
All World
Jan 24, 2009
On Tuesday, November 16 2010, a Seton Hall University resident student responded to the Public safety building to report that she was sexually assaulted as she walked to her residence hall from the Walsh Library.

The student reported that upon leaving the library at approximately 11:00 PM she was approached by an individual who tried to convince her to walk with him to F-lot near the entrance to Ivy Hill Park. According to the victim, when she resisted, the suspect forced her to accompany him to the parking lot where he sexually assaulted her next to a parked vehicle. At the completion of the crime, the suspect entered a vehicle and drove from the parking lot in an unknown direction.

The suspect in this incident is described as a black male, 20/21 years of age, 6 feet 1 inch tall with a muscular build, clean shaven with short hair. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants. The vehicle driven by the suspect is described as a four door black Toyota or Chevrolet.

A member of the Seton Hall University Sexual Assault Team (SART) provided assistance to the victim and the South Orange Police and the Department of Public Safety are actively investigating this incident. Anyone with information about this crime is requested to contact South Orange Police Detective Mark Garrett at (973) 763.3000 or Gary Christie in the Department of Public Safety at (973) 275.2819.

Students are reminded to travel in groups both on-campus and off. The Department of Public Safety provides a free escort service on-campus, available 24 hours per day, by calling 9300. We encourage the use of the CASE van, the SHUFLY shuttle or public transportation when traveling off campus. Always carry a cell phone, dial 911 in an emergency and promptly report any suspicious activity to Public Safety at (973) 761.9300 or SOPD at (973) 763.3000.

I am hopeful that the administration will work tirelessly at ensuring public safety as the area around the campus seems to get worse.
What a horrible story. The area outside campus continues to get worse and worse. It's sad that no female should be walking outside the campus gates alone at night anymore.
I am no longer familiar with the campus layout. I thought she was on campus, not that makes a difference. How times have changed since I was a student. Poor girl.
Awful. From what I'm reading this occurred on campus, not the areas around campus as the above comments insinuate. This students was walking from the library to her dorm room. If this individual was not a student, how did he get on campus? Hop the wall/fence near the entrance of the Ivy Hill entrance? Wouldn't he have to walk right past the security office?
Anyone can get on campus at any time through any gate people aren rarely stopped also the other problem is the cameras that we do have suck. My friend got hit by a car on camera security said the cameras do not have enough definition to get make or model let alone a license plate... Something needs to be done.
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Originally posted by jcalz88:
Anyone can get on campus at any time through any gate people aren rarely stopped also the other problem is the cameras that we do have suck. My friend got hit by a car on camera security said the cameras do not have enough definition to get make or model let alone a license plate... Something needs to be done.

Posted from


It's always been that way: Token security at the gates. It used to be moderately improved at night because the Ward Place gate would be closed and the front entrance would be restriced to 1 lane, and the guards seemed to check at that time in night.
Geez, it did occur on campus, that's unbelievable!! Where is the security in the parking lots/decks? There should be enough security presence at that time of night so that if someone screams for help there is someone to respond, or at least a visible presence as a deterrent to such a crime.
Originally posted by jcalz88:
Anyone can get on campus at any time through any gate people aren rarely stopped also the other problem is the cameras that we do have suck. My friend got hit by a car on camera security said the cameras do not have enough definition to get make or model let alone a license plate... Something needs to be done.

Posted from

This was not true from 2003-2007. There was only one way to get in with your car and that is through the main gate. When did that change? Keep in mind, this person had their car parked in the SHU parking lot. Therefore, in order to get in, the person needs the commuter/residence parking pass stickers on his car or has a guest pass to get his car on campus. Shouldn't take that much investigation to solve this, security, or are we still using securitas? Whatever, they need to get to work.
This post was edited on 11/17 11:18 AM by GonzoBall
Originally posted by boatshu:
this is pathetic, i'm extremely dissapointed with SHU.

