I want abortions to decrease. I do not believe defunding PP is the answer.
If someone goes to PP for an abortion they pay out of pocket. You could completely defund PP and the abortion number would not necessarily go down.
There are approximately 5 million people who use PP services per year. Approximately, 300,000 abortions are performed. In broad terms the other 4.7 million people use PP for something other than abortion, most commonly contraception, treatment of sexual disease, cancer screenings and pre-natal services.
Let's assume 2 million of the 4.7 million use PP for contraceptive services. (I am having trouble finding meaningful data so I am guessing) . Now suppose PP is defunded. If 1% of the 2 million people wind up pregnant that is an additional 20,000 unwanted pregnancies. Some of those babies will be aborted. If everything else is equal, abortions will increase.
You all say you want the abortion rate to go down. One human
baby is killed every hour of every day.
Is that acceptable to you? Please tell me.
Now the "logic" and "economics"
Frankly, what I care about is abortions. Per PPFS annual report:
only 23% of revenue is fee-for-service (presumably with costs) and
41% is Government Grants & reimbursements (with no marginal costs);
30% is private donations.
94% of so-called "Pregnancy Services" Revenues (2012) were abortions.
You argue if PPFS were to go out of business then abortions would
I argue that if the government were to say that no grants would be made to any organization providing abortions then PPFS would
not go out of business in total but --- to save a $528 million annual "profit" contribution ---
PPFS WOULD only go out of the ABORTION business.
PPFS performs 45% of ALL US reported abortions!
PPFS statistically kills more than one baby every other day of every week of every month of every year.
(I DK stats on PPFS abortions after 21 weeks)
In 2011 10,255 BABIES (>+ 21 weeks gestation) were purposely killed (I would say murdered) --- 1.2 babies every hour of every day! (730,322 total abortions or 1.4 per minute for every hour of every day.)
Forget about all the other stuff for now. You all say you want the abortion rate to go down. One human
baby is killed every hour of every day. Is that acceptable to you? Please tell me.
PPFS generates $1.3 billion annually.
Our taxes provide $528 Million of that --- 41% of receipts.
About 10% ($127 Million) went straight to "net assets".
PPFS like AAA does not have shareholders, does not pay dividends, and does not pay taxes --- just rewards management ($146 MM in FY '14).
"Current assets" (I suspect mostly cash) went up
$66 Million to $754 million. I would say that is a VERY sweet business for the management.
BTW all of those stats are on the link.
Fiscal 2014
Total "Revenue" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,303,400,000
Government Grants & Reimbursements . . . $ 528,400,000
Current Assets. . . . .
$ 753,900,000
PP&E and Other . . .
$ 973,200,000
Total Assets . . . . .
$ 1,727,100,000
PPFS Abortion Procedures 327,653 in 2011 or
45% of total US
2011, 730,322 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from
49 reporting areas....
The abortion ratio was
219 abortions per 1,000 live births.
Compared with 2010, total ...decreased 5%...
the abortion ratio decreased 4%.
From 2002
number -13%
rate -14%
ratio - 12%
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 730,322 100%
≤13 weeks’ gestation . . 667,514 91.4%
14–20 weeks’ gestation 53,314 7.3%
≥21 weeks’ gestation . . . 10,225 1.4%
In 2011, 19.1% of all abortions were medical abortions. Source:
MMWR 2014;63(11).
730,322 (100%) of abortions after this:
Week 5: Blood cells, kidney cells, nerve cells, brain, spinal cord, heart, gastrointestinal tract begin
Weeks 6-7: Arm and leg buds; brain forms into five different areas; cranial nerves are visible.Eyes and ears begin; heart now beats at a regular rhythm
Week 8: Lungs, Hands and feet begin to form
Week 9: Nipples, toes and all essential organs grow
Week 10; Eyelids start, outer ear shapes, intestines rotate, face more distinct (embryo to fetus)
Weeks 11-14: Genitals, Liver makes red blood cells, can make a fist
63,535 (8.7%) of abortions after this:
Weeks 15-18: Muscle tissue and bones continue, moves & stretches, liver & pancreas secrete, mouth can suck,
Weeks 19-21: Can hear, can swallow, moves more actively
10,225 (1.4%) of abortions after this:
At 22 weeks:
Eyes: Your baby's eyelids are still fused shut. Beneath them, the eyes are developed but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.
Lips: Your baby's lips are becoming more distinct and tooth buds are developing beneath her gum line.
Skin: Your baby's skin will look wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out.
IMHO THIS is definitely a BABY!