Politi says


All World
Mar 25, 2005
That KW alerted JT3 of his plan on the opening tip and basket by Hoya Tyler Adams. JT3 said apparently thanks but no reciprocation in return. Nice gesture by Willard but bizarre. Was it unwise for Kevin to go ahead and place his team in a hole?
I'm thinking

If you're magnanimous, be magnanimous.If the other guy is magnanimous - or afraid of you - he'll reciprocateIf it isn't or isn't, he won't

Celebrating the unabashed joys of Seton Hall MBB!
What a complete jerk. Especially when you consider if willard wasnt such a good guy he could have reneged on the offer and JT3 would have cost his player what was likely one of the greatest moments of his life.
So KW purposefully had us go down 2-0 knowing that JT3 wouldn't allow us to tie it up?

This guy has to go. I don't care that it was a nice gesture.

This is big business.
Be Thankful, we didn't lose by two, or they would be burning things outside of the house that Kevin doesn't have for sale according to the other thread.
Pat - going to respectfully disagree. Some things are bigger than the game and I have to stand by willard on this one. It looks like our players appreciated the gesture and were on board too. I really hope this doesn't turn into another reason the bash him. JT3 being an ahole should be the story here.
Originally posted by shupat08:
So KW purposefully had us go down 2-0 knowing that JT3 wouldn't allow us to tie it up?

This guy has to go. I don't care that it was a nice gesture.

This is big business.
Look, I am with you 1000% that Willard needs to go. But gimme a break with the hysteria over letting that kid score. It was a good thing to do. There are a MILLION things Willard should be criticized for. This ain't one of 'em.
JT3 saw 2 free points and took them.

This is a cut throat business.

There's a reason the saying "nice guys finish last" exists.

Because they give their opponents free points.

We lost by 6 today. What if we made a furious comeback to lose by 2 or 1?
Love the move by Willard.

Let Thompson be that way.
Originally posted by shupat08:
JT3 saw 2 free points and took them.

This is a cut throat business.

There's a reason the saying "nice guys finish last" exists.

Because they give their opponents free points.

We lost by 6 today. What if we made a furious comeback to lose by 2 or 1?
You're overplaying your hand here. Those of us who want Willard gone are already on board. Nothing to be gained by slamming him for what he did today.
It was a very nice move, don't get me wrong.

But his job is to win not make the G'Town kids day. It's JT3's job to make his day.
Originally posted by shupat08:
It was a very nice move, don't get me wrong.
Then let's leave it at that. It's 2 points in the game. There would've been a handful of reasons to blame if we would've lost by 1-2 points, but not that.

That kid just got the memory of a lifetime. What a great moment. It's more important than the game, especially on a team going nowhere who was 6-11 at the time.

This post was edited on 3/7 3:46 PM by Piratz
Nice gesture by Coach Willard, nice to see the smile on his face and his proud father in the stands. Great to see the Seton Hall players applauding the play- Class act by Coach Willard and class act by the Seton Hall players. Coach Willard and the Seton Hall players will get their reward next year when they finish Top 3 in the BE and make the dance. The players also do a lot of charitable work away from the basketball court.
I agree with Piratz. Perhaps karma will visit the Hoyas in round one of the BET and The Dance.
Class act by Willard. I want him gone as much as anyone, but loved the gesture. I was at the game and the ovation they gave Adams during intros and then after the dunk was special. JT3 has to reciprocate there. The game means nothing for either team in grand scheme of things.

This post was edited on 3/7 6:14 PM by dcPirate
Maybe JTIII sniffed (rightly or wrongly) that it could have been a bit of a stunt by a coach under fire. And he didn't wish to suffer it.

not saying I agree, but it coul help explain the lack of reciprocity.
There's a statement from willard out there about it that would make you even more proud. Trying to find a link.
"I talked to John, I said 'I'll let the kid shoot a layup and you just give us a layup' he said 'Nah don't do that.' I'm sitting there watching and this kid gets an NCAA waiver, Senior Night, everyone you talk to [says] he's just a great young man. I think we have a bigger responsibility in life sometimes than the game of basketball. I told our kids in the locker room 'We're going to lose the tip and we're going to give them a bucket.' We haven't been getting off to great starts, not the greatest way to start but I think it's important to reward good people. Everything I've heard about this young man, what he's had to fight through, has had to battle. In my mind, I think kids should be rewarded if they're good people and to me that was the only decision to make."
Its nice enough for KW to let him take the tip, to let him score without JT3 agreeing to reciprocate is getting hoodwinked. Like another poster said, if JT3 doesn't care that much for his own player, why should Willard? If JT3 isn't willing to reciprocate, he doesn't really care that much for his player, then neither should Willard. If we would have lost by 1 or 2, we would have had Willard's head on a serving platter. This isn't the park or rec league, these games count and people's careers are based on them.
I think you're missing te spirit of the gesture. Just because JT3 is an ahole doesn't mean willard shouldn't stand by his convictions.
I completely support williard on this one. Some things are way more important than basketball. Great move. JT3 needs to learn it, but he never will. He is following what he learned from his dad. No class.