THIS. Sad to say, but despite being a die-hard and prideful alumn, due to the recent events that have transpired since I've graduated, if I had a 17-18 year old child, I would not be sending them to SHU. I sincerely hope the university gets their crap together and my feelings and attitude change when it's time to make that decision.
Same story different day, Seton Hall is pathetic how many of these incidents in and around campus need to happen before they get their act together? Would anyone send their child to this school, lets be serious, we need to take our blue colored glasses off for a second and look at this problem objectively. We all want the best for our school but this is a problem that will not go away.
You are only supposed to be able to enter through the main gate that is true, but most of the guards do not care and will let you come right in. Us students have said it for years if you want to come on this campus and shoot the place up no once can stop you. It is unrealistic to think they can make this place a fortress but I mean come on, at night there are the same four security guards who walk the campus and we have one cop who is a good friend of mine who gets paid to sit in the caf but that does not help anyone. Seton Hall really needs to step it up and if that means redoing the cameras and adding more security I am all for it. I will even start a fund to pay for these security upgrades though I only can give so much.
This shouldn't happen on a closed campus,but it's happening all over.My daughter went to a very good school in Boston and the crime rate has exploded in recent years.
Speaking of campus safety I was pleasantly suprised with how safe Temple was I have not been there in years and the area was buzzing, lots of new construction and the surrounding areas seemed very safe, despite reports of dangerous area.
Another black eye for SHU - this is the lead story on right now

What a shame. Safety of students has to be a given, when it isn't that is a major problem. And while we talk about the area, the area is no worse than many other major urban schools (ie Yale, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Chicago, etc). And yet those schools manage. SHU is lacking either on organization or finances here but whatever it is needs to be corrected asap.
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Very ironic that this was posted today. My wife and son were with me at the womans basketball game last evening. My wife out of the blue commented as to what the purpose of the guards at the front gate are if they do not stop each and every car. If you take the right lane into the university, you simply drive right by the guard. This process probably needs to be changed so that cars are examined for parking passes and if it is a visitor then they must be checked in.
Originally posted by newshu:
Speaking of campus safety I was pleasantly suprised with how safe Temple was I have not been there in years and the area was buzzing, lots of new construction and the surrounding areas seemed very safe, despite reports of dangerous area.

So because it looked OK when a ballgame was about to start, in broad daylight, it's a safe area? Right, you go with that; North Philly is extremely dangerous. Regarding your other post, re: "who would send their kid there?" SHU matriculated it's largest freshman class ever this year. So you're on a roll.
It really is unacceptable that we haven't beefed up security or taken more of an initiative after everything that has happened off campus. They need to be more serious about who they let on campus, especially later at night. To have this kind of stuff happen on campus is just disgusting. SOPD needs to stop worrying about handing out noise violations and start focusing on keeping this type of crap out of the surrounding area of campus too.
Broad daylight at 730pm? Maybe you need your eyes examined as a far as I saw it was night time, and compared to taking a right out of SHU front gate it looked a lot better. In regards to your previous points, that was last year before a girl was fatally shot near campus, numerous muggings have come out in the news and now a girl was raped on campus. If you had a daughter would this news not concern you donnie? Lets be real
Originally posted by newshu:
Speaking of campus safety I was pleasantly suprised with how safe Temple was I have not been there in years and the area was buzzing, lots of new construction and the surrounding areas seemed very safe, despite reports of dangerous area.

So because it looked OK when a ballgame was about to start, in broad daylight, it's a safe area? Right, you go with that; North Philly is extremely dangerous. Regarding your other post, re: "who would send their kid there?" SHU matriculated it's largest freshman class ever this year. So you're on a roll.

This year's class didn't account for the off-campus frat party shooting/murder and last night's tragedy. The real numbers to base that statement on will come next year.
here is the question, instead of bitching about in on the message board what can we as current students and alumni do as of right now to change things?
Originally posted by newshu:
Broad daylight at 730pm? Maybe you need your eyes examined as a far as I saw it was night time, and compared to taking a right out of SHU front gate it looked a lot better. In regards to your previous points, that was last year before a girl was fatally shot near campus, numerous muggings have come out in the news and now a girl was raped on campus. If you had a daughter would this news not concern you donnie? Lets be real

Of course it's concerning, especially that you can drive on campus with no sticker/pass/once-over. I went to 6pm mass on campus Sunday, we drove through the right lane with no pass at all, while the left lane was occupied with someone doing it the "right" way, getting a pass written up.

