Replay of Broadcast?


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Does anyone know where I can watch a replay of today'sgame??? Looking forward to watching the win and the retro-uniforms.
Just home from the game. My entire second half went black on the DVR. What the hell Fox? Or Cablevision? Anyone elsd with Optimum lose it?
Same here, just got back home, midway through 2nd half cable must have gone out but came back with a few minutes left in regulation. Then damn dvr timer shut off with one minute to go in regulation!!!
wow, that's really far after the game is over. no one generally does that. that's cool though.

WatchESPN has been very very buggy for the past two weeks. not reliable like it used to be.
LOL 330 ....AM!!!

as someone who was there, you better believe I'll tune in that late. Haven't seen any recaps yet
My Cablevision DVR was set for 2 hours 30 minutes, and the game recorded 1:47 minutes. At about the 15:50 mark if the 2nd half, it jumped to 4 minutes left. The have the entire OT, but it sounds similar to Capt Bob. This must have been their issue.
My Cablevision DVR was set for 2 hours 30 minutes, and the game recorded 1:47 minutes. At about the 15:50 mark if the 2nd half, it jumped to 4 minutes left. The have the entire OT, but it sounds similar to Capt Bob. This must have been their issue.
yup, same as me. wonderful job Cablevision .
I had a prior commitment and couldn't go to the game today.

I get home, flick on Fox and it's blacked out.

Finally came on for OT.

F-off Cablevision!
Comcast was fine. Watched the game last night. Since I always add an hour to the DVR I didn't miss the OT.

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