... Merge v Donnie.
Put me squarely in the DB camp on this one.

Anything I was going to add to the conversation would have been a repeat of some of the things Donnie brought up.

As far as the editing of the videos go.... I think that the full videos are out there on some web site or another..... I think I read that some where. Seems that some editing would be necessary showing them in the outlets they did.... otherwise we'd be listening to them ordering their drinks during dinner. Wondering also about what Merge specifically feels is "untrue" about the edited tapes.
What disturbs me is that once again, both parties are lined up with total extreme positions (defund or defend) and not focused on fixing the problem. I think we all agree that there is a problem with PP. The video's were disturbing and the words are there. Similar to Mike Rice videos...edited, but I don't need to see two hours of tape to get to the part about throwing the ball at the kids head.

People wonder why Trump's poll numbers continue to be strong as he continues to be politically incorrect and downright insulting. They see a problem like PP and their politicians don't do anything constructive to work together to fix it.
And what repub candidate comes out and says PP does good work and that should be supported, while saying he is opposed to their involvement with abortion? The trumpster, that
When you have that level of disregard for life, I don't believe there's a great 'zest,' or motivation, to prevent pregnancy.

Absolutely! I think this is a cultural problem in America. That is why I prefer as much sex education as possible. My mind was made up about abortion when I was in 7th grade in a sex ed class when they talked about fetal development and how a baby's heart starts beating at 6 weeks.
Absolutely! I think this is a cultural problem in America. That is why I prefer as much sex education as possible. My mind was made up about abortion when I was in 7th grade in a sex ed class when they talked about fetal development and how a baby's heart starts beating at 6 weeks.
Not to sound trite, but when you have a 50% or more drop-out rate in many urban high schools, how and where does the education happen?
Wondering also about what Merge specifically feels is "untrue" about the edited tapes.

What the tapes were attempting to show was that planned parenthood is involved in illegal activity and seeking a profit from abortion.

We know now that was not the case and the edited videos cut out how the PP employee said it was not about the money and they did not want to alter the abortion procedures to try and keep a fetus intact if they were paid additional money.

All they uncovered is that at least a few employees at planned parenthood are callous in discussing abortion.
Not to sound trite, but when you have a 50% or more drop-out rate in many urban high schools, how and where does the education happen?

I was 12 in my sex ed class. Very few kids are dropping out at 12.
I was 12 in my sex ed class. Very few kids are dropping out at 12.
That's an "n" of 1. You personally were effected at 12, but sex ed is taught through H.S.. Education is critically important, but if you are not reaching those that need it most, than it's just not going to be effective as the primary preventative.
That's an "n" of 1. You personally were effected at 12, but sex ed is taught through H.S.. Education is critically important, but if you are not reaching those that need it most, than it's just not going to be effective as the primary preventative.

My point was to start earlier than high school. Yes I was personally effected, and I don't expect everyone to feel the same way I do... but why not at least start there? People are told that a fetus is a group of cells when in reality that group of cells develops into something that has a heartbeat by the time most women learn they are pregnant.

We need to change the culture of abortion being used as birth control and for me it starts with (early) education.
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Yes, and my point was also that education is critical, but given the state of our inner city public schools, I don't think that can be the primary or singular area of focus to get results.
Yes, and my point was also that education is critical, but given the state of our inner city public schools, I don't think that can be the primary or singular area of focus to get results.

Cue Muggsy, to tell us that in NJ, we have a top-tier school system (if you have property taxes north of $25K a year).
Yes, and my point was also that education is critical, but given the state of our inner city public schools, I don't think that can be the primary or singular area of focus to get results.

It is a start and something we should all be able to agree on. Being a teen in the 1990's I recall a huge campaign for sex education and people starting to give out condoms everywhere. I don't think it is a coincidence that there was a steep decline in the number of abortions in the US during that time.
Ironically, it isn't something all are able to agree on. I don't think every state mandates sex education.

Sex education in schools is still a controversial topic.
Not going to debate the pros & cos of the abortion issue, but

Donnie - you know the "edited tapes" are all available on line to review "unedited"? Unfortunately for PP, they got caught admitting to something's they'd now like to take back.

