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All World
Oct 12, 2007
Listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu with Congress or speak at sorority event. Good to know what President of the Senate sees as more important.
This is theater for the GOP...the people of Israel do not align with Bibi
That's just silly. He's the Prime Minister. Just like when people said Trump's not my President or say Biden's not my President. If you live in the USA, he's your President. This is the Prime Minister of Israel whether approval rating is 30% or 70%
The President and VP of the United States have a responsibility to at least show the courtesy of hearing out leaders of other nations when they’re addressing our very own Congress.

Harris is clearly choosing to put her political standing with the anti-Israel far Left over her duties as VP. Just another glaring display of the lack of leadership from this administration. I’d bet my life savings she’ll be front and center for the next Zelensky address though.
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The President and VP of the United States have a responsibility to at least show the courtesy of hearing out leaders of other nations when they’re addressing our very own Congress.

Harris is clearly choosing to put her political standing with the anti-Israel far Left over her duties as VP. Just another glaring display of the lack of leadership from this administration. I’d bet my life savings she’ll be front and center for the next Zelensky address though.
Anti israel or anti regime?
Come on man Joe kept looking at his watch because he was late for time he likes to go to the beach.
Jewish voters are typically Dems just can’t see how Jewish people could ever vote Democratic but they will. Should make every American sick to see what those pigs did outside the capital yesterday burning American flags injuring/ beating up police and destroying property. Hypocrites in main stream media covered it up, half the people on this board don’t even know it happened. Just another peaceful demonstration.
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Jewish voters are typically Dems just can’t see how Jewish people could ever vote Democratic but they will. Should make every American sick to see what those pigs did outside the capital yesterday burning American flags injuring/ beating up police and destroying property. Hypocrites in main stream media covered it up, half the people on this board don’t even know it happened. Just another peaceful demonstration.

Harris put out a strong statement yesterday immediately after it happened.

She'll be in lockstep with how Biden was on Gaza, which is to say, let Israel do whatever it wants. Josh Shapiro, probably one of the most pro-Israel high-profile democrats out there, is on her VP shortlist. What else do you want from her?
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Harris put out a strong statement yesterday immediately after it happened.

She'll be in lockstep with how Biden was on Gaza, which is to say, let Israel do whatever it wants. Josh Shapiro, probably one of the most pro-Israel high-profile democrats out there, is on her VP shortlist. What else do you want from her?
How about making sure there were enough police on duty to control the situation right outside the capital building. How about going after the pigs burning our flags and beating our police. How about locking some people up to discourage more future violence. How about making them pay for the damage. She was front and center on defund the police, raised money to bail out protestors. Behind closed doors democrats know they are in trouble with her as a candidate. Make sure the teleprompter is working you don’t want her talking freely.
Talk is cheap, her actions speak louder than her words. Believe me they most certainly weren’t her words anyway.
Jewish voters are typically Dems just can’t see how Jewish people could ever vote Democratic but they will. Should make every American sick to see what those pigs did outside the capital yesterday burning American flags injuring/ beating up police and destroying property. Hypocrites in main stream media covered it up, half the people on this board don’t even know it happened. Just another peaceful demonstration.
yea those pigs attacking the capitol! and their leader who told them to do it!

oh wait which one are you talking about?
yea those pigs attacking the capitol! and their leader who told them to do it!

oh wait which one are you talking about?
Exactly. We will all be better off when China takes over. They would simply kill everyone who protests, no discussions necessary. If Iran takes over even better, women and gays would finally get to choose. Hamas killed 1400 in Israel imagine the numbers they could get in the USA. You like weak and feeble leaders who invite violence?
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Exactly. We will all be better off when China takes over. They would simply kill everyone who protests, no discussions necessary. If Iran takes over even better, women and gays would finally get to choose. Hamas killed 1400 in Israel imagine the numbers they could get in the USA. You like weak and feeble leaders who invite violence?
thats the exact reason we have so many people coming over the border
Listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu with Congress or speak at sorority event. Good to know what President of the Senate sees as more important.
whatabout sororities?
whatabout ukraine?
whatabout gold star families?
and, of course, what about kathy griffin?
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whatabout sororities?
whatabout ukraine?
whatabout gold star families?
and, of course, what about kathy griffin?
Keep performing the impossible act of procreation upon yourself. Bringing up golds star families. Wow you really are what you eat, a dick.
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