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Jul 5, 2001
Maybe I watch too many detective shows.

Appears the shooter had some knowledge of Trumps schedule (he doesn’t publish it publicly). He knew he was golfing yesterday and unless he was sitting in the bushes all day, how did he know when Trump was teeing off? And if he was in the bushes all day, how does the Secret Service miss that. Not suggesting a conspiracy but maybe the guy had befriended someone in the club…even a caddie that gave him information unwittingly.

And I guess I give government agencies more credit for having technology and using it. Wouldn’t it make sense to use a drone with thermal imagery when a President is playing golf or moving about a vast outdoor space?
I don’t know. He plays golf whenever he can. It’s not that hard to figure out when he’s there because security is all over the place. And he had no campaign stops yesterday. Hard for him to hide. I think he’s a polarizing character and there are a lot of crazies out there that he attracts.
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Maybe I watch too many detective shows.

Appears the shooter had some knowledge of Trumps schedule (he doesn’t publish it publicly). He knew he was golfing yesterday and unless he was sitting in the bushes all day, how did he know when Trump was teeing off? And if he was in the bushes all day, how does the Secret Service miss that. Not suggesting a conspiracy but maybe the guy had befriended someone in the club…even a caddie that gave him information unwittingly.

And I guess I give government agencies more credit for having technology and using it. Wouldn’t it make sense to use a drone with thermal imagery when a President is playing golf or moving about a vast outdoor space?
There is so unknown about this guy. Lone wolves are very difficult to track and to uncover. What pops to mind is that this guy is from Hawaii? Ha has some connections to North Carolina. How, where and when did he buy that AR-15?

The range abs accuracy of these weapons makes it far too easy for like this to commit these crimes.

And damn we have enough of the political divide, this just makes everything worse.
There is so unknown about this guy. Lone wolves are very difficult to track and to uncover. What pops to mind is that this guy is from Hawaii? Ha has some connections to North Carolina. How, where and when did he buy that AR-15?

The range abs accuracy of these weapons makes it far too easy for like this to commit these crimes.

And damn we have enough of the political divide, this just makes everything worse.
Definitely seems like some planning went into it. You don’t just fly in from Hawaii and hope Trump happens to be playing golf that weekend.

Another thing that doesn’t make any sense, is that he was arrested from barricading himself into a business with a “weapon of mass destruction”. Military grade machine gun. Then he gets arrested years later, for having an illegal concealed carry….no jail time. How was somebody who was convicted of a crime like that able to own a weapon afterwards, and not serve any jail time for an offense like that?
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Unfortunately he is a marked man...and there are severe metally wounded people in society. This was an advanced hole and good on SS to execute proactively...

In a state of florida like georgia and texas guns are gonna gun because of the looseness of any legislation. With that said will be interested to know history of weapon...ammo procured timeline etc
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Maybe I watch too many detective shows.

Appears the shooter had some knowledge of Trumps schedule (he doesn’t publish it publicly). He knew he was golfing yesterday and unless he was sitting in the bushes all day, how did he know when Trump was teeing off? And if he was in the bushes all day, how does the Secret Service miss that. Not suggesting a conspiracy but maybe the guy had befriended someone in the club…even a caddie that gave him information unwittingly.

And I guess I give government agencies more credit for having technology and using it. Wouldn’t it make sense to use a drone with thermal imagery when a President is playing golf or moving about a vast outdoor space?
He is not the sitting president...playing golf is a OTR event.

More DeSantis announced a state investiation because the elected official in palm beach is a dem
He is not the sitting president...playing golf is a OTR event.

