Trump - The Hits Keep Coming

so would you say that the media is biased in favor of Hillary?

point is... the media should not be biased... and they are..... in favor of liberal ideas generally.

When they start asking Hillary tough questions and call her out on her lies... then I might be dissuaded form that notion.
so would you say that the media is biased in favor of Hillary?

point is... the media should not be biased... and they are..... in favor of liberal ideas generally.

When they start asking Hillary tough questions and call her out on her lies... then I might be dissuaded form that notion.

Yes, I disagree that the media is in favor of Hillary. They do ask her questions and try to call her out. Please see this weekend about the "short circuit" comment. However, when you have Trump saying a ton of outrageous comments, where do you think the focus is going to be?

Btw, people who throw out terms such as liberal and conservative what does that mean? We as a country need to stop talking in generalities. Like the word liberal is some horrible word. I am sure you are in favor of many things created that were from liberal ideas or liberal politicians.

For example, social security is essentially a socialist program that both liberals and conservative love. I am in favor of some so-called conservative thinking as well as in favor of some so-called liberal thinking. A good idea is a good idea no matter where it came from. People love to call it the liberal Obamacare but the idea came from a conservative think tank and implemented by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts. So what is it? Is it a conservative idea or is it a liberal idea?
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For all of Trumps flaws, he never was involved with the death of any American. Whereas, Hillary, while serving as the worst and most corrupt Secretary of State was directly or, indirectly involved in the massacre of 4 Americans in Bengahazi and who knows how many more our bravest due to the failed foreign policy of the Obama/Clinton regime. Some examples of the failures in addition to the Benghazi debacle, where Hillary directly lied to the parents of their murdered sons by stating a video was the cause of the well-planned attack, etc. are:

1. The Nuclear "Treaty" with Iran, a country who is a proven state sponsor of terrorism. Iran has launched countless test missiles; proceeding with the development of their nuclear program, etc. all of which are forbidden under the Treaty. Additionally,the cash payment to Iran for the release of our hostages, which is our long-held policy of not negotiating, or in this case paying terrorists! This Treaty was"negotiated" by Hillary's incompetent State Department.

2. The rise in terrorism around the world, including on our homeland. I can state a lot more on this topic however there are not enough expletives to give it the proper attention it requires

3. The many and escalating hot spots in the dangerously volatile Mid-East and elsewhere in this world.

4.The systematic dismantling of our military and no direction from the Obama/Hillary regime.

The above and other foreign policy failures will be the legacy of the failed Obama/Hillary regime.

I cannot list any aspect of our foreign policy that has improved under the failed Obama/Clinton regime since there would not be adequate space on this message board.

I honestly hope we are not once again duped by the corrupt Clintons on November 8, 2016. God bless America!
I honestly hope we are not once again duped by the corrupt Clintons on November 8, 2016. God bless America!

Yes, we should make America great again. Back to a time when the economy was booming, when we had a balanced budget and very little national debt. A time when the world looked to us as the leader of the world and admired our President. I wonder when that time was? Wait a minute! It was when that corrupt Bill Clinton was in office. Those were the days though. Make America great. Bring back Clinton.

Your points on Clinton are talking points. Points 2 and 3 are inaccurate. Terrorism was an issue since the Munich Olympics. The radicalization of the Middle East did not happen in the past 8 years. It has been smoldering for decades. From the time Abu-Abbas group killed Leon Klinghoffer by throwing him off the cruise ship Achille Lauro to Iranian Revolution to Reagan/Bush arming the Mujadeen in Afghanistan against Russia. Many of the same Mujadeen. that would be BinLaden and become Al Queda to the World Trade Center Bombing, to 9/11 and to the invasion of Iraq. And you really want to lay the terror problem at the feet of Hillary Clinton??

As a survivor of 9/11, I take terrorism very seriously. This most virulent strain of terrorism ISIS was given birth by Bush's decision to invade Iraq. A decision that was awful even at the time. There were UN inspectors on the ground in Iraq saying they could night find WMD, yet Bush went in anyway. Btw, the greatest criticism I have with Hillary was her vote to invade Iraq. You want to bash her for that decision, I agree. But to blame her for the Middle East hot spots is ridiculous. The Middle East has been a hot spot for 40 years.

How has the military been dismantled? We have a huge military that is still very active all over the world. I never understood the military argument with Hillary she is often aligned with McCain on military issues.

