What happened to PirateCrew??

"bUt tHe PlAyErS, ReCrUiTs AnD tHeIr FaMiLiEs ReAd ThE bOaRd"

We see this faux pearl clutching dropped every time people are too honest or blunt about the team or the players for some posters here. If we're supposedly so concerned about the above groups reading negativity/honesty about bball performance & it supposedly hurting our chances w/recruits, then how can anyone then sit idly by & let the gross & racist views that get posted here stand w/no comment or attempt to reign in? The gaslighting, racism & backwards thinking that have been posted here especially over the last few weeks are obviously opposed by the vast majority of our players, coaches, recruits & families (please don't bother responding w/some goofy "but how do you know" distraction attempt, as if a buncha of young black kids & their families are really into the really hip & cool All Lives Matter scene).

If you buy the "bUt ThEy ReAd ThE bOaRd" argument & that it supposedly hurts the program (I don't, for the record), then you should be the first person to condemn the ignorant, anti-BLM, "a few bad apples", "ya know, the blacks really need more dads in homes, that's why cops are blowing them away" sentiments espoused here daily.
I'll repeat,

A simple message but the TRUTH:

Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

The simplicity is God's message. The Gospel, the real Truth.

Go Pirates !!
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Given your age, I guess the naivety is not surprising -- you haven't even completed your college education yet, and you take a backhand swipe at people who have (and then some)? NJ is a blue state, and has been for 40+ years, but managed to elect 2 Republicans for Governor in the past 20+ years, both for 2 terms. So it's not a completely lost cause, like Massachusetts, that re-elected Ted Kennedy for as long as he wanted to remain in DC.
Roughly half of the voters in the country in 2016 went for a sociopath pretending to espouse conservative views over a pretty typical Democrat. That's a pretty damning rejection of the progressive platform, and the weren't all in the deep South or in the Great Plains.

Don't go from one bubble to another: there are many people, from many backgrounds, who think differently than you do, or than you would expect them to.
For what it’s worth, Clinton was nowhere near a progressive. Actual progressive voters didn’t even show up to the polls because the Democratic Party had failed to deliver a candidate with any kind of conviction, vision, or policy stance that would actually move the country forward in a meaningful way. If anything, the 2016 election was a condemnation of both the established Republican Party and established Democratic Party. Every intelligent conservative with any political education I knew was horrified that trump won their primary, the same as every progressive and leftist I knew was entirely uninterested in Hillary as president. It seems neither party really knows what to do with the growing trend towards populism, but someone under the age of 75 with actual integrity and energy needs to figure out how to capture the attention of the masses or you’re gonna have more narcissists like trump and Bloomberg running against more lifeless party puppets like Clinton and Biden
For what it’s worth, Clinton was nowhere near a progressive. Actual progressive voters didn’t even show up to the polls because the Democratic Party had failed to deliver a candidate with any kind of conviction, vision, or policy stance that would actually move the country forward in a meaningful way. If anything, the 2016 election was a condemnation of both the established Republican Party and established Democratic Party. Every intelligent conservative with any political education I knew was horrified that trump won their primary, the same as every progressive and leftist I knew was entirely uninterested in Hillary as president. It seems neither party really knows what to do with the growing trend towards populism, but someone under the age of 75 with actual integrity and energy needs to figure out how to capture the attention of the masses or you’re gonna have more narcissists like trump and Bloomberg running against more lifeless party puppets like Clinton and Biden
Totally agree great post. Let's get this straight Trump is not a conservative nor a Republican. He was a Dem his whole life until he thought he could win the election. He is a narcissist first and foremost and will call himself whatever he needs to call himself to get reelected. He is also ruining the party and getting reelected IMO will be the death of the GOP. Real Repubs should be ashamed of Trump and what he is doing frankly. He hasn't drained the swamp, he has simply surrounded himself with yes-men and women and added his family to the swamp. I mean having Jared Kushner involved in any way - his whole family are crooks. Once Kelly and Mattis (the adults) left the room Trump was doomed IMO.

The real problem IMO is the move to the far right and to the far left. Those opinions are so far removed from Main St America and what most poeple really want. Most people want the basics to live in a safe community, work hard and have access to employment, good education and health care for their kids and be able to save for a reasonable retirement. I don't hear much of this from either party. It's all about identity politics and government should control us more or they control us too much etc.The media (both MSM and far right and far left) have also been a huge problem pushing their agendas constantly that don't really line up with how most Americans think. And people with differing opinions have no respect for any opinion other than their own and refuse to even listen to other thoughts. We are one F'd up country and it started about 20 years ago and it's gotten worse with each new administration. Our two party system is simply not working or representative of most Americans.
Totally agree great post. Let's get this straight Trump is not a conservative nor a Republican. He was a Dem his whole life until he thought he could win the election. He is a narcissist first and foremost and will call himself whatever he needs to call himself to get reelected. He is also ruining the party and getting reelected IMO will be the death of the GOP. Real Repubs should be ashamed of Trump and what he is doing frankly. He hasn't drained the swamp, he has simply surrounded himself with yes-men and women and added his family to the swamp. I mean having Jared Kushner involved in any way - his whole family are crooks. Once Kelly and Mattis (the adults) left the room Trump was doomed IMO.