Sadly, this is not an uncommon occurence for suburban schools, and Temple has their fair share of violent crime in the vicinity that you likely don't search the Inquirer for on a daily basis. As far as the off-campus shooting goes, sad as it is, this is what East Orange/Orange/Newark have become, and the best advice is to stay away. It wasn't much different when I was there 15+ years ago.
This truely a unfortunate event. I hope and pray that the young lady in question is able to recover, emotionally and physically, from all of this. Now as to what SHU can do to address this issue. Certainly step up security, but are we willing to accept this? Are we willing to wait in extended lines at the entry gates as guards check are cars ?. Will we be accepting when a guard asks us for I.D. as we are walking around campus? Will we be accepting of a loss, however slight, of our freedom and rights for greater security on our campus? Will we? I don't know. But these are issues and questions that all schools, big and small go through.
Originally posted by SHUMA04:
Safety of students has to be a given, when it isn't that is a major problem. And while we talk about the area, the area is no worse than many other major urban schools (ie Yale, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Chicago, etc). And yet those schools manage. SHU is lacking either on organization or finances here but whatever it is needs to be corrected asap.

Posted from
Those schools manage to do what? This sort of crime happens on all of those campuses, too, as well as more suburban campuses. As unfortunate and unacceptable as this crime is, it is not unusual at all. The reason it sticks out to us is that is happened on our campus; we tend not to notice it when it happens elsewhere.
Absolutely no excuse for not having effective cameras AT LEAST at the front gate to capture who is coming and going. Every visitor should be required to show license which can be recorded on camera with car. Guy would be caught by now. Disgrace.
For any student who has graduated from Seton Hall recently you know how frusturating it is that campus security and local police seem to be more concenred with busting kids for drinking, partying (normal collegge activity) rather than helping reduce muggings, rapes, real crime. This is pretty frusturating, I still have no idea why they do not have some near the ward gate at night time to deter crime. That would be a start. Also the girl getting raped on campus is a tragedy but I wonder why no one was around that time in a busy area of campus? I am sure if she would have screamed someone would have heard and acted accordingly.
My heart and prayers go out to this poor girl. Lets hope that this creature is brought to justice.
Source, one of those schools is also my campus and another is one where I have a gf. Truthfully, there are always squad cars patrolling in and around campus bearing the names of the universities at all hours of the day and night. I understand that there's a resources gap that perhaps prevents something similar here at SHU. But I have family on SHU's campus and when you put everything together, SHU's lack of visible security on campus deeply concerns me.

It's also rapidly becoming a major part of our local perception - ie that SHU is not a safe place to go to school. That's a major problem that needs to be addressed swiftly and decisively before it spirals out of control and impacts next year's enrollment.

Re: what can alums and friends of the school do, I think expressing deep concern is a start. Universities tend to respond well to public pressure, much more so than governments, businesses or other organizations.
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I hear what you're saying, but I think you have to look at it from a larger perspective. They were saying that about Seton Hall 20 years ago, and it still went through a period of significant growth. They still say this about Temple, and they have gone from 20,000 to 29,000 students in the last 10 years without lowering their standards.

Those schools you mention are all urban campuses, whereas Seton Hall remains somewhere between urban and suburban. It's an urban fringe campus, I'd say. Those schools also have tremendous endowments that make it easier to maintain their own police forces. How far is the South Orange PD from campus? Maybe they need to explore strengthening that relationship, though town-gown relations aren't great right now - in a lot of places, as municipalities are looking for more money from campuses to prop up their own finances.

Seton Hall needs to do more - this crime looks as if it was preventable to some degree - but I don;t see the perception changing dramatically because of this event. As I said, it's not that unusual.
I guess you didn't notice all the homes boarded up close to campus on Broad Street
Over the years many of my friends have looked at SHU with their kids and liked what they saw and heard about the school. But the surrounding areas just didn't work for people from the Pa. Dutch country of Eastern and Central Pennsylvainia and with the many choices available over here, they just went else where. SHU needs to look at what NYU does. There are emergency buzzers all over the area and security is there within minutes. I think there are many best practices out there that other schools are using and SHU is not. This should never happen inside the confines of our campus! Women should carry an alert device with GPS.
Something needs to get done. I have family attending SHU, and I can say first hand the idea of transferring is entering their mind. The reality is they are prob not alone in their thinking.

For all the damage Gonzo did to SHU's image, things like this are much worse.. At the end of the day, your average student will not pass over a college based soley on the antics of its basketball coach. But when it comes down to personal safety? better believe thats a game changer.