The Iran Treaty was negotiated by John Kerry. Not Hillary. And Benghazi at worst was a mistake that she did not beef up security. Or it probably was inevitable once they should have left the area but didn't. A horrible tragedy.
9-11 probably wouldn't have happened, at least on the scale that it did, had Clinton taken care of Bin Laden on the occasion(s) that he had the chance to, and did not. He also cut the military spending to the extent that the closest jets able to be scrambled once the 9-11 attacks began were in North Carolina. But he was a great President.
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I too thought Clinton ignored the Al Qaeda curse and allowed it to grow more easily. I thought Clinton was pres at a good time, and didn't take enough advantage of the circumstances.

But he left office with a balanced budget that the next republican could not wait to piss away. I remember Cheney poopooing fear of deficit spending right after they were elected.

How many families of Marines sued Reagan for their sons getting blown up in Beirut? The bombing was in retaliation for RR actions. Hell, Hezbollah was started in RR's term, inspired many say by his aggressions. The Middle East has been a mess forever, and when the west has had their hand in the pot, they f'ed it up worse...the Brits stealing the oil early 2oth century, the CIA coup in Iran and installing the Shah. Our support of Saddam vs Iran. Hell, we even helped Al Queda in Afghanistan with our twisted world view that everything we can do to hurt the USSR is good. That is the same reason we overthrew the elected pres in '53 in Iran, cause he said he would sell the USSR oil of it helped his country. And like we so often did, we set up a guy we had no respect for in the Shah. Like we helped Saddam later. And got arms for the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. So lets Sue Hillary.
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Good perspective, 75. Sadly, many of our past Presidents look worse with a tincture of time. JFK might be the last one that actually was as good a President as nostalgia suggests. Jimmy Carter has shown himself to be a decent human being, and is well liked as a result, though he was not a "successful" Commander in Chief.
9-11 probably wouldn't have happened, at least on the scale that it did, had Clinton taken care of Bin Laden on the occasion(s) that he had the chance to, and did not. He also cut the military spending to the extent that the closest jets able to be scrambled once the 9-11 attacks began were in North Carolina. But he was a great President.

Republicans can't have it both ways with Clinton's attempts to kill Bin Laden. In Clinton's first attempt to kill Bin Laden, he sent an air missile strike which missed Bin Laden by a couple of hours. He was crucified by Republicans for attempting that missile strike as an attempt to divert attention away from Monica Lewinsky as a "Wag the Dog" scenario. Then when Clinton doesn't order the second attempt because he thought it would kill too many civilians. After 9/11, Republicans crucified him for not doing it. You can't have it both ways.

At least he didn't ignore Bin Laden. I remember how angry GWBush made me when he got on TV and said he doesn't even think about Bin Laden anymore. Wow. What a slap in the face that was.

Btw, no fighter jets were preventing 9/11. No one knew about it until the planes hit the World Trade Center. That was not preventable at all by having fighter jets near by. To blame that on Clinton's cuts in the military is just wrong. Perhaps you should look toward GW Bush for ignoring the reports that Bin Laden was planning something big in the months preceding 9/11.
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Republicans can't have it both ways with Clinton's attempts to kill Bin Laden. In Clinton's first attempt to kill Bin Laden, he sent an air missile strike which missed Bin Laden by a couple of hours. He was crucified by Republicans for attempting that missile strike as an attempt to divert attention away from Monica Lewinsky as a "Wag the Dog" scenario. Then when Clinton doesn't order the second attempt because he thought it would kill too many civilians. After 9/11, Republicans crucified him for not doing it. You can't have it both ways.

At least he didn't ignore Bin Laden. I remember how angry GWBush made me when he got on TV and said he doesn't even think about Bin Laden anymore. Wow. What a slap in the face that was.

Btw, no fighter jets were preventing 9/11. No one knew about it until the planes hit the World Trade Center. That was not preventable at all by having fighter jets near by. To blame that on Clinton's cuts in the military is just wrong. Perhaps you should look toward GW Bush for ignoring the reports that Bin Laden was planning something big in the months preceding 9/11.

Perhaps you should have friends/family that were at McGuire AFB who would confirm what I said here. Air traffic and national security agencies knew that the planes were wildly off course much sooner than impacting the towers. The first scrambled jet arrived (from NC) minutes after the second tower was struck.

As far as Clinton's attempts at taking out Bin Laden. I read a report (will try to find it), that BL was in a sniper's sights and Clinton gave the no-go order. Very little collateral damage when you're talking about snipers.
In the 2006 Wallace interview, Clinton referenced a wildly controversial ABC miniseries called The Path to 9/11*, which had aired a mere two weeks earlier and which Clinton angrily called part of a right-wing “disinformation” campaign against him. That docudrama, based in part on The 9/11 Commission Report, dramatized the historical thread connecting the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Islamic attacks on American interests throughout the Clinton era, the failure to connect the dots under Bush, and the attacks of that September morning in 2001.