The real problem IMO is the move to the far right and to the far left. Those opinions are so far removed from Main St America and what most poeple really want. Most people want the basics to live in a safe community, work hard and have access to employment, good education and health care for their kids and be able to save for a reasonable retirement. I don't hear much of this from either party. It's all about identity politics and government should control us more or they control us too much etc.The media (both MSM and far right and far left) have also been a huge problem pushing their agendas constantly that don't really line up with how most Americans think. And people with differing opinions have no respect for any opinion other than their own and refuse to even listen to other thoughts. We are one F'd up country and it started about 20 years ago and it's gotten worse with each new administration. Our two party system is simply not working or representative of most Americans.
Great post and couldn't sum things up any better. I believe most Americans are moderate in their views and would elect a President that responded to those basic needs you laid out. It amazes me that we are in this age of technology, social media and being able to reach the population, side-stepping the MSM, etc., and no one has stepped up in that lane as a viable third party candidate. Two horrible candidates in 2016; two horrible candidates in 2020. Where is the leadership?
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So those Bernie voters weren't true progressives, then, just populists. Interesting.

Maybe, just saying in my opinion, looking at Hillary's loss as a rejection of progressivism would be just as wrong as looking at a Biden win as an embrace of progressivism.
Maybe, just saying in my opinion, looking at Hillary's loss as a rejection of progressivism would be just as wrong as looking at a Biden win as an embrace of progressivism.
Right now I'm disgusted with Trump and all republicans. They're just sitting back while progressives ask for something, get it, then ask for more, more, and more. While the progressives are important to the democratic party, I don't believe 75% of Americans want a progressive in the White House. I don't think they want their meat consumption reduced. I don't think they want to hear about less flights from people taking private jets. I don't think they want a significant more of their pay taken out for taxes. Moderate to left leaning democrats need progressives to win, but the progressives as a whole are not anything the majority of this country wants, in my opinion. I think if the democrats could win without the progressive they would squash them in a second.
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Maybe, just saying in my opinion, looking at Hillary's loss as a rejection of progressivism would be just as wrong as looking at a Biden win as an embrace of progressivism.

I think that's fair. I just don't know too many progressives, personally, who vote Republican.
Many people don't realize that in a presidential election personality counts. Not everyone is tuned into the political issues. Hillary had no personality and many did just not like her. The Dems should have realized this in the primaries when she barely beat a until then unknown 76 year old socialist candidate. in the primaries Hill won with states that never go dem in a general election while losing core Dem states to Bernie. In the general election she lost in those core dem states again that she continued to ignore. As to the personality Hillary was much like Tom Dewey or Albert Gore both of whom were not very likable. All three lost elections they were expected to win easily.

Tom K
Many people don't realize that in a presidential election personality counts. Not everyone is tuned into the political issues. Hillary had no personality and many did just not like her. The Dems should have realized this in the primaries when she barely beat a until then unknown 76 year old socialist candidate. in the primaries Hill won with states that never go dem in a general election while losing core Dem states to Bernie. In the general election she lost in those core dem states again that she continued to ignore. As to the personality Hillary was much like Tom Dewey or Albert Gore both of whom were not very likable. All three lost elections they were expected to win easily.

Tom K
Snaketom Dewey was a republican and a third party candidate actually effected the electoral college and did not win the popular vote like Gore did and had all voting precincts had the same type of voting machines and ballots Gore would have been president despite 11 southern states that were Clinton blue in 96 going red in 00...i dont want to speak on hilary and i was never a fan
Snaketom Dewey was a republican and a third party candidate actually effected the electoral college and did not win the popular vote like Gore did and had all voting precincts had the same type of voting machines and ballots Gore would have been president despite 11 southern states that were Clinton blue in 96 going red in 00...i dont want to speak on hilary and i was never a fan

Tom Dewey lost for several reasons one of which was his unlikability. He came across as very stiff unlike Truman. He also like Hillary was so sure of victory that he stopped campaigning in early October. There were also 3rd and 4th party candidates both of which had been Dems (Former VP Henry Wallace and Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond then Governor of South Carolina) both of whom should have drawn votes away from Truman not Dewey. Thurmond won 4 Southern States which at the time would normally vote Democrat.

Tom K
Tom Dewey lost for several reasons one of which was his unlikability. He came across as very stiff unlike Truman. He also like Hillary was so sure of victory that he stopped campaigning in early October. There were also 3rd and 4th party candidates both of which had been Dems (Former VP Henry Wallace and Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond then Governor of South Carolina) both of whom should have drawn votes away from Truman not Dewey. Thurmond won 4 Southern States which at the time would normally vote Democrat.

