Simplifying the tax code, getting tough on China, cracking down on illegal immigration are some of the big ones where he has put forth good ideas.
Trump doesn't need this stuff, and his ego certainly does not need a boost.
I think it's less about his brand and more about his ego and having a place in the political history of this country.I think you guys are wrong. We shall see.
Do you really think his brand was helped by the 2012 campaign that he flirted with?
If he quits, who is with in history? Harold Stassan. George Romney? Pat Buchannon? I cannot figure out why the biggest egao-maniac, who runs for pres mainly to feed his ego, would drop out when he was leading the field. I can see him dropping out if he starts to fade. His justification will I am sure be a classic...I ran a five star campaign that was really But if he stays ahead, he is gonna get the nomination. IMNSHOI think it's less about his brand and more about his ego and having a place in the political history of this country.
I don't think there is anyway that he gets the nomination. He is appealing to a large base right now of working, middle-class Americans who have seen their healthcare costs go up, public welfare expand at their expense and are working for basically the same or less money that they made ten years ago. Unfortunately, they have become a minority or drowned out by too many that are blindly supporting party affiliation. While riding a crest right now, I just seeing him getting exposed during the debates if he can't get past sound bytes. I think he's a smart guy (which means he also knows when he isn't smart enough, and gets exposed) and has thought a lot about the right time to exit. As a Wall Street guy, I'm sure he knows the old line: "Bears make money, Bulls make money, but Pigs lose all the time.If he quits, who is with in history? Harold Stassan. George Romney? Pat Buchannon? I cannot figure out why the biggest egao-maniac, who runs for pres mainly to feed his ego, would drop out when he was leading the field. I can see him dropping out if he starts to fade. His justification will I am sure be a classic...I ran a five star campaign that was really But if he stays ahead, he is gonna get the nomination. IMNSHO
Name one candidate that was leading the polls who threw his endorsement to another during the race?