Name one candidate that was leading the polls who threw his endorsement to another during the race?

Simplifying the tax code, getting tough on China, cracking down on illegal immigration are some of the big ones where he has put forth good ideas.

Good Trump ideas??? His idea to solve illegal immigration is to build a wall on the border of the US and Mexico. This moron doesn't know that many illegals pass through tunnels from Mexico to the US. What is the wall going to do except waste billions. Tax Code should not get more simple which normally means reducing tax brackets which of course favor the ultra wealthy. The taxes should be progressive with more brackets and less deductions. No way a person who makes $300,000 should pay the same percentage of taxes as a person who makes 3 million.

Trump doesn't even know the Constitution. Remember him droning on that Obama could not be President because he was born in Kenya argument. Even if that were true, anyone born to an American citizen is automatically a citizen and does not have to be naturalized. Don't believe it? Well Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico. He ran for the Republican nomination for President in 68. Need further proof? Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Not a peep from Trump. Don't let me get on Trump's business practices of extortion. You do business with Trump and complete the job. Trump then will only pay you for 50% or other reduced rate of the contract price. He will then threaten you with legal actions to tie it up in court to financially break you so you agree to the reduced rate.

Omg, the guy is a nightmare. But I do appreciate the entertainment value that the Republican Debates will bring.
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Trump doesn't need this stuff, and his ego certainly does not need a boost.

Trump doesn't need publicity? He is building his brand which is all he cares about. He has no plans on running the country.
I think you guys are wrong. We shall see.

Do you really think his brand was helped by the 2012 campaign that he flirted with?
Trump is a ego maniac and a publicity hound. Does he "need" the publicity?/ Of course not, but he constantly desires it to feed that ego.

Tom K
I think it's less about his brand and more about his ego and having a place in the political history of this country.
If he quits, who is with in history? Harold Stassan. George Romney? Pat Buchannon? I cannot figure out why the biggest egao-maniac, who runs for pres mainly to feed his ego, would drop out when he was leading the field. I can see him dropping out if he starts to fade. His justification will I am sure be a classic...I ran a five star campaign that was really But if he stays ahead, he is gonna get the nomination. IMNSHO
If he quits, who is with in history? Harold Stassan. George Romney? Pat Buchannon? I cannot figure out why the biggest egao-maniac, who runs for pres mainly to feed his ego, would drop out when he was leading the field. I can see him dropping out if he starts to fade. His justification will I am sure be a classic...I ran a five star campaign that was really But if he stays ahead, he is gonna get the nomination. IMNSHO
I don't think there is anyway that he gets the nomination. He is appealing to a large base right now of working, middle-class Americans who have seen their healthcare costs go up, public welfare expand at their expense and are working for basically the same or less money that they made ten years ago. Unfortunately, they have become a minority or drowned out by too many that are blindly supporting party affiliation. While riding a crest right now, I just seeing him getting exposed during the debates if he can't get past sound bytes. I think he's a smart guy (which means he also knows when he isn't smart enough, and gets exposed) and has thought a lot about the right time to exit. As a Wall Street guy, I'm sure he knows the old line: "Bears make money, Bulls make money, but Pigs lose all the time.
He's already getting exposed, especially with his comments about Mexicans. He has been asked multiple times to produce proof of his blanket statements and he keeps on saying, "I have sources, but I'm not going to tell you" or something similar. Yeah, that's not going to fly. And the more he deflects, the more it gets asked and then he tries to insult the reporter and publication and move on.

Also, people are going to dig deep into his past and the story about his divorce from Ivanka is just the beginning. He will find out very quickly how little control he has. I think cernjSHU made a lot of good points and I think he'll drop out when he loses his lead and an embarrassing piece of his past is about to drop.

It's also not a good situation when your right-hand man says that it's not rape if a husband rapes his wife.

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