Prior to its premiere, a false accusation of “conservative bias” on the part of the filmmakers quickly spun into leftist hysteria that the $30+ million miniseries was a “well-honed propaganda operation” on the part of a stealth cabal of conservatives. Clinton and his supporters, fearing the miniseries would tarnish his political legacy, claimed it was full of lies and pulled out all the stops to suppress it, including threats by the Senate Democratic leadership, led by Harry Reid, to pull ABC’s license if the miniseries aired. With a few very minor edits, the miniseries squeaked by and went on to high ratings; but it has not aired since and ABC-Disney refuses to release a DVD [check out John Ziegler’s riveting documentary Blocking the Path to 9/11 for the whole outrageous story].

The miniseries featured one particular scene vetted, as every scene was, by a battery of ABC lawyers, in which a CIA team and its Afghan allies have bin Laden in its sights, call the White House for approval to make the hit, and are denied the green light. Clinton and his people attacked this scene as an outrageous fabrication.

But in May 2012, CBS’ 60 Minutes broadcast a startling segment featuring former CIA officer Hank Crumpton, Deputy Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, who discussed with interviewer Lara Logan his participation in operations to capture and/or kill bin Laden well before 9/11. Crumpton complained about “the lack of response on the part of the administration” and described one incident in which his team sighted bin Laden. It sounds very similar to the dramatized scene from Path to 9/11:

Crumpton: Our human sources took us to a village uh, far, not far from Kandahar –

Logan: And what did you see there?

Crumpton: We saw a security detail, a convoy, and we saw bin Laden exit the vehicle.

Logan: Clearly.

Crumpton: Clearly. And we had – the optics were spot on, beaming back to us, CIA headquarters. We immediately alerted the White House, and the Clinton administration’s response was, “Well, it will take several hours for the TLAMs, the cruise missiles launched from submarines, to reach that objective. So you need to tell us where bin Laden will be five or six hours from now.” The frustration was enormous.

Logan: So at that moment you wanted to kill him.

Crumpton: Yes.

Logan: But you couldn’t get permission.

Crumpton: Correct.

Logan then narrates that Crumpton “couldn’t get permission to do anything, including allowing the CIA’s Afghan agents on the ground to attack bin Laden’s compound.”

Now the Clinton admission serves as further vindication for the Path to 9/11’s veracity; in fact, Scheuer also stated, as he has on numerous previous occasions, that the Clinton administration passed on as many as ten opportunities to nail bin Laden.

Imagine how different the world would be if President Clinton had pulled the trigger on bin Laden in 1998. There would have been no 9/11, says Michael Scheuer, and probably no Iraq war. “I worked hard to try to kill him,” Clinton insisted in the Wallace interview. “I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.” But when he could have, he didn’t. Even if it truly was out of concern for Kandahari civilians, this question posed rhetorically by Scheuer cuts to the heart of the matter: “Who was he elected to protect, Kandaharis or Americans?”
The first jets to get to NY took off from Atlantic City. Read a great book "Living History", it's chilling.
Norad had intercepted how many planes prior to 911?

One - Payne Stewart's Learjet...fwiw
I read Langley (sorry VA, not NC) and Otis in Mass.

This describes what was going on in AC:

Read that excerpt that you pasted that said they had optics on Bin Laden. I am unclear whether that means they could have taken him out by sniper fire as you say. I have heard this report before about it would take hours for the missiles to get there and that's why it wasn't ordered. But I never heard that Bin Laden could be taken out by sniper at that time. The transcript you posted makes it seem that while they ID'd Bin Laden it doesn't necessarily mean that they could have taken him out by a sniper.

Clinton has admitted that he did not pull the trigger on him and obviously looking back on it, it was a mistake. However, at the time, we were living in a different world.

With regard to the jet fighters, while air traffic control knew that the planes were off course, they did not know it was hijacked. Two different things which would trigger the response. Listen, this was under the Bush Administration and I cannot blame Bush for not being able to pick off the planes before they hit the tower.
He also cut the military spending to the extent that the closest jets able to be scrambled once the 9-11 attacks began were in North Carolina.

That isn't true. The closest fighters were scrambled from Otis in Massachusetts and Langley in Virginia. They were scrambled too late and even given the wrong headings in some instances. If communication was better, perhaps they could have got there in time. We will never know.

