Roe v Wade

He is petty and wrong if the report is accurate.
Kind of a big if, right? It is unverified and unverifiable conversation that’s suddenly coming up 40 years after the fact? [Shrugs]

Maybe a better way to understand a supreme court justice is to read their opinions? The reasoning is either sound, (based upon the law) or it isn’t.
When I was attending Seton Hall one of my roommates impregnated his girlfriend. They heavily considered abortion but adhered to their Catholic beliefs and kept the baby.

Before then, I was ambivalent. Seeing the stress he had turn into pure joy when his son arrived totally changed my perception of life.

Sex was never meant to be casual, its a powerful force that creates life. Hence the Bible telling us to have sex in marriage.

99% of people are being irresponsible with how they're having sex and want to escape the consequences. I strongly belief in the Holy Spirit and no man nor woman walks away from abortion without losing a bit of themselves.

My personal beliefs aside this was the correct decision. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was even against the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade. Leaving this a state level issue makes more sense.

Another 6-3 vote along conservative/liberal views. This one seems pretty simple...he wasn't forcing anyone to pray with him, but left it open for those that wanted to join him.
I am not sure why this was a case and why the school cared if he prayed on the field. He started to pray on the field and then players joined. I have no idea why the school district would care.
Kind of a big if, right? It is unverified and unverifiable conversation that’s suddenly coming up 40 years after the fact? [Shrugs]

Maybe a better way to understand a supreme court justice is to read their opinions? The reasoning is either sound, (based upon the law) or it isn’t.
The people who are reporting this was two of his law clerks. That adds more weight does it not?
The people who are reporting this was two of his law clerks. That adds more weight does it not?
Versus a completely random stranger? Sure.

Still, I have a healthy skepticism about someone who suddenly decides to “remember” a conversation that they’ve been silent about for four decades, particularly when that remembrance comes at a time of political convenience.
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Maybe a better way to understand a supreme court justice is to read their opinions? The reasoning is either sound, (based upon the law) or it isn’t.
This is what the hearings should be about, not questioning them about cases that may come before them. Just another part of the DC clown show.
So that is your belief and you may believe whatever your heart desires. Other people find this complete and utter BS.

I don't see the point in your last sentence other than basically taking a bit of shot b/c I'm of course well aware people think its bullshit.

Of course most people don't take sex as seriously. What has been the positive benefits of that in our society though? We have more pornography and casual sex happening than ever before. I don't think its working out too well for us.

My belief is undoubtedly centered around a strong sense of spirituality, but given the current divorce rate and 24% of the country taking medication for psychological issues I'm not exactly sure if most people even have a clue as to what's best for them or how to maintain healthy relationships.

I'll stay in the minority with my opinion but I'm willing to bet it will lead to way more fulfillment in life.
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I am not sure why this was a case and why the school cared if he prayed on the field. He started to pray on the field and then players joined. I have no idea why the school district would care.
I agree with you.... he never should have been admonished and fired. Your sentiment kind of says something about the three judges who voted in the minority on this one. What were they thinking to go along with the school board? Have to check out the dissenting opinion.
I agree with you.... he never should have been admonished and fired. Your sentiment kind of says something about the three judges who voted in the minority on this one. What were they thinking to go along with the school board? Have to check out the dissenting opinion.
Exactly. Why would the three dissent on this decision?
My take on this difficult topic is that Pro- Choice means that no matter what your personal feelings or beliefs about abortions are,you understand it is not your place to make a decision for another women about what she can or can't do with her body .
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Heard a commentator make two points yesterday that could have changed the make-up and complexion of SCOTUS.

- Imagine if RBG chose to decide to retire during Obama's term. Obviously would have set the stage for a liberal judge. Was it her thought that she retire assuming Hillary would be President and having the first female President appoint her replacement? Who knows, but she likely would regret not doing that.
- If Democrats hadn't blown up the filibuster, would it force a President to propose more moderate justices in order to ensure they were approved?
Exactly. Why would the three dissent on this decision?
Well, if you read the dissent, there are some facts that do not appear in the majority opinion. In essence, the coach at one point was acting inappropriately by saying prayers in pregame meetings with the students. However, he agreed to stop that. So now he just wants to pray at the 50 yard line. There is some dispute as whether he invites players or not.