This post was edited on 3/7 6:48 PM by Jerry1992
I was reserving judgement until I read that quote.

I'm sorry to say it but Willard is laying it on a bit too thick.

It does sound like a coach under Fire trying to curry favor. I'm not buying this one.

No, Kevin - you're a basketball coach. You get paid to win basketball games. The rest of is gravy, as long as you don't do anything wrong.
I guess we interpret the gesture and his quotes differently. you can question his recruiting, communication style, coaching etc but from what I've observed there's no reason to not believe this move was sincere. Agree to disagree.
I live in DC and know first hand how his teammates and the entire Georgetown community feel about Tyler Adams. This kid ,despite his setbacks, is part time cheerleader, assistant coach and upbeat model for all. I tip my hat to Kevin Willard's humanity for doing this, and applaud his compassion for a kid that will never forget that moment. The spontaneous reaction of the crowd told those there and the TV audience how much this kid is loved.

I may not feel positively about Kevin's performance as a coach but there are moments when who he is should be praised.
never had anything against Willard personally. Many coaches often do something nice and today Willard did. I think all of our past coaches had the compassion to do a good deed. Except of course Gonzalez. PJ BLANEY AMAKER ORR were good men although didn't like the way AMAKER left us. But he did apologize to I believe Pat Hobbs not all that long ago. Said it was the worst mistake he made in his coaching career. But good for Willard. Nice job.
Of course - agree to disagree. And respectfully at that.

I actually hope you're right and that I am scarred into cynicism.

However, my gut tells me that this is Willard's strength: ie that he knows how play the strings of the suits. I can see how, with quotes like this one, he managed to "ace the interview." I find it somewhat insulting if he's trying to deflect performance from basketball results by claiming that we need to be judged by more than wins and losses.

One thing I dont buy is that JTIII is classless. He's a competitor, he's fiercely loyal and he doesn't suffer fools. But he's not classless.

Put two and two together and all of a sudden JTIII's response doesn't seem so mysterious.
Originally posted by phi_pirates:
"I talked to John, I said 'I'll let the kid shoot a layup and you just give us a layup' he said 'Nah don't do that.' I'm sitting there watching and this kid gets an NCAA waiver, Senior Night, everyone you talk to [says] he's just a great young man. I think we have a bigger responsibility in life sometimes than the game of basketball. I told our kids in the locker room 'We're going to lose the tip and we're going to give them a bucket.' We haven't been getting off to great starts, not the greatest way to start but I think it's important to reward good people. Everything I've heard about this young man, what he's had to fight through, has had to battle. In my mind, I think kids should be rewarded if they're good people and to me that was the only decision to make."
That really was a very nice gesture on Willard's part. Surprised JTIII wouldn't reciprocate though, seems out of character for him.
I may look at this a little different then most others, but most likely this loss knocks us out of the NIT. It was nice thinking by willard, but it was an important game for the development of our young players, especially if they get to participate in a postseason tounament. It was also an important game for JTii as they are fighting for a two seed. When JTii told willard not to do that, he was probably thinking " is this guy nuts". There are things bigger than a game and it was on display today with a classy move by willard, but when JTii told him no deal, he should have played to win.
Originally posted by shupat08:
So KW purposefully had us go down 2-0 knowing that JT3 wouldn't allow us to tie it up?

This guy has to go. I don't care that it was a nice gesture.

This is big business.
Down 2-0 in a meaningless game. I want Willard gone but that was a class move by KW and a classless move by JT. What a jerk. At least KW can hold his head high. People in big business never make magnanimous gestures?
This isn't an unprecedented move. It's been done before. I'm sure not often because how often would the opportunity present itself, but what's the real harm? Trade buckets and move on. Seems like all upside and no downside if both agree. And the upside here was obviously huge for this kid and imo from the message it sends to the kids. I can see the argument against it if the other coach refuses reciprocate but glad willard stuck with his plan.
On the postgame radio, Willard asked JT3 if he wanted us to do it & JT3 told him no
Whether it was wise or not to do when the other coach said no, I thought it was a very gracious measure and was glad to see it. That player and his family will remember the moment for the rest of their lives. Very special and heartwarming.
Very nice well done by Williard and JTIII comes off as a dick for not reciprocating.
I loved that Willard did this - very classy. I was shocked that Georgetown didn't recipricate.

Also I find it very hypocritical that the Georgetown fans are defending JT3 actions but if the situation were reversed they would call SHU classless.
Georgetown did not have to reciprocate. I'm glad they didn't because it would have cheapened Adams' moment.

There is no reason to attack Willard for this. I'm proud he did it. Some things are bigger than sports. Kudos to the coach on this one.
Let's just leave it as a classy act. It was the right thing to do. Reflects well on our school and on our players, and says a lot about Seton Hall and what's important.

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