Cern, if you live in swing state and think like me & you do politically, then casting a vote for Johnson or Stein could be dangerous. I don't begrudge anyone really b/c it's their right, but giving a state to Trump that could have otherwise been won by Hillary is not cool. I agree with you there to a point b/c of how unfit & dangerous Trump is.
But if we're talking about NJ that is clearly going to go for Hillary by around 10 points at least, I don't see why you're against a person voting for the Green Party. You might not like Jill Stein herself, but I'm sure you can see the value in alot of what the Green Party stands for. It's not going to happen this year, but if the Green or Libertarian Party can hit 5% in voting, that will unlock $10 million in matching funds next time. That is invaluable money to an "upstart" third party. These small steps are one of the few ways that a viable third party could break through to the mainstream. There's value in that, and therefore there's value in starting the process. Some of us are tired of waiting.
Are you that much into the 2 party system and/or the Democratic party? Even if you are, I would think the way they swayed the primary process would sour you. Those are some shitty people in leadership that did not stay 9impartial like it was their duty to.
The same applies to the Libertarian Party, I just can't get riled up with support for their cause b/c their policies that are wrong cancel out any good they might be doing with their other policies.