Seton 75 - you might want to check the history of PP and its purpose according to its founder. Eye opening to say the least. Might change your opinion of PP.
Let us be honest vegas. Who here is not disappointed that Obama has not spoken forcefully to the African American inner city culture to say all these children being born with no solid family or means of support is not healthy, and sustains poverty? Bill Cosby spoke about it when he wasn't slipping women a mickey and got hounded by those words. Not too many pols are in position to say step up. Carson is. But he attacked Sangor's words, stated a century ago. (I am not aware of Carson's words - and I assume Carson is what prompted your comment - only the headline, so if I am mis-stating his intent, please let me know.) Frankly, this seems like more of the political correctness that Trump and America are railing against. Ask a Section 8 worker, or a social worker of any color or race about this and see what they say. Is it good for a single mother to have 8 children by 6 different men, all who contribute nothing to the welfare of the children?
Sangors words and mission statement for PP, not Carson's words, prompted my post.
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Let us be honest vegas. Who here is not disappointed that Obama has not spoken forcefully to the African American inner city culture to say all these children being born with no solid family or means of support is not healthy, and sustains poverty? Bill Cosby spoke about it when he wasn't slipping women a mickey and got hounded by those words. Not too many pols are in position to say step up. Carson is. But he attacked Sangor's words, stated a century ago. (I am not aware of Carson's words - and I assume Carson is what prompted your comment - only the headline, so if I am mis-stating his intent, please let me know.) Frankly, this seems like more of the political correctness that Trump and America are railing against. Ask a Section 8 worker, or a social worker of any color or race about this and see what they say. Is it good for a single mother to have 8 children by 6 different men, all who contribute nothing to the welfare of the children?
The beginning of your post makes all the sense in the world. The last sentence scares the hell out of me that people are so OK with abortion that they can come up with situations like you mention that are real and believe that abortion is the long-term solution? Very scary where we are as a society. How about more education and how about the community trying to address the problem. Instead we are the throw it away generation even when we are throwing away a human life. But I guess we are doing that life a favor because that would just be another kid in the city that would be brought up in a bad situation. Yeah that makes me feel better about it... Not. This is where we are as a society? Very f'd up IMO.
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Sangria words and mission for PP not Carson's prompted my post.
Sangor's words? Yes, I understand. Is too many kids born to woman not capable of taking care of them, to fathers who split, a reality? If so, is it a problem that has been plaguing society for ages? If so, how should society deal with it? Maybe by eliminating a place where free contraceptivesx are available is not the place to
The beginning of your post makes all the sense in the world. The last sentence scares the hell out of me that people are so OK with abortion that they can come up with situations like you mention that are real and believe that abortion is the long-term solution? Very scary where we are as a society. How about more education and how about the community trying to address the problem. Instead we are the throw it away generation even when we are throwing away a human life. But I guess we are doing that life a favor because that would just be another kid in the city that would be brought up in a bad situation. Yeah that makes me feel better about it... Not. This is where we are as a society? Very f'd up IMO.
I did not suggest solutions. I wrote of a problem. You mention abortion and assume that is what I hope for. I hope people who have children will be resoncible parents and more people having casual sex will use contraceptives. I think that is a large part of what PP does.

And now do we find that the conservative darling doc used unborn fetuses find his research? Frankly, I think most of us are full of shit. We want the cure for cancer and don't want to know about how it is discovered. And generations of young poor kids have been town away for decades.
Thrown away is the key word in your response - agree 100% that these kids are being thrown away.
We need to address this issue head-on instead of doing the normal political, take-a-side dance. Saw a clip from Dr. Carson last night about the breakdown of the family unit and it's impact on poverty, crime (and not just black...he was discussing this across all races). The statistics he cited were alarming....instead we skirt the issue and name call across the aisle.
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Who here is not disappointed that Obama has not spoken forcefully to the African American inner city culture to say all these children being born with no solid family or means of support is not healthy, and sustains poverty?

When President Obama leaves office he will be 55 years old. If he chooses, he will have many years to use the power of the Presidency to address this issue. Former Presidents Carter, Clinton and both Bushes have done remarkable things in their post-Presidential careers.
Planned Parenthood provides contraceptives for those unable to afford them and abortions for those who have unwanted pregnancies. In their own way, they are attacking the problem head on.
When President Obama leaves office he will be 55 years old. If he chooses, he will have many years to use the power of the Presidency to address this issue. .
I think you have a better chance of seeing him on the Senior PGA Tour.....
I think you have a better chance of seeing him on the Senior PGA Tour.....

I can't tell if you are skirting the issue and name calling across the aisle. I doubt he is is good enough, but even presuming a solid ten year post Presidential Senior PGA career, he will still be relatively young enough to forge some post-Presidential legacy, should he choose to. Both Carter and Bush41 were active into their late 80's
I can't tell if you are skirting the issue and name calling across the aisle. I doubt he is is good enough, but even presuming a solid ten year post Presidential Senior PGA career, he will still be relatively young enough to forge some post-Presidential legacy, should he choose to. Both Carter and Bush41 were active into their late 80's
He's poking fun at the fact that Obama plays golf. Of course he ignores how much more vacation time Bush took in the administration just prior Obama.
I can't tell if you are skirting the issue and name calling across the aisle. I doubt he is is good enough, but even presuming a solid ten year post Presidential Senior PGA career, he will still be relatively young enough to forge some post-Presidential legacy, should he choose to. Both Carter and Bush41 were active into their late 80's
My point (tongue in cheek of course) is that Obama probably had the best chance of any recent President to really change the dialogue during his Presidency and he's failed miserably. I hope he does try to champion this issue later in life, but sad to say, I wouldn't bet on it.
Ah yes, tongue in cheek. I happen to disagree with both 85 and 75. I don't think President Obama could have done more while in office nor has he failed miserably. Being President is a full time job and black culture is only one tiny slice of a very large pie. Putting more of his Presidential time in this area would inevitably come with a cost somewhere else.

Once he is free of his Presidential burden, he will be able to turn his attention to areas that concern him. I am of the opinion that he will have an active Post-Presidential career. Whether we like what he has to say will be open to debate, but I don't think he will quietly spend the next 25-40 years out of the public eye.
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A strong leader needs to speak on this issue. It is the elaphant in the room. People are afraid to broach it. I agree that Obama had a far better chance to raise the issue but for whatever reason, he did not. Millions of kids are being born a thousand yards behind the starting line in a one hundred yard dash. This is a very big issue in this country.

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