And why does he want to pray there. It is because he wants the show. The coach and the District come to an agreement that he would be allowed to pray at the 50 yard line as long as students did not join him. Well, he then goes to the media and this thing now gets out of control. Here is part of the opinion:

"The District reiterated that “all District staff are free to engage in religious activity, including prayer, so long as it does not interfere with job responsibilities.” Id., at 45. To avoid endorsing student religious exercise, the District in- structed that such activity must be nondemonstrative or conducted separately from students, away from student ac- tivities. Ibid. The District expressed concern that Kennedy had continued his midfield prayer practice at two games af- ter the District’s athletic director and the varsity team’s head coach had instructed him to stop. Id., at 40–41.:

So the District allowed him to pray at the 50 as long as he didn't invite players and separately from the students. But then he goes to the media and blows this thing up.

The next game he prays at the 50 yard line and the students, parents politicians all go out to the 50 yard line with him. so it becomes a spectacle. I can see why the District was pissed off. These are bad facts that lead to bad law. This may have some serious consequences in the future. I am a little dismayed by the majority opinion leaving out pertinent facts of this case.
Heard a commentator make two points yesterday that could have changed the make-up and complexion of SCOTUS.

- Imagine if RBG chose to decide to retire during Obama's term. Obviously would have set the stage for a liberal judge. Was it her thought that she retire assuming Hillary would be President and having the first female President appoint her replacement? Who knows, but she likely would regret not doing that.
- If Democrats hadn't blown up the filibuster, would it force a President to propose more moderate justices in order to ensure they were approved?
Well, Democrats and Republicans blew up the filibuster. In 2013, The Republicans kept filibustering many of Obama's presidential appointees. Harry Reid blew it up to get judges named to Federal courts and PResidential nominees. But you still needed 60 votes for Supreme Court.

However, it was McConnell in 2017 to get Gorsuch passed blew it up for SCOTUS. McConnell out played all the Dems on this issue. He forced Reid to use the nuclear option and that opened the door for him to use it for the Supreme Court.

However, I agree that getting rid of the filibuster certainly led to more extreme conservative Justices.
Well, if you read the dissent, there are some facts that do not appear in the majority opinion. In essence, the coach at one point was acting inappropriately by saying prayers in pregame meetings with the students. However, he agreed to stop that. So now he just wants to pray at the 50 yard line. There is some dispute as whether he invites players or not.

And why does he want to pray there. It is because he wants the show. The coach and the District come to an agreement that he would be allowed to pray at the 50 yard line as long as students did not join him. Well, he then goes to the media and this thing now gets out of control. Here is part of the opinion:

"The District reiterated that “all District staff are free to engage in religious activity, including prayer, so long as it does not interfere with job responsibilities.” Id., at 45. To avoid endorsing student religious exercise, the District in- structed that such activity must be nondemonstrative or conducted separately from students, away from student ac- tivities. Ibid. The District expressed concern that Kennedy had continued his midfield prayer practice at two games af- ter the District’s athletic director and the varsity team’s head coach had instructed him to stop. Id., at 40–41.:

So the District allowed him to pray at the 50 as long as he didn't invite players and separately from the students. But then he goes to the media and blows this thing up.

The next game he prays at the 50 yard line and the students, parents politicians all go out to the 50 yard line with him. so it becomes a spectacle. I can see why the District was pissed off. These are bad facts that lead to bad law. This may have some serious consequences in the future. I am a little dismayed by the majority opinion leaving out pertinent facts of this case.
This guy wants to put on a show. LOL A lot of athletes just looking to put on a show:

NFL players taking a knee to say a prayer after a TD
Pitchers making the sign of the cross as they take the mound
Batters making the sign of the cross before getting into the batters box
Post game interviews that start "1st I want to thank God. for without HIm none of this would be possible"
Post game prayers at the end of college and NFL games.