More DeSantis announced a state investiation because the elected official in palm beach is a dem
So you are thinking if the elected official was a Republican there would be no state investigation. You heard that and believe it?
The guy was arrested twice on weapons charges in N.C. and they did not even confiscate is arsenal of weapons? I do not get it. Second amendment rights ?
The guy was arrested twice on weapons charges in N.C. and they did not even confiscate is arsenal of weapons? I do not get it. Second amendment rights ?
The last thing a lawful gun owner would want to protect is this guy. Second Amendment Rights and repeat criminal…two different things.
did this guy with a criminal record just waltz into the south and buy a gun and set up shop for trump? another republican shooter at trump what's going on.
The last thing a lawful gun owner would want to protect is this guy. Second Amendment Rights and repeat criminal…two different things.
Please explain to me why he was able to keep his guns when arrested twice or am I missing something .
Definitely seems like some planning went into it. You don’t just fly in from Hawaii and hope Trump happens to be playing golf that weekend.

Another thing that doesn’t make any sense, is that he was arrested from barricading himself into a business with a “weapon of mass destruction”. Military grade machine gun. Then he gets arrested years later, for having an illegal concealed carry….no jail time. How was somebody who was convicted of a crime like that able to own a weapon afterwards, and not serve any jail time for an offense like that?
He has been charged with having a weapon with the serial number scratched out or whatever. Apparently was obtained illegally. Also wonder about his past offenses. Are you sure he had no jail time? A real whack job apparently.
Unfortunately he is a marked man...and there are severe metally wounded people in society. This was an advanced hole and good on SS to execute proactively...

In a state of florida like georgia and texas guns are gonna gun because of the looseness of any legislation. With that said will be interested to know history of weapon...ammo procured timeline etc
And Pennsylvania?
The fact of the matter is painting Trump as the devil incarnate, and the "end of democracy, women's rights, and LGBT rights" for 8 years is the prime mover in these attempts. The shooters may be "mentally ill," but let's not forget what Biden, Maxine Waters, and their ilk have gone on record saying about Trump. But let's deflect with gun laws and mental illness.
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The fact of the matter is painting Trump as the devil incarnate, and the "end of democracy, women's rights, and LGBT rights" for 8 years is the prime mover in these attempts. The shooters may be "mentally ill," but let's not forget what Biden, Maxine Waters, and their ilk have gone on record saying about Trump.

It is a mental illness problem and politicians on both sides need to figure out a way to turn the temperature down, or events like these will continue to happen. The mental illness is not one sided either, just look at the Paul Pelosi attack or the guy trying to find a way into Obama's house last year (after Trump posted the address on Truth Social btw) and there are many threats which are never made public against both sides of the aisle.

I think if Trump or Harris came out and just acknowledged their faults, and that we are too divided and the country will be ok no matter who wins and just ran on their vision for the next 4 years, that would be a good start to turn the temp down. I don't think either would do that since running against what the other would do is so much more effective.
Criminals who don't follow any laws are magically going to follow gun laws. Sound strategy. Or we can get rid of guns altogether and the bigger, stronger guy generally wins.

No one is suggesting a new gun law will prevent all gun crime. Just because it doesn't fix the problem on it's own, doesn't mean it's not beneficial as a place to start. We can enhance current laws to make it more difficult for criminals.

Should we not have a border wall because people will figure out a way to get over/under/through it?
Or do you want a Border wall to be the first barrier to make things more difficult for those who want to break the law?
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No one is suggesting a new gun law will prevent all gun crime. Just because it doesn't fix the problem on it's own, doesn't mean it's not beneficial as a place to start. We can enhance current laws to make it more difficult for criminals.

Should we not have a border wall because people will figure out a way to get over/under/through it?
Or do you want a Border wall to be the first barrier to make things more difficult for those who want to break the law?
I don't want a law that is going to weaken the good people of America while the criminals don't follow the laws. Creating gun laws that will only be followed by the good people who are currently following the gun laws of today is a waste of time. We need harsher punishment. Literally these people need to face such punishment it becomes unthinkable to do something bad with a gun. Kind of like that Toby Keith & Willie Nelson song that a man should have to answer for the wicked he's done, take all the rope in Texas find a tall oak tree hang them high in the streets for all the people to see.

