
May 29, 2001
Here are my views of some interesting north east candidates this year:

1. Linda McMahon - The World Wrestling empress has a ton of money for her Connecticut senate run & she is extremely TV savy. Makes a good candidate even though she is running in an extremely Blue state. Her opponent Richard Blumenthal has lied about his military service and has run a very bumbling campaign. I would not be surprised at an upset here by McMahon.

2. Christine O'Donnell is a kook. How else do you describe someone running as the pro-witchcraft, anti-evolution & anti-masturbation candidate. I'd like to see her elected in Delaware if only for the comedic value.

3. Carl Paladino - comes off as a very nasty & hatefull man. Always on the attack even if the attacks have no bearing on anything. I'm not a big fan of Andrew Cuomo but I hope he wins in a landslide.

4. Kersten Gilabrand - How did the anti gun control congresswoman become become a pro-gun control Senate candidate. Do you think district demographics had anything to do with it-lol. Anyway since I agree with her "new" gun control views I'd vote for her. But I do question her sincerity.

Too bad there is no NJ election this year so this is the best I can do,

Tom K

1. I agree on McMahon. I'm not one for making a big deal out of mis-speaking, but how does one straight-face that they served in Viet Nam? That's one you shouldn't get a mulligan for.

2. O'Donnell is a kook, but this one gives you a sense of how disgusted the public is in politicians in general. The only saving grace if she gets elected, is that no one gives a crap about Delaware.

3. What was he thinking with his anti-gay comment?? I almost think he wanted to throw away the election and figured this would be a good way to do it. Get's the award for dumbest politician.

4. Never thought she would have a chance, but she's done a good job of re-inventing herself. Losing some weight has given her a better "look" as well.
1. She's a smart lady, well-financed but Blumenthal is VERY popular in deep blue Connecticut. Repeatedly lying about serving in Vietnam seems to be a minor blip for him. Too bad others aren't treated equally.

2. O'Donnell is a kook but I'm glad she won the primary to send a big FU to the Republican Party. She has no chance in the General election but that would be something for her to win and send a big FU to the Democrat Party as well. Treated badly by the same forgiving media as Number 1.

3. Horrible candidate, why would anyone vote for him, does he have any redeeming qualities?

4. Typical hypocritical politically-expedient hack. She'll win, America loses.
In today's world with the internet & so many information sources it's hard to get away with campaign fabrications such as Blumenthal's. But in other times it was alot easier. For example Lyndon Johnson campaigning for the Senate on his WW2 battle record in the Pacific Theater. Only thing was that Congressman Johnson served in California on office duty not in the Pacific War Zone other than for a quick trip to take campaign photo's. Of such things a future President was made.

Tom K
This mid-term election has me baffled. You have some really bizarre candidates and a population that is disgusted with both parties and the entire establishment in Washington. I don't hear many solutions on really creating jobs and it's the same old, same old negative advertising. Something's gotta give, just not sure what it is.
Not much election chatter going on here.

Granted there are some off beat candidates... you mentioned a couple.... If you put Carl Paladino's ideas in a neater more polished package... he might have given Cuomo a run. The baseball bat analogy is not a good one for him.....

Christine O'Donnell makes me cringe... but again we don't have a polished politican here. Interesting how her witchcraft comment got dug up and made every news outlet, but her opponents self described bearded marxist comment goes unchallenged in the media....... at least I haven't seen it except maybe on Fox.

You can point to these two and use them as bad examples of the Tea Party Movement, but one of the charms about the Tea Party is that it is not in the pocket of any traditional party..... that component is a breath of fresh air.

Love to see a Repub senator in NY..... Gilabrand tows Schumers line... she's like Suzyn Waldman is to John Sterling.

I think that Linda McMahon will squeek out a win.... but I've been listening too much to Dick Morris who thinks the Repubs will take the Senate.

In my own district, NJ 8th..... Bill Pascrall will totaly annihilate his republican opponent..... unfortunately.

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