All these people are just doing it for the show. Or only the one guy? Just ridiculous to think it's all for show.
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Well, if you read the dissent, there are some facts that do not appear in the majority opinion. In essence, the coach at one point was acting inappropriately by saying prayers in pregame meetings with the students. However, he agreed to stop that. So now he just wants to pray at the 50 yard line. There is some dispute as whether he invites players or not.

And why does he want to pray there. It is because he wants the show. The coach and the District come to an agreement that he would be allowed to pray at the 50 yard line as long as students did not join him. Well, he then goes to the media and this thing now gets out of control. Here is part of the opinion:

"The District reiterated that “all District staff are free to engage in religious activity, including prayer, so long as it does not interfere with job responsibilities.” Id., at 45. To avoid endorsing student religious exercise, the District in- structed that such activity must be nondemonstrative or conducted separately from students, away from student ac- tivities. Ibid. The District expressed concern that Kennedy had continued his midfield prayer practice at two games af- ter the District’s athletic director and the varsity team’s head coach had instructed him to stop. Id., at 40–41.:

So the District allowed him to pray at the 50 as long as he didn't invite players and separately from the students. But then he goes to the media and blows this thing up.

The next game he prays at the 50 yard line and the students, parents politicians all go out to the 50 yard line with him. so it becomes a spectacle. I can see why the District was pissed off. These are bad facts that lead to bad law. This may have some serious consequences in the future. I am a little dismayed by the majority opinion leaving out pertinent facts of this case.
Isn't going to the press exercising his free speech? Based on what you cited, the district was demonstrating over reach in my opinion. How many sporting events do we see where players pray as a group before or after the game? Lots.

What is the harm of inviting players? It was another SCOTUS vote along partisan lines, so that's what we've come to.
Isn't going to the press exercising his free speech? Based on what you cited, the district was demonstrating over reach in my opinion. How many sporting events do we see where players pray as a group before or after the game? Lots.

What is the harm of inviting players? It was another SCOTUS vote along partisan lines, so that's what we've come to.
Im not saying in the end, the decision is not correct. But the coach was grandstanding. The majority opinion reads like the District was completely unreasonable. The District was being reasonable. Where it broke down was the coach going to the media and causing a whole scene at a football game where politicians, parents and players are all gathering on the 50 yard line. I understand why the District got pissed at him. They were being reasonable and he threw it in their face.

In terms of inviting players, that crosses the line because now you are creating an environment that those that join are or can be viewed as favored so others who do not want to have to join in.

Let's turn this around. Your kid is not muslim and the team's coach is a muslim and is inviting the players to pray with him. Are you going to be happy with that?
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Im not saying in the end, the decision is not correct. But the coach was grandstanding. The majority opinion reads like the District was completely unreasonable. The District was being reasonable. Where it broke down was the coach going to the media and causing a whole scene at a football game where politicians, parents and players are all gathering on the 50 yard line. I understand why the District got pissed at him. They were being reasonable and he threw it in their face.
The district was being unreasonable in my view.
In terms of inviting players, that crosses the line because now you are creating an environment that those that join are or can be viewed as favored so others who do not want to have to join in.

Let's turn this around. Your kid is not muslim and the team's coach is a muslim and is inviting the players to pray with him. Are you going to be happy with that?
I wouldn’t have any issue with that. It was voluntary.
Some already are. Some won’t allow abortion regardless of rape and health of the mother. Some already allow abortion at any time right up until birth for any reason using unconscionable methods.
which states allow end of term abortion? sounds like a c section but then just throw the baby away
Well, Democrats and Republicans blew up the filibuster. In 2013, The Republicans kept filibustering many of Obama's presidential appointees. Harry Reid blew it up to get judges named to Federal courts and PResidential nominees. But you still needed 60 votes for Supreme Court.