If you can explain how a border weakens good people I will agree we need to rethink it.
No one is suggesting a new gun law will prevent all gun crime. Just because it doesn't fix the problem on it's own, doesn't mean it's not beneficial as a place to start. We can enhance current laws to make it more difficult for criminals.

Should we not have a border wall because people will figure out a way to get over/under/through it?
Or do you want a Border wall to be the first barrier to make things more difficult for those who want to break the law?
Two different issues. The people coming across the border are doing it illegally as are the illegals committing crimes in this country.

Most gun owners own and utilize their guns lawfully. Why make it tougher first on people that have not broken a law.

Let’s start with improving the laws, enforcement and incarceration of criminals. That’s where most of the carnage is created.
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I don't want a law that is going to weaken the good people of America while the criminals don't follow the laws. Creating gun laws that will only be followed by the good people who are currently following the gun laws of today is a waste of time. We need harsher punishment. Literally these people need to face such punishment it becomes unthinkable to do something bad with a gun. Kind of like that Toby Keith & Willie Nelson song that a man should have to answer for the wicked he's done, take all the rope in Texas find a tall oak tree hang them high in the streets for all the people to see.

If you can explain how a border weakens good people I will agree we need to rethink it.

I don’t agree with the premise that gun owners are hurt by having better laws. Most gun owners agree with having better laws. They need to be consistent across the country, close the loopholes which make it easier for straw purchases and increase penalties for unlawful activity. No owners are harmed.
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I don’t agree with the premise that gun owners are hurt by having better laws. Most gun owners agree with having better laws. They need to be consistent across the country, close the loopholes which make it easier for straw purchases and increase penalties for unlawful activity. No owners are harmed.
Depends on the law. I can guarantee you if people have to give up their assault rifle, the criminal isn't. So I'm not sure how the law abiding citizen walks out ahead or neutral in that situation. Extremely harsh punishments I'm all for.
I don’t agree with the premise that gun owners are hurt by having better laws. Most gun owners agree with having better laws. They need to be consistent across the country, close the loopholes which make it easier for straw purchases and increase penalties for unlawful activity. No owners are harmed.
You keep missing the point. Most gun owners want good laws, but they want you to start with the criminals who have guns.

Do me a favor. P. Diddy was just found to have three AR 15s that had serial number is filed off in his possession. In addition, he is accused of sex trafficking and assault. After he gets tried convicted and sentenced, let’s have that discussion about my neighbor who also owns three legal AR 15’s. Let’s see how good the current laws and enforcement treat an actual criminal.

He is a collector, a historian (served on the Board of Gettysburg for years), and he is also a practicing owner who shoots at the range with friends every week. A couple of his friends are military veterans who served in Afghanistan. Maybe owning and being able to shoot it at the range with his friends is a bond they share. Oh and He has never committed any crime.
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Depends on the law. I can guarantee you if people have to give up their assault rifle, the criminal isn't. So I'm not sure how the law abiding citizen walks out ahead or neutral in that situation. Extremely harsh punishments I'm all for.

I’m not for banning guns.

I’m for making all sales and transfers occur with a background check to someone with a license to own one. I’d prefer all guns are registered (but that’s a tough sell)

I’m for heavy penalties for crime committed with a gun, and penalties for parents of kids who commit crimes with guns.

No law abiding gun owner would be harmed at all.
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And Pennsylvania?
The fact of the matter is painting Trump as the devil incarnate, and the "end of democracy, women's rights, and LGBT rights" for 8 years is the prime mover in these attempts. The shooters may be "mentally ill," but let's not forget what Biden, Maxine Waters, and their ilk have gone on record saying about Trump. But let's deflect with gun laws and mental illness.
It really wasn't the prime mover in either of the assassination attempts.

And this is a little hard to take to be said about the guy who says some of the most malicious stuff about his opponents. For instance, has Kamala Harris ever called Donald Trump a fascist?

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I’m not for banning guns.

