I am surprised SPK included Trump on the whacko list. At least he tells you what's on his mind and doesn't sugarcoat like a typical politician.
Still surprised???
I am surprised SPK included Trump on the whacko list. At least he tells you what's on his mind and doesn't sugarcoat like a typical politician.
Still surprised???
it's pathetic how the media is attacking him every single day. Clearly the establishment has given its orders to the media to take out Trump.
wow. please tell me these good ideas?
other than non descript sound bytes has he actually indicated what his plans are?Simplifying the tax code, getting tough on China, cracking down on illegal immigration are some of the big ones where he has put forth good ideas.
other than non descript sound bytes has he actually indicated what his plans are?
"We have a too many brands of deodorant!" Nutjob.
I think both Trump and Sanders are gaining traction since they are discussing issues that have struck a nerve (immigration, jobs, disgust with the political process-campaign reform). Trump is intriguing...I don't think he has any intention or want to be President, but the longer he stays in the race (and he has the ability to stay in as long as he wants!), his voting block of supporters (and delegates) will be of significant value for whoever is left standing. Who he ends up endorsing has a good chance of winning the nomination.Trump has legs and it really makes sense. We love movie stars/rich guys, so he gives us that glamor. And we hate DC and pols in general. I actually think his comments about the rapists and about McCain, while stupid as hell, WERE made to sound way worse by the media sound bytes. I liken it to Brain Williams's lies. Brain to me is obviously a bullshitter. If he scores 15 points, he tells you he had 22. We all know guys like that. (Not too many new anchors though, at least as far as we know...lol) And Trump has that NYC brashness. Piss him off and he is back at you, in your face, maybe swinging below the belt.
I laughed at his candidacy a few weeks ago. Now I think he is gonna win the republican nod. And I think he wold beat Hillary.
What are his policys? Not sure it matters.
I could be totally wrong, but I see Trump as a deal guy. I don't see him having any interest in living in the highly structured, beholden to many, world of politics. He calls his own shots now and can drop in to any situation when and if he feels like it. That is very different from being president of the United States. I think he has already thought about his exit strategy which would be to throw his support to the appropriate candidate at the right time.Based on the polls his legacy as a politician is already cemented. With somebody like Trump he has an ego that tells him he can do any job that he wants. The question is does HE really want to really do it? Think about the deal he can cut for himself with any of the hopefuls...and then he can take credit for getting them elected!I see the dem side like you in that I see (and feel) hillary fatigue - or is it bushclinton fatigue. But i don't think Sanders or any announced candidates have a prayer.
But do you really think trump will walk away? He is dominating a huge field and has been since he threw his comb in the ring. Do you figure he leaves when he loses his lead or will he just lose interest.
I could be totally wrong, but I see Trump as a deal guy. I don't see him having any interest in living in the highly structured, beholden to many, world of politics. He calls his own shots now and can drop in to any situation when and if he feels like it. That is very different from being president of the United States. I think he has already thought about his exit strategy which would be to throw his support to the appropriate candidate at the right time.Based on the polls his legacy as a politician is already cemented. With somebody like Trump he has an ego that tells him he can do any job that he wants. The question is does HE really want to really do it? Think about the deal he can cut for himself with any of the hopefuls...and then he can take credit for getting them elected!
I am a f'ing American, and I am staying here no matter who wins. I have had a clothespin on my nose for half my life. But this is where I live and America is a country based on terrific ideas and I would NEVER move cause I didn't like the president.I hope you're right, 85. I am a conservative, and a dual citizen. It's been clear for awhile that Hillary is the next in line, and I've been researching life -- and work -- overseas. That said, I would be frightened if Trump ever became President, and that might hasten my departure.
I see the dem side like you in that I see (and feel) hillary fatigue - or is it bushclinton fatigue. But i don't think Sanders or any announced candidates have a prayer.
But do you really think trump will walk away? He is dominating a huge field and has been since he threw his comb in the ring. Do you figure he leaves when he loses his lead or will he just lose interest.
There you have it. Donnie, you better get that job in Belize right now!
No - a third party is not viable, as Blumberg realized when he looked long and hard into it. It can only be a nuisance to the other candidates.Do you think Trump would run as a Third Party Candidate ?
What I am telling you is me staying here or not doesn't at all on who is elected. And I wonder what your reaction was when you read George Clooney say a similar thing about leaving if so and so was elected. The conserve press had a field day. I bet Denmark or many other Scandinavian countries are great to live in. I have always loved France and would love to live there. Or in the hills in Italy (I will not look into Tuscany as there is nothing available there), or Geneva. I read great things about Portugal recently. I doubt if I am leaving, but I am surely not leaving cause one of these candidates gets elected.Think western Europe -- I don't speak Spanish. But Belize is beautiful, and I could live like a king without paying for bad policy at a 40% clip. No argument from me that Bush was a disaster, but so is this society.
Give me a country that isn't celebrity obsessed to the point of not knowing/caring what the hell is going on at home, let alone other countries. Give me a judicial branch that doesn't act as the legislative branch. Give me a viable third party, for God's sake!