However, it was McConnell in 2017 to get Gorsuch passed blew it up for SCOTUS. McConnell out played all the Dems on this issue. He forced Reid to use the nuclear option and that opened the door for him to use it for the Supreme Court.

However, I agree that getting rid of the filibuster certainly led to more extreme conservative Justices.

Why is it that only conservatives are "extreme" in your view?

I think one could fairly describe Thomas and Alito as extreme, but Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are two of the most extreme people ever nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Why is it that only conservatives are "extreme" in your view?

I think one could fairly describe Thomas and Alito as extreme, but Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan are two of the most extreme people ever nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.
I will agree with you on Sotomayor. But disagree with you on Kagen. Remember, Kagen voted in favor of the Colorado cake case, along with Breyer who is really a moderate.

It is too early to tell with Kavanagh and Barrett But I have a feeling that they will end up being like Alito.
which states allow end of term abortion? sounds like a c section but then just throw the baby away
New Jersey
New Mexico

*Plus, the District of Columbia
New Jersey
New Mexico

*Plus, the District of Columbia
New Jersey wtf.

i find it odd that the entire "dont dictate what i do with my body" crowd during covid is now the "we wanna dictate what you do with your body" for this roe v wade stuff. and vis versa. party allegience over rational thought
New Jersey wtf.

i find it odd that the entire "dont dictate what i do with my body" crowd during covid is now the "we wanna dictate what you do with your body" for this roe v wade stuff. and vis versa. party allegience over rational thought

It's actually completely rational thought. With abortion, you are literally choosing to end a life - the life of someone that has zero say in the matter - very often because people use it as a form of birth control, which it is not. If you don't want to have a child, don't get pregnant. It's really simple. There are many methods to avoid becoming pregnant.

You being forced to inject yourself (or lose your career, or be restricted from free movement) with a brand new concoction (that doesn't prevent transmission) is a flagrant overstepping of government authority. Apples and oranges.
It's actually completely rational thought. With abortion, you are literally choosing to end a life - the life of someone that has zero say in the matter - very often because people use it as a form of birth control, which it is not. If you don't want to have a child, don't get pregnant. It's really simple. There are many methods to avoid becoming pregnant.

You being forced to inject yourself (or lose your career, or be restricted from free movement) with a brand new concoction (that doesn't prevent transmission) is a flagrant overstepping of government authority. Apples and oranges.

neglecting to stop spreading a disease is hindering lives other than your own. can spin it the same way.

my body my rules. pretty simple. either abide by it or dont.
neglecting to stop spreading a disease is hindering lives other than your own. can spin it the same way.

my body my rules. pretty simple. either abide by it or dont.

The "vaccine" for this particular virus doesn't stop the spread. Your argument completely falls apart right there. The vaccine only lessens your chance of severe illness. Doesn't affect anyone else. We've been over this before.

So you're saying the extreme leftists should be consistent as well? Or not?
The "vaccine" for this particular virus doesn't stop the spread. Your argument completely falls apart right there. The vaccine only lessens your chance of severe illness. Doesn't affect anyone else. We've been over this before.

So you're saying the extreme leftists should be consistent as well? Or not?
it lessens the spread...but the point is anything can be spun any way.

your argument falls flat when you go by "my body my rules" or "govt cant infringe upon my body" its veryyy simple. just go by that rule.

im also saying leftists should be consistent. the vaccine mandates were BS. if you want govt to intervene on your body then get ready for it.
it lessens the spread...but the point is anything can be spun any way.

your argument falls flat when you go by "my body my rules" or "govt cant infringe upon my body" its veryyy simple. just go by that rule.

im also saying leftists should be consistent. the vaccine mandates were BS. if you want govt to intervene on your body then get ready for it.
Was there actual proof it lessens the spread or it lessens the impact it could have on you? Based on the fact a ton of vaccinated and boosted people continue to get the virus and the number of people vaccinated still walking around with masks, is it factual to say the shot lessens the spread.
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it lessens the spread...but the point is anything can be spun any way.

your argument falls flat when you go by "my body my rules" or "govt cant infringe upon my body" its veryyy simple. just go by that rule.

im also saying leftists should be consistent. the vaccine mandates were BS. if you want govt to intervene on your body then get ready for it.