Tom K
Good example that knowledge of history matters.
A lot of progressives really just hated Hillary.

^ they estimate about 12% of Bernie voters voted for Trump and another 10% voted 3rd party or did not vote.

still not why she lost. Not saying that’s what u meant though either. She lost by about 70,000 total votes across 3 states. She ignored Wisconsin, and she got killed on the black vote there too, probably bc she didn’t show up & try to appeal to them. It’s also trending much more blue again like it’s traditionally been, so it should go for Biden if they take it seriously like she didn’t.

As far as Pennsylvania, Joe is originally from there and, as such, won’t take it for granted like Hillary did. I hope haha.

Michigan is tough to call, especially since he prolly won’t be taking their governor for VP now.

either way I think he can sway 70,000 more people back to him since he’s not hated anywhere near Hillary levels. And he’s gonna lose basically no one who voted for Hillary last time to Trump this time. Do maniacs like that even exist?

Arizona trending blue right now too, but it’s early. I think Georgia will end up being fools gold imo.

Joe needs to beg Michelle Obama to be VP. Maybe that’s their little secret they’re keeping super under wraps. I know she’s steadfastly said she’s not interested, but a lot of people say that. If that happened, this thing is over immediately. Trumps implosion afterwards would be hilarious to witness.
Tom Dewey lost for several reasons one of which was his unlikability. He came across as very stiff unlike Truman. He also like Hillary was so sure of victory that he stopped campaigning in early October. There were also 3rd and 4th party candidates both of which had been Dems (Former VP Henry Wallace and Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond then Governor of South Carolina) both of whom should have drawn votes away from Truman not Dewey. Thurmond won 4 Southern States which at the time would normally vote Democrat.

Tom K
Snaketom i am aware that strom thurmond was a southern sympathizer who switched parties and essentially was well racist despite how he wanted to spin things...dewey got 21 mil votes, truman 24 mil
still not why she lost. She lost by about 70,000 total votes across 3 states. She ignored Wisconsin, and she got killed on the black vote there too, probably bc she didn’t show up and try to appeal to them. It’s also trending much more blue again like it’s traditionally been, so it should go for Biden if they take it seriously like she didn’t.

As far as Pennsylvania, Joe is originally from there and, as such, won’t take it for granted like Hillary did. I hope haha.

Michigan is tough to call, especially since he prolly won’t be taking their governor for VP now.

either way I think he can sway 70,000 more people back to him since he’s not hated anywhere near Hillary levels. And he’s gonna lose basically no one who voted for Hillary last time to Trump this time. Do maniacs like that even exist?
Ohio, penn, florida will determine 2020 unless some of the south and midwest see the light
Ohio, penn, florida will determine 2020 unless some of the south and midwest see the light

Ohio won’t be in play imo. That’s been trending red and doesn’t look like it’s swaying back. Florida is def a chip Biden could go after. His team has signaled they’re really gonna be focusing on the Midwest though, so I hope they don’t give up on Florida. Biden appeals to the olds, so you should try to win such a massive retirement state like Florida.
Aside from her personal unpopularity Hillary did not campaign in traditionally Democratic rust belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin That is where she lost the election. She ignored her husbands advice that she has to campaign in those states if she wants to win. She also did not campaign in Minnesota but won there narrowly..

Tom k
Snaketom i am aware that strom thurmond was a southern sympathizer who switched parties and essentially was well racist despite how he wanted to spin things...dewey got 21 mil votes, truman 24 mil

Harry Truman risked his Presidency by promoting Civil rights legislation, Desegregating the military & insisting that the most qualified obtain federal jobs regardless of race & at equal salary. With thurmond a staunch segregationist & Wallace a progressive left leaning breaking from the Dem Party it was assumed that Harry had no chance.

Tom K
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Her comment about the flyover states pissed a lot of people off and then she didn't campaign there because she believed all the similar thinking folks who ran her campaign. This was probably the one time in her life she should have listened to Billy boy.
Harry Truman risked his Presidency by promoting Civil rights legislation, Desegregating the military & insisting that the most qualified obtain federal jobs regardless of race & at equal salary. With thurmond a staunch segregationist & Wallace a progressive left leaning breaking from the Dem Party it was assumed that Harry had no chance.

Tom K
Snaketom i have read this evening that illinois cali and ohio which were 78 electoral college votes were all states won by truman in which the popular vote margin in each state was less than 1%
Snaketom i have read this evening that illinois cali and ohio which were 78 electoral college votes were all states won by truman in which the popular vote margin in each state was less than 1%

I understand this. Truman had to overcome a lot to win this election, but Dewey's unpopularity was a big factor. He was viewed as a stiff. Funny story I read some time ago that after the election Dewey came home from work one day & sees his kids playing marbles. So he gets down on his hands and knees to play with them. His wife sees this and yells at him how undignified this is & good thing the press didn't see it. Dewey's reply was "if I did more undignified things like this I would be President! " Point is image and personality count.


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