We have more technology than anyone, but are slipping in medicine and education. Violent crime is skyrocketing, our infrastructure is falling apart. People are tried and hanged on social media. We are pushing hard to marginalize (and tax) religion. We are deeply divided, and foolishly partisan, with politicians who are bought and paid for.
Geez, in NJ, we can't even have a discussion about problem-solving because the Democrats are too busy trying to get the fat Governor to resign, and draw up legislation that allows people to break other peoples' car windows if there's a dog left inside!
I'm an American too -- are you telling me that there's no place in the world that's better to live in? I might have agreed with you at one time.
Trump is the guy they are using to criticize the other candidates with what the democrats would use to see if it this stuff will stick or not. Trump has a zero percent chance of winning a national election.
Who is this puppeteer who is making one of the most ego driven people on earth be used in this fashion?
People talk about how Hillary is unlikable.
I don't think I can vote for her. And I even voted for McGovern and Dukakis...lol.
Trump is the only one out there with a worse unfavorable rating. His lead has been about the same as the margin of error in all of the polls I have seen other than the one ABC news poll which appears to be an outlier. He will peak soon and fade over the coming months as the field starts to narrow.
Articles written in June talk about how his showing as 2nd place guy can never hold and now he is clobbering them all.
If you take a look at the demographics of the voting population, whoever is the GOP nominee will need to do significantly better than Romney did among Latino voters. If they don't, they have no chance to win.
Romney dominated among white voters 59-39 and Obama still won fairly easily. Obama won the women vote 56-44. Hillary will do at least as well as that especially against Trump.
This is from Politico - 7/22:
Maybe the Latino vote will prove pivotal in 2020, maybe in 2024, but this time around, it is very unlikely to decide who wins the White House. The reason immigration will not be a big issue in 2016 is fairly simple. The states that have a big Hispanic population and have big Electoral College vote numbers—California, Texas, New York, New Jersey and Illinois—will not be in play in the 2016 presidential election. And the swing states—where campaign spending and message building will be the strongest—have relatively small Hispanic populations and no border fence issues in their backyards. On top of all that, immigration is not the primary concern for most Hispanic voters.
I just think you are dismissing this guy way too soon. The times may be a changing.
BTW, I am not saying I am voting for the guy. Just that he is a serious candidate.
I just want to make sure this portion of your response doesn't go unnoticed. Gold, Seton75, gold!(I will not look into Tuscany as there is nothing available there)
But when candidates who are in the race and are not really legit candidates, but are part of the republican power structure, start dropping out, their supporters will start heading over to whoever the power structure supports.I don't agree. What do you mean he is there to throw shots at other guys to weed it out? He is doubling the other guys in every poll I have seen. Before him, we saw Repubs with 12-15 % leading, and now he is ahead at 24%, and this is after two huge screw ups (which actually were not as bad as the media said - stupid, but they got overblown, and ultimately, nobody cares.
NFW does he opt out when he is in the lead. If he flubs in the next months and isnt winning, he will concoct his best excuse and beat it. But if he stays ahead, and I think he will, he is gonna win the nod. I think he will dominate the debates and make it a runaway. And Kasich will be his VP and they will beat Hilary in an election that is not so close.
Merge, Trump will get crossover voters like Reagan did. You are nuts to underestimate him in this race. A guy like me will have a hard time pulling the lever for Hillary and I bet I am not alone. I can't think of 8 more years of defining what is is.
There you have it. Donnie, you better get that job in Belize right now!
I have him ignored, so I don't know what you're talking about, but I need a shower after reading it.Bobbie Solo and donnie share a great interest in Western Europe. See, common ground after all!
No - a third party is not viable, as Blumberg realized when he looked long and hard into it. It can only be a nuisance to the other candidates.
What I am telling you is me staying here or not doesn't at all on who is elected. And I wonder what your reaction was when you read George Clooney say a similar thing about leaving if so and so was elected. The conserve press had a field day. I bet Denmark or many other Scandinavian countries are great to live in. I have always loved France and would love to live there. Or in the hills in Italy (I will not look into Tuscany as there is nothing available there), or Geneva. I read great things about Portugal recently. I doubt if I am leaving, but I am surely not leaving cause one of these candidates gets elected.
I just want to make sure this portion of your response doesn't go unnoticed. Gold, Seton75, gold!
Lol....The difference is, that we're talking Trump and he will remind us every day for the rest of his life. Name one candidate that was leading the polls who threw his endorsement to another during the race? He'll be the first and only candidate to ever do that. I think he cares more about changing the election than winning it. He will take credit for the Republican candidate winning and for doing the unthinkable by taking Hillary out!85, name a guy whose endorsement won an election and rested on those laurels for the rest of his life. Quick, come on. You know, "Joe Blow died yesterday. His endorsement of candidate X won the 19XX presidential election."
Now name the last ten presidents. Who gives a shit about deal makers of this sort. I can't come up with one who was lauded for doing this in my lifetime. Trump doesn't need this stuff, and his ego certainly does not need a boost.
What I say to both Merge and 85 is "...there you go again..."