It is true that the military and some government agencies were running multiple exercises on that day which diverted resources and attention away from what was going on.
That isn't true. The closest fighters were scrambled from Otis in Massachusetts and Langley in Virginia. They were scrambled too late and even given the wrong headings in some instances. If communication was better, perhaps they could have got there in time. We will never know.

It is true that the military and some government agencies were running multiple exercises on that day which diverted resources and attention away from what was going on.
You are right, and I corrected that in a subsequent post. There were fighters at the AC base at one time, which were de-commissioned, and they were only running bombing exercises on 9-11. McGuire has always been a transport/support base, so no fighters there.
With regard to the jet fighters, while air traffic control knew that the planes were off course, they did not know it was hijacked. Two different things which would trigger the response. Listen, this was under the Bush Administration and I cannot blame Bush for not being able to pick off the planes before they hit the tower.

I could be mistaken, but I did read somewhere that even prior to 9/11, NORAD would be notified if a plane were 10 degrees or 2 miles off course.

This stuff is hard to debate, 15 years after the fact, because there is so much conspiracy-theory garbage on the internet. Then you have the politicized sites, who want to blame Bush, Clinton or both (you could make a case for both).
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For all of Trumps flaws, he never was involved with the death of any American. Whereas, Hillary, while serving as the worst and most corrupt Secretary of State was directly or, indirectly involved in the massacre of 4 Americans in Bengahazi and who knows how many more our bravest due to the failed foreign policy of the Obama/Clinton regime. Some examples of the failures in addition to the Benghazi debacle, where Hillary directly lied to the parents of their murdered sons by stating a video was the cause of the well-planned attack, etc. are:

1. The Nuclear "Treaty" with Iran, a country who is a proven state sponsor of terrorism. Iran has launched countless test missiles; proceeding with the development of their nuclear program, etc. all of which are forbidden under the Treaty. Additionally,the cash payment to Iran for the release of our hostages, which is our long-held policy of not negotiating, or in this case paying terrorists! This Treaty was"negotiated" by Hillary's incompetent State Department.

2. The rise in terrorism around the world, including on our homeland. I can state a lot more on this topic however there are not enough expletives to give it the proper attention it requires

3. The many and escalating hot spots in the dangerously volatile Mid-East and elsewhere in this world.

4.The systematic dismantling of our military and no direction from the Obama/Hillary regime.

The above and other foreign policy failures will be the legacy of the failed Obama/Hillary regime.

I cannot list any aspect of our foreign policy that has improved under the failed Obama/Clinton regime since there would not be adequate space on this message board.

I honestly hope we are not once again duped by the corrupt Clintons on November 8, 2016. God bless America!


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I could be mistaken, but I did read somewhere that even prior to 9/11, NORAD would be notified if a plane were 10 degrees or 2 miles off course.

This stuff is hard to debate, 15 years after the fact, because there is so much conspiracy-theory garbage on the internet. Then you have the politicized sites, who want to blame Bush, Clinton or both (you could make a case for both).

Went to 9/11 museum yesterday. Anyone interested in 9/11 should go. They have a detailed timeline exhibition of everything that occurred during that day including voice recordings of passengers on the planes, flight attendants and even Mohammhed Atta at the time he hijacks the plane. This is the definitive record of what occurred. The jets were not in the air until after the buildings were hit.

Interesting fact that I did not know was that Ted Olsen, the Soliciter General at the time, his wife was a passenger on one of the hijacked planes. She called him up to telll him that they were hijacked and that's how people in the federal government first knew. Crazy! There was so much to listen to and to hear. They had footage of the hijackers going through security.

This brought back so many memories and emotions. I really recommend that you guys go.
Thanks cern, 15 years later and I'm still not sure I'm up for it. Still too many emotions, but I have heard great reviews like yours. Coincidentally, my wife and I flew out of Newark (to Puerto Rico) the day before and I remember turning to her as we went through security which was a cluster, and saying "I wouldn't be too intimidated by this if I were a terrorist". On Wednesday, the 12th we were sitting at the pool speaking to an American airlines flight crew that left out of Boston and was in the air during the attacks. They said they had very little idea what was going on but made preparations for an attack. The flight engineer said he grabbed an ax that was in the cockpit and faced the door for the remainder of the flight. Those recordings must be chilling.
I remember about Olsen wife. It was amazing to me that passengers were allowed to use their phones. Was the reason the last plane was not successful.