Government actually isn't intervening on anyone's life in this case. It's simply returning the decision to the states for each state to decide how it wants to handle it. It's simple - nobody has to have an abortion. If you don't want a child, don't get pregnant.
If you read the history about how Roe was deceptively bought to be (seeJane Roe’s words, and more signisficantly, those of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who helped to form NARAL, who later turned anti-abortion), it is only right that it was overturned. Ginsburg feared it was on weak legal footing, too.

What gets lost in all the “my body” my choice is the human rights issue that those opposed to abortion are concerned with: a genetically distinct developing human.

No state will ban the removal of an ectopic pregnancy — it’s just nonsense and hysteria, similar to the folks saying that people could now marry their livestock when same-sex marriage was legalized.

What’s most heartening to me was a photo I saw from an impromptu celebration in Morristown’s green (NJ 101.5 had it on their website). Most of the people in the forefront of the photo? Young women. What’s most disgraceful - pro-aborts attacking pregnancy aid centers, which provide clothes, formula/food, diapers, toys, and often housing and employment help for any mother who simply asks — while simultaneously claiming that the pro-life folks only care about the unborn.
Was there actual proof it lessens the spread or it lessens the impact it could have on you? Based on the fact a ton of vaccinated and boosted people continue to get the virus and the number of people vaccinated still walking around with masks, is it factual to say the shot lessens the spread.
This is just lunacy. You are right the vaccine does nothing. Just a government ploy to inject you.
This is just lunacy. You are right the vaccine does nothing. Just a government ploy to inject you.
Do you know how to read? Where did I say it does nothing? Show me. Please show me. I bet you can't because I never did.

I said it lessens the impact of getting the virus. How the hell can one say it lessened the spread? If it did only the people without the vaccine would be getting the virus.
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Do you know how to read? Where did I say it does nothing? Show me. Please show me. I bet you can't because I never did.

I said it lessens the impact of getting the virus. How the hell can one say it lessened the spread? If it did only the people without the vaccine would be getting the virus.
You said no proof that it lessens the spread. So, the precipitous drop in CoVid cases since the vaccine is no proof that is lessens the spread? Please.
You said no proof that it lessens the spread. So, the precipitous drop in CoVid cases since the vaccine is no proof that is lessens the spread?

Seemed to be a major spike in new cases in December 2021 after everyone was vaccinated.
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You said no proof that it lessens the spread. So, the precipitous drop in CoVid cases since the vaccine is no proof that is lessens the spread? Please.

Maybe the vaccines didn't kick in until February 2022 and that caused the precipitous drop in cases?
That is absolutely sick. Its murder plain and simple. I was unaware it can be at any stage.
It was not publicized so much that I recall when NJ assembly and Senate recently voted to allow abortions up right up to birth..... the bill also allowed non physicians to perform abortions..... we New Jerseyans were asleep at the wheel as this bill was passed into law in the Garden State..... reprehensible..... well our gov did say he wanted to make NJ more like California..... he has been getting his wish and seems not at all worried about narrowly winning his second term... Next up for him will be a 2024 run at the presidency....
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“One thing that has been disableizing is the outrageous behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States….”

Biden’s speech at the G7. It’s one thing to criticize a decision, but criticizing an institution of our government on an international stage is reprehensible and undermines public trust.
“One thing that has been disableizing is the outrageous behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States….”

Biden’s speech at the G7. It’s one thing to criticize a decision, but criticizing an institution of our government on an international stage is reprehensible and undermines public trust.
Come on man. Hard to blame the guy at this stage. Poor guy just says what he’s told to say. Incapable of doing anything else.