This to me is the dumbest thing ever. People on the left call out Amazon for not paying any federal income tax. Last election we were talking about the carried interest loophole. There are so many breaks the mega wealthy get, we've known it for years. Should Trump be punished for doing what he is legally allowed to do? Who on this website tells their accountant, don't take the deduction even though I'm entitled to it? Who on here is a tax preparer and has had clients come in saying don't take the deductions? The tax code and the system are the problem more than the people taking advantage of it. I'm sure Gates, Bezos, Cuban, and all the sharks on shark tank, along with their friends are not walking into their accountants office demanding not to take a loss as a deduction or demanding to pay more because the tax code is broken.
Did he pay more? maybe. It's a stupid thing to lie about if he didn't. I'd be curious to see if Pelosi, Schumar, McConnell, Romney, etc don't take the same deductions. The real issue is the tax code, not whether or not he maximized it to his benefit. Every person maximizes to their advantage. It's a reason people move out of NJ to Florida, Delaware, and Arizona. Heck if the tax code isn't working for corporations, they'll move. See the NYSE potentially moving out of NJ. And how many individuals will move out of NJ because of the new millionaire's tax being placed on the books yesterday?