I’m for making all sales and transfers occur with a background check to someone with a license to own one. I’d prefer all guns are registered (but that’s a tough sell)

I’m for heavy penalties for crime committed with a gun, and penalties for parents of kids who commit crimes with guns.

No law abiding gun owner would be harmed at all.
the gun morons think we're banning citizens from guns. strawman argument, the whole thing. not one of them can come even close to arguing what you just presented. if only the victims could be the people who are against trying, maybe then they'd get it. we're up to 420 school shootings the most noteworthy of which was with a legal gun purchased for a kid with mental issues and an fbi file. these morally low gun nuts love moving on from that to strawman the next argument.

i just dont get it.
You keep missing the point. Most gun owners want good laws, but they want you to start with the criminals who have guns.

Do me a favor. P. Diddy was just found to have three AR 15s that had serial number is filed off in his possession. In addition, he is accused of sex trafficking and assault. After he gets tried convicted and sentenced, let’s have that discussion about my neighbor who also owns three legal AR 15’s. Let’s see how good the current laws and enforcement treat an actual criminal.

He is a collector, a historian (served on the Board of Gettysburg for years), and he is also a practicing owner who shoots at the range with friends every week. A couple of his friends are military veterans who served in Afghanistan. Maybe owning and being able to shoot it at the range with his friends is a bond they share. Oh and He has never committed any crime.
and what is he being put out???? no really what? what could it prevent? go speak to the families of the last children killed. in all honesty your neighbors hobby can go F itself lets be real here.
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and what is he being put out???? no really what? what could it prevent? go speak to the families of the last children killed. in all honesty your neighbors hobby can go F itself lets be real here.
Nice rant….no point made as usual. Keep trolling.
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the gun morons think we're banning citizens from guns. strawman argument, the whole thing. not one of them can come even close to arguing what you just presented. if only the victims could be the people who are against trying, maybe then they'd get it. we're up to 420 school shootings the most noteworthy of which was with a legal gun purchased for a kid with mental issues and an fbi file. these morally low gun nuts love moving on from that to strawman the next argument.

i just dont get it.
I brought up harsher penalties already. Other than that how else would anything in merges post stopped the 420 school shootings? School shootings aren’t happening with unregistered guns left and right. No law is stopping a kid from taking their parents gun which tend to be registered. Unregistered guns are bigger problems with gangs and criminals who aren’t going to follow the laws anyway.
I brought up harsher penalties already. Other than that how else would anything in merges post stopped the 420 school shootings?

Obviously not just about school shootings, but the broader discussion about all gun violence.
Those are the easiest things to do, which gun owners support because they are not harmed. They would not solve the issue but it will do more than nothing.

Also not suggesting I've given an all encompassing list of all we can do. Just the easy place to start.

I also believe in red flag laws for example, but I think a red flag law would be a tougher sell at the federal level, so that should be left to each state to enact/manage on their own.
Obviously not just about school shootings, but the broader discussion about all gun violence.
Those are the easiest things to do, which gun owners support because they are not harmed. They would not solve the issue but it will do more than nothing.

Also not suggesting I've given an all encompassing list of all we can do. Just the easy place to start.

I also believe in red flag laws for example, but I think a red flag law would be a tougher sell at the federal level, so that should be left to each state to enact/manage on their own.
It make sense to do the right things versus the easy things. You may think it’s easy, but there has been resistance until you do the right things.
It make sense to do the right things versus the easy things. You may think it’s easy, but there has been resistance until you do the right things.

Sounds like more excuses to do nothing. Have gun owners and police craft the laws to make them "right"... Whoever, I don't care... We should be trying something instead of nothing though.
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Obviously not just about school shootings, but the broader discussion about all gun violence.
I was responding to SHUSA's post which specifically brought that up school shootings. None of the suggestions really do much to solve those situations other than harsher penalties. I've even thought about should all guns need to be stored with something that needs a finger print to be opened. Slippery slope what happens if a responsible young person was home alone and facing an intruder and couldn't get in? The problem is there isn't a one size fits all solution and people need to use common sense.

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